27 research outputs found
Measuring and estimating selected flight parameters of autogyro
W artykule opisano system do pomiaru i rejestracji parametrów wiatrakowca. Szczegółowo przedstawiono funkcje systemu oraz opisano zasadę pracy wybranych czujników pomiarowych. Przedstawiono też wyniki badań wykonanego systemu pomiarowo-rejestrującego podczas lotu badawczego. Badania te zostały przeprowadzone na wiatrakowcu Xenon firmy Celier Aviation.In the article the system for measurement and estimation of flight parameters of autogyro is presented. The structure of the system, its functionality and operating principles of selected sensors are addressed in details. Results of in-flight tests of the system are also presented. These tests have been conducted on Xenon autogyro, manufactured by Celier Aviation company
Results of test of measurement / data acquisition system in autogyro
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań systemu pomiarowo-rejestrującego. Badania te zostały przeprowadzone na wiatrakowcu Xenon firmy Celier Aviation. Przedstawiono zabudowane na obiekcie elementy systemu, w tym czujniki pomiarowe i układ przeliczająco rejestrujący wraz z zasilaniem. Pokazano przykładowy lot badawczy i wybrane parametry, które zostały zarejestrowane podczas tego lotu. Przedstawiona praca stanowi pierwszy etap powstania systemu ostrzegającego przed niebezpiecznymi stanami lotu wiatrakowca.In the article tests’ results of measurement & data acquisition system are presented. These tests have been completed on Xenon autogiro, manufactured by Celier Aviation company. System’s units installed on-board are discussed, including sensors, computing/data acquiring unit and power supply. The example test – flight is discussed as well as some diagrams of selected parameters recorded during this flight are attached. Presented work is the first step of realizing the idea of warning system against dangerous flight phases of aytogyro
Measuring and data acquisition system for flight parameters of autogyro
W artykule opisano system do pomiaru i rejestracji parametrów wiatrakowca. Szczegółowo przedstawiono funkcje systemu oraz opisano zasadę pracy wybranych czujników pomiarowych. Przedstawiono też wyniki wybranych badań laboratoryjnych systemu i badań na ruchomym obiekcie, samochodzie. Zamieszczono niektóre z zarejestrowanych przebiegów. Dotychczasowe pozytywne wyniki badań pozwalają na wykonanie w następnym kroku badań na pokładzie wiatrakowca.In the article the system for measurement and data acquisition of flight parameters of autogyro is presented. The structure of the system, its functionality and operating principles of selected sensors are addressed in details. Results of selected laboratory tests of the system as well as results of tests conducted on moving platform – a car, are also presented. Several diagrams of recorded signals are added. Obtained, positive results allow for the next step of research: in-flight tests on board of autogyro
FPGA Firmware Framework for MTCA.4 AMC Modules
Many of the modules in specific hardware architectures use the same or similar communication interfaces and IO connectors. MicroTCA (MTCA.4) is one example of such a case. All boards: communicate with the central processing unit (CPU) over PCI Express (PCIe), send data to each other using Multi-Gigabit Transceivers (MGT), use the same backplane resources and have the same Zone3 IO or FPGA mezzanine card (FMC) connectors. All those interfaces are connected and implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips. It makes possible to separate the interface logic from the application logic. This structure allows to reuse already done firmware for one application and to create new application on the same module. Also, already developed code can be reused in new boards as a library. Proper structure allows the code to be reused and makes it easy to create new firmware. This paper will present structures of firmware framework and scripting ideas to speed up firmware development for MTCA.4 architecture. European XFEL control systems firmware, which uses the described framework, will be presented as example
Implementation of the Beam Loading Compensation Algorithm in the LLRF System of the European XFEL
In the European XFEL, a maximum number of 2700 electron bunches per RF pulse with beam currents up to 4.5mA can be accelerated. Such large beam currents can cause a significant drop of the accelerating gradients, which results in large energy changes across the macro-pulse. But, the electron bunch energies should not deviate from the nominal energy to guarantee stable and reproducible generation of photon pulses for the European XFEL users. To overcome this issue, the Low Level RF system (LLRF) compensates in real-time the beam perturbation using a Beam Loading Compensation algorithm (BLC) minimizing the transient gradient variations. The algorithm takes the charge information obtained from beam diagnostic systems e.g. Beam Position Monitors (BPM) and information from the timing system. The BLC is a part of the LLRF controller implemented in the FPGA. The article presents the implementation of the algorithm in the FPGA and shows the results achieved with the BLC in the European XFEL
MicroTCA.4 based Single Cavity Regulation including Piezo Controls
We want to summarize the single cavity regulation with MTCA.4 electronics. Presented solution is based on the one MTCA.4 crate integrating both RF field control and piezo tuner control systems. The RF field control electronics consists of RTM for cavity probes sensing and high voltage power source driving, AMC for fast data processing and digital feedback operation. The piezo control system has been setup with high voltage RTMpiezo driver and low cost AMC based FMC carrier. The communication between both control systems is performed using low latency link over the AMC backplane with data throughput up to the 3.125 Gbps. First results from CW operation of the RF field controller and the cavity active resonance control with the piezo tuners are demonstrated and briefly discussed
Experience with Single Cavity and Piezo Controls for Short, Long Pulse and CW Operation
We present a compact RF control system for superconducting radio frequency SCRF single cavities based on MicroTCA.4 equipped with specialized advanced mezzanine cards AMCs and rear transition modules RTMs . To sense the RF signals from the cavity and to drive the high power source, a DRTM DWC8VM1 module is used equipped with 8 analog field detectors and one RF vector modulator. Fast cavity frequency tuning is achieved by piezo actuators attached to the cavity and a RTM piezo driver module DRTMPZT4 . Data processing of the RF signals and the real time control algorithms are implemented on a Virtex 6 and a Spartan 6 FPGAs within two AMC s SIS8300 L2V2 and DAMC FMC20 . The compact single cavity control system was tested at Cryo Module Test Bench CMTB at DESY. Software and firmware were developed to support all possible modes, the short pulse SP , the long pulse LP and CW operation mode with duty cycles ranging from 1 to 100 . The SP mode used a high power multi beam klystron at high loaded quality factor QL of 3 106. For the LP mode up to 50 duty cycle and the CW mode a 120 kW IOT tube was used at QL up to 1.5 107. Within this paper we present the achieved performance and report on the operation experience on such system
Precision Regulation for SRF Cavities Using MTCA.4
The stable and reproducible generation of a high average brilliance photon beam at Free Electron Lasers requires a high-precision radio frequency regulation of the accelerating fields inside the cavities. ELBE (Electron Linac for beams with high Brilliance and low Emittance) is a multi-purpose radiation source at HZDR (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf). The LLRF system controls two normal conducting buncher cavities (one operating at 260 MHz and one at 1300 GHz), a super-conducting gun cavity and 4 super conducting TESLA-type accelerating cavities. Field detection resolution was improved and measurement results are presented. The system’s architecture and possible future system developments are discusse
Implementing a ReboT Server on a Microblaze
Data acquisition over an IP network is convenient for diagnostics, monitoring and control applications. The ReboT protocol (Register Based Access Over TCP) extends the MTCA4U deviceaccess framework, letting it access supported hardware over TCP/IP. Using ReboT, the Python and Matlab bindings provided by the framework give application developers a convenient way to access hardware over the network. The poster discusses the server side implementation of ReboT on a Microblaze soft core. We present our experience implementing the code on the Microblaze using FreeRTOS and the Netconn API of the LWIP stack. We also compare network performance against an implementation realized using the Xilinx kernel and the socket API of the LWIP stack