270 research outputs found

    Three Spin Spiky Strings in beta-deformed Background

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    We study rigidly rotating strings in β\beta-deformed AdS5×S5AdS_5\times S^5 background with one spin along AdS5_5 and two angular momenta along S5S^5. We find the spiky string solutions and present the dispersion relation among various charges in this background. We further generalize the result to the case of four angular momenta along AdS5×Sγ5AdS_5 \times S_{\gamma}^5.Comment: 12 pages, minor corrections, added references, to appear in JHE

    Spiky Strings on I-brane

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    We study rigidly rotating strings in the near horizon geometry of the 1+1 dimensional intersection of two orthogonal stacks of NS5-branes, the so called I-brane background. We solve the equations of motion of the fundamental string action in the presence of two form NS-NS fluxes that the I-brane background supports and write down general form of conserved quantities. We further find out two limiting cases corresponding to giant magnon and single spike like strings in various parameter space of solutions.Comment: 17 pages, major restructuring of text, added a referenc

    Infinite spin limit of semiclassical string states

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    Motivated by recent works of Hofman and Maldacena and Dorey we consider a special infinite spin limit of semiclassical spinning string states in AdS5 x S5. We discuss examples of known folded and circular 2-spin string solutions and demonstrate explicitly that the 1-loop superstring correction to the classical expression for the energy vanishes in the limit when one of the spins is much larger that the other. We also give a general discussion of this limit at the level of integral equations describing finite gap solutions of the string sigma model and argue that the corresponding asymptotic form of the string and gauge Bethe equations is the same.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; v2: comments on derivation of bound states of magnons from discrete Bethe equations added in section 4 and appendix C, references added, Imperial-TP-AT-6-4, HUTP-06/A002

    Neumann and Neumann-Rosochatius integrable systems from membranes on AdS_4xS^7

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    It is known that large class of classical string solutions in the type IIB AdS_5xS^5 background is related to the Neumann and Neumann-Rosochatius integrable systems, including spiky strings and giant magnons. It is also interesting if these integrable systems can be associated with some membrane configurations in M-theory. We show here that this is indeed the case by presenting explicitly several types of membrane embedding in AdS_4xS^7 with the searched properties.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, no figures;v2: comments and citations added;v3: 20 pages, new subsection, explanations, comments and references added; v4: some typos fixed, to appear in JHE

    String/(D5)(D-5)-brane Duality and SS Duality as Symmetries of Actions

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    We realize the string/(D5)(D-5)-brane duality on the action level between the T10DT^{10-D}-compactified heterotic string effective action and the (D5)(D-5)- brane effective action in DD dimensions by managing a Lagrange multiplier field. A dual dictionary is composed to be available for the translation between the elementary or solitonic solutions of the dual pair of actions. In the same way the SS duality is also reconstructed on the action level as a double dualization for the T6T^6-compactified heterotic string effective action.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure

    Spiky strings and single trace operators in gauge theories

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    We consider single trace operators of the form O_{m_1 ... m_n} = tr D_+^{m_1} F ... D_+^{m_n} F which are common to all gauge theories. We argue that, when all m_i are equal and large, they have a dual description as strings with cusps, or spikes, one for each field F. In the case of N=4 SYM, we compute the energy as a function of angular momentum by finding the corresponding solutions in AdS_5 and compare with a 1-loop calculation of the anomalous dimension. As in the case of two spikes (twist two operators), there is agreement in the functional form but not in the coupling constant dependence. After that, we analyze the system in more detail and find an effective classical mechanics describing the motion of the spikes. In the appropriate limit, it is the same (up to the coupling constant dependence) as the coherent state description of linear combinations of the operators O_{m_1 ... m_n} such that all m_i are equal on average. This agreement provides a map between the operators in the boundary and the position of the spikes in the bulk. We further suggest that moving the spikes in other directions should describe operators with derivatives other than D_+ indicating that these ideas are quite generic and should help in unraveling the string description of the large-N limit of gauge theories.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. v2: References and comments adde

    Generalized pulsating strings

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    In this paper we consider new solutions for pulsating strings. For this purpose we use tha idea of the generalized ansatz for folded and circular strings in hep-th/0311004. We find the solutions to the resulting Neumann-Rosochatius integrable system and the corrections to the energy. To do that we use the approach developed by Minahan in hep-th/0209047 and find that the corrections are quite different from those obtained in that paper and hep-th/0310188. We conclude with comments on our solutions and obtained corrections to the energy, expanded to the leading order in lambda.Comment: v.2 references added, citations corrected, 18 page

    Giant Magnons under NS-NS and Melvin Fields

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    The giant magnon is a rotating spiky string configuration which has the same dispersion relation between the energy and angular momentum as that of a spin magnon. In this paper we investigate the effects of the NS-NS and Melvin fields on the giant magnon. We first analyze the energy and angular momenta of the two-spin spiky D-string moving on the AdS3×S1AdS_3\times S^1 with the NS-NS field. Due to the infinite boundary of the AdS spacetime the D-string solution will extend to infinity and it appears the divergences. After adding the counter terms we obtain the dispersion relation of the corresponding giant magnon. The result shows that there will appear a prefactor before the angular momentum, in addition to some corrections in the sine function. We also see that the spiky profile of a rotating D-string plays an important role in mapping it to a spin magnon. We next investigate the energy and angular momentum of the one-spin spiky fundamental string moving on the R×S2R \times S^2 with the electric or magnetic Melvin field. The dispersion relation of the corresponding deformed giant magnon is also obtained. We discuss some properties of the correction terms and their relations to the spin chain with deformations.Comment: Latex 20 pages, mention D-string and add reference

    Circular and Folded Multi-Spin Strings in Spin Chain Sigma Models

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    From the SU(2) spin chain sigma model at the one-loop and two-loop orders we recover the classical circular string solution with two S^5 spins (J_1, J_2) in the AdS_5 x S^5 string theory. In the SL(2) sector of the one-loop spin chain sigma model we explicitly construct a solution which corresponds to the folded string solution with one AdS_5 spin S and one S^5 spin J. In the one-loop general sigma model we demonstrate that there exists a solution which reproduces the energy of the circular constant-radii string solution with three spins (S_1, S_2, J).Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Spinning Pulsating String Solitons in AdS_5 x S^5

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    We point out the existence of some simple string solitons in AdS_5 x S^5, which at the same time are spinning in AdS_5 and pulsating in S^5, or vice-versa. This introduces an additional arbitrary constant into the scaling relations between energy and spin or R-charge. The arbitrary constant is not an angular momentum, but can be related to the amplitude of the pulsation. We discuss the solutions in detail and consider the scaling relations. Pulsating multi spin or multi R-charge solutions can also be constructed.Comment: 15 pages, Late