3 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of cytomegalovirus infection in the population of Polish pregnant women

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    Objectives: Human cytomegalovirus is a common etiological agent of infections and is the most common cause of intrauterine infections. Due to the scale and importance of infections during pregnancy, in this study we investigated the incidence of specific IgG and IgM antibodies directed against HCMV in population of Polish pregnant women. Material and Methods: The retrospective study included 1332 pregnant women who were hospitalized at the DFMMG in Lodz between 1999 and 2009. In this group, 117 women had serological features of acute cytomegalovirus infections (study group) and 51 women were seronegative for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies (control group). HCMV infections in pregnant women were diagnosed by serological assays (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgG avidity) and clinical symptoms. Results: Seroprevalence of CMV IgG was estimated to be 76.7% (n=985). Anti-HCMV immunoglobulin M antibodies were detected in 13% of pregnant women (n = 179). Conclusions: There was no significant correlation between the prevalence of IgG and IgM antibodies and factors such as maternal age, parity, a number of births, place of residence and marital status

    Analiza przebiegu ci膮偶y i porodu u nastolatek w latach 2000-2006

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    Abstract Objectives: The aim of our analysis was to retrospectively analyze the course of pregnancy and delivery in the group of Polish women, aged from 15 to 25. Material and methods: We analyzed 345 woman, aged 15-25, treated in the KMMPiG ICZMP in Lodz between the years 2000 and 2006. The investigated patients were divided into two groups: 15-18-year-olds constituted the research group and 19-25-year-olds, that is the control group. Factors which have been taken into consideration included: pregnancy history, ultrasound examinations, delivery mode, birth weight and the APGAR score. Results: 62.7% (n=69) delivered naturally, 30.9% (n=34) by caesarean section and 6.36% (n=7) by forceps in the group of adolescents and 67.6% (n=159), 32.4% (n=71) and 2% (n=5) (p=0.379; OR 1.27) in the control group. 25.5% (n=26) of the adolescent women (Streszczenie Cel pracy: Celem pracy by艂a analiza retrospektywna przebiegu ci膮偶y i porodu u m艂odych Polek w wieku 15-25 lat. Materia艂 i metody: Analizie poddano 345 kobiet w wieku 15-25 lat leczonych w KMMPiG ICZMP w 艁odzi w latach 2000-2006. Badane pacjentki podzielono na dwie grupy. Kobiety w wieku od 15 do 18 lat stanowi艂y grup臋 badan膮, natomiast w wieku 19-25 lat zakwalifikowano do grupy kontrolnej. W badaniu pod uwag臋 wzi臋to przebieg ci膮偶y, przeprowadzone badania ultrasonograficzne, spos贸b porodu, mas臋 urodzeniow膮 dziecka oraz ocen麓 dobrostanu w skali Apgar. Wyniki: W艣r贸d m艂odocianych 62,7% (n=69) kobiet urodzi艂o drogami i si艂ami natury, 30,9% (n=34) droga ci臋cia cesarskiego oraz 6,36% (n=7) droga porodu kleszczowego; w grupie kontrolnej odpowiednio 67,6% (n=159), 32,4% (n=71) i 2% (n=5) (p=0,379; OR 1,27). Spo艣r贸d badanych nastoletnich kobiet 25,5% (n=26) urodzi艂o przedwcze艣nie

    Ocena zwi膮zku poziomu wiremii HCMV u matki z przebiegiem ci膮偶y i stanem urodzeniowym noworodk贸w

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    Congenital cytomegaly is caused by intrauterine mother-to-fetus HCMV transmission and constitutes the most common vertical infection. Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the viremia level in maternal blood and its influence on the course and duration of pregnancy, as well as newborn condition. Material and methods: The material included blood samples collected from 117 pregnant women with serological features of HCMV infection and from 29 neonates hospitalized at DFMMG in Lodz between 1999 and 2009. The presence of HCMV DNA in the maternal and fetal blood was tested using real-time PCR. Results: Prevalence of maternal viremia was observed to increase the risk of viremia in neonates, as compared to children born to mothers with no viremia. However, lack of HCMV DNA in maternal blood does not exclude fetal infection in utero. Newborn condition assessed by Apgar scores was significantly lower in the group of infants born to mothers with serological features of acute cytomegaly (pWrodzona cytomegalia wywo艂ana transmisj膮 wirusa cytomegalii (HCMV) od matki do p艂odu, jest najcz臋stszym zaka偶eniem wertykalnym. Cel pracy: Celem pracy by艂a ocena poziomu wiremii u kobiet ci臋偶arnych i jej wp艂ywu na przebieg i czas trwania ci膮偶y oraz stan urodzeniowy noworodk贸w. Materia艂 i metody: Materia艂em do bada艅 by艂a krew pobrana od 117 ci臋偶arnych z serologicznymi cechami zaka偶enia HCMV oraz 29 noworodk贸w hospitalizowanych w Klinice Medycyny Matczyno-P艂odowej i Ginekologii Instytutu Centrum Zdrowia Matki Polki w latach 1999-2009. Liczba kopii DNA HCMV we krwi matek i dzieci oznaczana by艂a metod膮 PCR w czasie rzeczywistym (real-time PCR). Wyniki: Stwierdzono, 偶e wyst臋powanie wiremii HCMV u matki zwi臋ksza ryzyko wyst臋powania wiremii u noworodk贸w w por贸wnaniu z ryzykiem u dzieci matek bez wiremii, jednak偶e brak DNA HCMV we krwi matki nie wyklucza zaka偶enia p艂odu in utero. Stan urodzeniowy noworodk贸w oceniany w skali Apgar by艂 istotnie ni偶szy w grupie noworodk贸w urodzonych przez matki z serologicznymi cechami ostrej cytomegalii (