42 research outputs found
Genital mutilation as a consequence of criminal offence against a person
The aim: The paper is aimed at creation of a procedure for determining the loss of any body organ or its functions, genital mutilation, as the signs of grievous bodily harm, penalty for which is stipulated by the Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as well as establishing the possibilities of legal setting of the concept of “genital mutilation”.
Materials and methods: Over 100 criminal proceedings, involving forensic medical examination, under the Article 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for the period from 2007 to 19.05.2019 have been studied. Common methods of research have been used, namely, the analysis and synthesis, statistical method, as well as own observations of the process of judicial examination of the above criminal proceedings, as well as individual interviews, survey of the victims and their family members in total of 39 people.
Results and conclusions: The findings of the investigation enabled detecting the gaps in the regulation of the procedure to define genital mutilation as a characteristic feature of grievous bodily harm. The ways of further improvement of the procedure of conducting expert studies of genital mutilation as a characteristic feature of bodily harm, which facilitates avoiding of errors in forensic medical and judicial practices have been found. The process of criminalization of the illegal conduct of surgical operations, resulted in mutilation of genitalia, must take place with the mandatory involvement of specialists in the field of practical medicine, as well as medical scientists specializing in sexopathology, gynecology, oncogynecology, forensic medicine in order to avoid errors in the lawmaking
Analyticity and uniform stability in the inverse spectral problem for Dirac operators
We prove that the inverse spectral mapping reconstructing the square
integrable potentials on [0,1] of Dirac operators in the AKNS form from their
spectral data (two spectra or one spectrum and the corresponding norming
constants) is analytic and uniformly stable in a certain sense.Comment: 19 page
Stability of the inverse resonance problem on the line
In the absence of a half-bound state, a compactly supported potential of a
Schr\"odinger operator on the line is determined up to a translation by the
zeros and poles of the meropmorphically continued left (or right) reflection
coefficient. The poles are the eigenvalues and resonances, while the zeros also
are physically relevant. We prove that all compactly supported potentials
(without half-bound states) that have reflection coefficients whose zeros and
poles are \eps-close in some disk centered at the origin are also close (in a
suitable sense). In addition, we prove stability of small perturbations of the
zero potential (which has a half-bound state) from only the eigenvalues and
resonances of the perturbation.Comment: 21 page
Информационная система передачи данных с энергетических объєктов на базе теплосчетчиков SA-97
У статті розглядається інформаційна система передачі даних енергетичних об’єктів з
програмним забезпеченням, розробленим в середовищі Delphi 5.Information system of data transfer by energy
objects with software based on Delphi 5 is
considered.В статье рассматривается информационная
система передачи данных энергетических
объектов с программным обеспечением,
разработанным в среде Delphi 5
This article aims to characterize an integration of the process of education to European area, some current problems of the interactive teaching methods have been analyzed including multimedia technologies and computer testing. In terms of the rapid development of the society teachers are facing the new challenges of the scientific and methodical approaches to professional disciplines. The modern approach involves a presentation of the new materials allowing for the large volume of educational information at a certain period of time and effective organization of the process of education and objective evaluation of the results.У статті, з метою інтеграції навчального процесу до Європейського простору, проаналізовані деякі сучасні застосування інтерактивних методів навчання, зокрема мультимедійних технологій та комп’ютерного тестування. В умовах інформатизації суспільства і бурхливого розвитку техніки перед викладачами постають нові завдання до організації науково-методичного підходу викладання фахових дисциплін. Сучасний підхід передбачає презентацію нового матеріалу при великому обсязі інформації за певний час, ефективну організацію навчального процесу та об’єктивного оцінювання його результатів
We see that taking into account direct solar pressure lagrangian triangular points of libration L4 and L5 do not exist, but for each of the trial body there exist two points of photolibration L4* and L5*which, together with the heavy bodies are the vertices of scalene triangles with constant sides. The existence of trial bodies with different «windage» leads to the existence of photolibration lines.Показано, что при учете солнечного давления лагранжевы треугольные точки либрации L4 и L5 не существуют, но существуют для каждого пробного тела две точки фотолибрации L4* и L5*, которые вместе с тяжелыми телами являются вершинами разносторонних треугольников с постоянными сторонами. Существование пробных тел с разной «парусностью» приводит к существованию линий фотолибрации
Taking into account the star light pressure it is proved that for a star-dark body-test body system in the bounded planar circular problem of three bodies there exist a countless number of photolibtation points filling up three segments of the straight line passing through the star and the dark body (collinear case) or those points filling up the two circular arcs passing through the Lagrangian libration points L4, L5 (triangular case).Доказано, что для системы звезда-темное тело-пробное тело в ограниченной плоской круговой задаче трех тел при учете светового давления звезды существует бесчисленное количество точек фотолибрации, заполняющих три отрезка на прямой, проходящей через звезду и темное тело (коллинеарный случай), или заполняющие две дуги окружности, проходящие через лагранжевы точки либрации L4, L5 (треугольный случай)
Improvement of adaptation to structures removable dentures in patients with ischemic heart disease
За результатами проведеного анкетування пацієнтів з ішемічною хворобою серця до і після застосування лікувально-профілактичного комплексу ми дійшли висновку, що покращуються загальні відчуття пацієнтів, слабшають відчуття сухості в порожнині рота (на 40,9%) і дискомфорту при застосуванні зубних протезів (на 29,2%), отже, покращується адаптація до знімних конструкцій зубних протезів; По результатам проведенного анкетирования пациентов с ишемической болезнью сердца до и после применения лечебно-профилактического комплекса мы пришли к выводу, что улучшаются общие ощущения пациентов, ослабевают ощущение сухости в полости рта (на 40,9%) и дискомфорта при применении зубных протезов (на 29 2%), следовательно, улучшается адаптация к съемным конструкциям зубных протезов; The aim - to improve the process of adaptation to removable designs of dentures in patients with coronary heart disease.
To achieve this goal, we examined 81 patients aged 42 to 67 years.
I (basic) group consisted of 53 patients who underwent structures removable dentures (partial removable dentures (PRD) and who had a history of major diseases - coronary heart disease, stable tensional angina FC II - III FC.
II group - 31 patients who received the combinED treatment together with a cardiologist (antiplatelet therapy and dental treatment) and who were administered health care complex.
The control group was involved 28 people aged 42 to 60 who belonged to the second group of health by the WHO classification.
Patients of the main group after treatment of the underlying disease and the appointment of conservative treatment in 7-20 days time held dental treatment (partial removable dentures with appointment of health-care complex).
The proposed health care complex had such algorithm of use: softener oral "Corsodyl" - 3-5 times a day after meals; clean teeth and dentures 2 times a day (morning and bedtime) toothpaste "Parodontax" and the bath of solution Ringer 3-5 times a day, with dryness in the mouth
For the functional assessment made dentures were designed by us and proposed to use two methods of assessing patients to adapt designs removable dentures:
- Objective evaluation - "Method of determining the degree of adaptation to the designs of removable dentures," Ukraine patent for utility model №101852 of 12.10.15;
- Subjective evaluation - "Method of accelerated determination adaptation of patients to removable dentures designs using screening test" certificate of registration of copyright Ukraine №59280 15.04.2015.
The first questionnaire includes only clinical data fills a dentist and does not reflect the subjective feelings of the patient. The second profile is completely based on the coverage of their own feelings patient and filled only patient. According to these questionnaires, we determined the degree of adaptation of patients to removable designs of dentures and compared its components. Questioning was conducted immediately after the prosthesis after 30 days and after 80-100 days of treatment.
The results of the survey of patients with coronary heart disease before and after the use of health-care complex, we have concluded that improving the general feeling of patients diminish dryness of the mouth (40.9%) and discomfort when using dentures (29, 2%), thus improving adaptation to removable designs of dentures