47 research outputs found


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    Проведений аналіз 82 медичних карт стаціонарних хворих з венозними трофічними виразками (ВТВ). Водневий показник у пацієнтів з ВТВ визначали у трьох точках: з поверхні виразки, трофічно зміненої та незміненої шкіри і з виразки. Цитологічне дослідження виділень з ран проведене у 32 (39,1%) хворих за методом мазків-відбитків. У 19 (23,2%) хворих переважала стадія ексудації, у 37 (45,1%) – грануляції, у 26 (31,7%) – епітелізації. В усіх стадіях ранового процесу у міру збільшення відстані від виразки спостерігали зсув рН у кислий бік. Характерними для першої фази ранового процесу були дегенеративно-запальний і запальний типи цитограм, для фази грануляції – запально-регенераторний та регенераторний

    Stability of the inverse resonance problem on the line

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    In the absence of a half-bound state, a compactly supported potential of a Schr\"odinger operator on the line is determined up to a translation by the zeros and poles of the meropmorphically continued left (or right) reflection coefficient. The poles are the eigenvalues and resonances, while the zeros also are physically relevant. We prove that all compactly supported potentials (without half-bound states) that have reflection coefficients whose zeros and poles are \eps-close in some disk centered at the origin are also close (in a suitable sense). In addition, we prove stability of small perturbations of the zero potential (which has a half-bound state) from only the eigenvalues and resonances of the perturbation.Comment: 21 page

    Analyticity and uniform stability in the inverse spectral problem for Dirac operators

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    We prove that the inverse spectral mapping reconstructing the square integrable potentials on [0,1] of Dirac operators in the AKNS form from their spectral data (two spectra or one spectrum and the corresponding norming constants) is analytic and uniformly stable in a certain sense.Comment: 19 page

    Prevalence of olfactory disorders of various etiologies

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    The purpose of the study is to summarize information from available literature sources and analyze statistical data of the survey conducted to study the prevalence of olfactory disorders of unknown etiology, including disorders caused by SARSCoV-2, and consider possible mechanisms of their development.Цель исследования — обобщить информацию из доступных литературных источников и проанализировать статистические данные проведённого опроса для изучения распространённости нарушения обоняния неизвестной этиологии, включающей нарушения, вызванные SARSCoV-2, и рассмотрения возможных механизмов их развития

    Genital mutilation as a consequence of criminal offence against a person

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    The aim: The paper is aimed at creation of a procedure for determining the loss of any body organ or its functions, genital mutilation, as the signs of grievous bodily harm, penalty for which is stipulated by the Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as well as establishing the possibilities of legal setting of the concept of “genital mutilation”. Materials and methods: Over 100 criminal proceedings, involving forensic medical examination, under the Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for the period from 2007 to 19.05.2019 have been studied. Common methods of research have been used, namely, the analysis and synthesis, statistical method, as well as own observations of the process of judicial examination of the above criminal proceedings, as well as individual interviews, survey of the victims and their family members in total of 39 people. Results and conclusions: The findings of the investigation enabled detecting the gaps in the regulation of the procedure to define genital mutilation as a characteristic feature of grievous bodily harm. The ways of further improvement of the procedure of conducting expert studies of genital mutilation as a characteristic feature of bodily harm, which facilitates avoiding of errors in forensic medical and judicial practices have been found. The process of criminalization of the illegal conduct of surgical operations, resulted in mutilation of genitalia, must take place with the mandatory involvement of specialists in the field of practical medicine, as well as medical scientists specializing in sexopathology, gynecology, oncogynecology, forensic medicine in order to avoid errors in the lawmaking

    Stability of circular orbits of spinning particles in Schwarzschild-like space-times

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    Circular orbits of spinning test particles and their stability in Schwarzschild-like backgrounds are investigated. For these space-times the equations of motion admit solutions representing circular orbits with particles spins being constant and normal to the plane of orbits. For the de Sitter background the orbits are always stable with particle velocity and momentum being co-linear along them. The world-line deviation equations for particles of the same spin-to-mass ratios are solved and the resulting deviation vectors are used to study the stability of orbits. It is shown that the orbits are stable against radial perturbations. The general criterion for stability against normal perturbations is obtained. Explicit calculations are performed in the case of the Schwarzschild space-time leading to the conclusion that the orbits are stable.Comment: eps figures, submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Спосіб введення та розрахунку дози антибактеріального препарату широкого спектра дії (кларитроміцину) лабораторним білим щурам

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    Спосіб введення та розрахунку дози антибактеріального препарату широкого спектра дії (кларитроміцину) лабораторним білим щурам включає введення медикаментозних речовин у стравохід. Використовують перорапьне введення речовин, а як препарат використовують антибактеріальний засіб широкого спектра дії - кларитроміцин, шляхом розведенням таблетки 500 мг у воді і дозуванням за допомогою інсулінового шприца