41 research outputs found


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    Critical pedagogy is education that aims to fight oppression. Paolo Friere formulated the idea critical pedagogy in the book “Pedagogy of The Oppressed” as an eJort to deal with various forms of oppression and dehumanization and to seek a more humane education. Pedagogy of the oppressed is oriented towards full human self-actualization. Critical pedagogy is humane education that aims the full development of human beings to achieve their authenticity which is often hampered by repression and domination. With liberating education paradigm, critical pedagogy is diJerent from bank-model education where the teacher dominates the learning process and students only listen. Liberating education paradigm treats students as subjects and prioritizes problem-facing education. In critical education, the education process is directed at the awareness of oppression. Awareness of oppression is directed not only to the oppressed but also to the oppressors, because according to Freire the oppressors are oppressed people. 

    Bapa-bapa gereja berfilsafat

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    Pendidikan kritis yang membebaskan: belajar dari Paolo Freire

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    Pendidikan kritis adalah pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk melawan penindasan. Paolo Friere merumuskan ide mengenai pendidikan kritis dalam buku Pedagogy of The Oppressed sebagai upaya untuk menghadapi berbagai bentuk penindasan dan dehumanisasi serta mengupayakan pendidikan yang lebih manusiawi. Pendidikan kritis merupakan pendidikan yang berorientasi pada aktualisasi diri manusia sepenuhnya. Pendidikan yang manusiawi mengupayakan perkembangan utuh manusia untuk mencapai otentitisitasnya yang seringkali terhalang oleh represi dan dominasi. Paradigma pendidikan yang membebaskan berbeda dengan pendidikan gaya bank di mana guru mendominasi proses belajar dan murid hanya mendengarkan. Pendidikan yang membebaskan memperlakukan anak didik sebagai subjek dan mengedepankan pendidikan hadap-masalah. Dalam pendidikan kritis, proses pendidikan diarahkan pada kesadaran akan ketertindasan. Kesadaran akan ketertindasan diarahkan bukan hanya pada kaum tertindas tetapi juga oleh kepada kaum penindas, karena menurut Freire kaum penindas adalah orang yang tertindas

    Bapa-bapa gereja berfilsafat

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    Faith and God According to Jacques Derrida

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    This article asserts that Derrida’s concept of faith, which is devoid of the object, is faith in the nothingness that still requires the concept of God. In the first part, I explain the position of faith in religion. Derrida, who can be called an atheist, states that religion is an unavoidable question. In the second part, I explain how the concept of faith in nothingness tends to negate faith. Faith which is marked by hope and restlessness is faith without the object. In the third part, I explain that the concept of faith without an object requires the concept of God. The deconstruction of the concept of a God who reveals Himself is expressed in the idea of the death of God as the core of Christianity. In the fourth section, I elucidate the significance of Derrida's concept of faith without an object for believers, concluding this article

    Pendidikan dan teknologi siber

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