43 research outputs found

    Classification of complications of epilepsy surgery and invasive diagnostic procedures: A proposed protocol and feasibility study

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    Objective: In epilepsy surgery, which aims to treat seizures and thereby to improve the lives of persons with drug-resistant epilepsy, the chances of attaining seizure relief must be carefully weighed against the risks of complications and expected adverse events. The interpretation of data regarding complications of epilepsy surgery and invasive diagnostic procedures is hampered by a lack of uniform definitions and method of data collection. Methods: Based on a review of previous definitions and classifications of complications, we developed a proposal for a new classification. This proposal was then subject to revisions after expert opinion within E-pilepsy, an EU-funded European pilot network of reference centers in refractory epilepsy and epilepsy surgery, later incorporated into the ERN (European Reference Network) EpiCARE. This version was discussed with recognized experts, and a final protocol was agreed to after further revision. The final protocol was evaluated in practical use over 1 year in three of the participating centers. One hundred seventy-four consecutive procedures were included with 35 reported complications. Results: This report presents a multidimensional classification of complications in epilepsy surgery and invasive diagnostic procedures, where complications are characterized in terms of their immediate effects, resulting permanent symptoms, and consequences on activities of daily living. Significance: We propose that the protocol will be helpful in the work to promote safety in epilepsy surgery and for future studies designed to identify risk factors for complications. Further work is needed to address the reporting of outcomes as regards neuropsychological function, activities of daily living, and quality of life

    The brain monitoring with information technology (BrainIT) collaborative network: EC feasibility study results

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    The BrainIT group works collaboratively on developing standards for collection and analyses of data from brain injured patients towards providing a more efficient infrastructure for assessing new health technology. Materials and methods Over a 2 year period, core dataset data (grouped by nine categories) were collected from 200 head-injured patients by local nursing staff. Data were uploaded by the BrainIT web and random samples of received data were selected automatically by computer for validation by data validation (DV) research nurse staff against gold standard sources held in the local centre. Validated data was compared with original data sent and percentage error rates calculated by data category. Findings Comparisons, 19,461, were made in proportion to the size of the data received with the largest number checked in laboratory data (5,667) and the least in the surgery data (567). Error rates were generally less than or equal to 6%, the exception being the surgery data class where an unacceptably high error rate of 34% was found. Conclusions The BrainIT core dataset (with the exception of the surgery classification) is feasible and accurate to collect. The surgery classification needs to be revised

    Localized responses in the midsuprasylvian gyrus of the cat following stimulation of the central lateral nucleus in thalamus

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    Response to B.S. Kasper, Acta Neuropathol (2002) 103:307

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