21 research outputs found
Data Acquisition & Management: TU1206 COST Sub-Urban WG2 Report
City authorities and other stakeholders in urban environments produce and have access to a greater density of data than is often the case in lesser populated areas, however, it is often very difficult to collate all relevant information together in a useful and easily communicated manner. With such a wide spectrum of stakeholder groups, each with specialist requirements and differing levels of knowledge, it is extremely challenging to provide effective communication tools that disseminate geoscience data and models as useable information. Information about the subsurface needs to be made available in ways which are appropriate to each type of consumer, from a geotechnical engineer carrying out a site investigation to a member of the public wanting to know if their house is at risk of flooding.
Arguably the biggest challenges facing those who attempt to understand urban subsurface environments is developing a reliable and affordable strategy for data acquisition, storage, management and communication. Relationships between geological properties and human processes need to be better understood, this requires a greater understanding of interdisciplinary relationships. Geological Survey Organisations (GSOs), and other public bodies, need to incorporate data from external, sometimes commercial, sources in order to see the whole picture and despite advances in technology which have resulted in more data being made available in digital formats, there remains a large body of analogue data sources which are expensive to digitize. Financial constraints on public authorities and the increasing volumes and variability of data generated means that the current labour intensive processes for acquiring subsurface data are unsustainable. In order to minimize manual processing it is necessary for newly acquired data to be captured and communicated between stakeholders using standardized digital formats that support automated processing
Opening up the subsurface for the cities of tomorrow Considering access to subsurface knowledge – Evaluation of practices and techniques
This report is the result of COST Action TU1206 Working Group 2, Work package 2.3, and focusses on 3D urban subsurface modelling and visualisation. The major aims of this report are: 1) evaluating current techniques and identify good practices / best efforts in 3D geological modelling and visualisation of the urban subsurface, based on case studies, and 2) co-developing (subsurface specialists & model users) requirements for optimal use of 3D geological modelling information in specific planning and policy contexts.
Three major topics have been considered:
• Constructing and maintaining 3D urban geological models
• Modelling man-made ground
• Visualising 3D urban subsurface model results
To improve the use of subsurface modelling in urban planning in the future, the following challenges have been identified:
• The complexity of the urban subsurface, including man-made ground, combined with the
level of detail of information asked for in many urban planning issues demand that
geologists look beyond their traditional data sources.
• Combined 3D property modelling of the small-scale heterogeneity of man-made deposits
and natural deposits requires new modelling approaches.
• Management of the shallow urban subsurface requires model tools that can be frequently updated to reflect the frequently changing properties and functions of the urban subsurface.
• There is a need for dynamic (4D) urban subsurface models that can be used for real-time monitoring and incorporation of time-series data on subsurface properties.
• It would be cost-effective to have an actively maintained, scalable geological framework model of a city available that forms a common basis for the various kinds of dedicated
models of parts of the city.
• To give subsurface information a firm position in urban planning and management, geological information will have to be presented in the right format, and at the right time. It is absolutely necessary to include the subsurface infrastructure and to combine the model with above-ground information
Evaluation of thermal conductivity estimation models with laboratory-measured thermal conductivities of sediments
Thermal conductivity is one of the key parameters for estimating low-temperature geothermal potential. In addition to field techniques, it can be determined based on physical parameters of the sediment measured in the laboratory. Following the methodology for cohesive and non-cohesive sample preparation, laboratory measurements were carried out on 30 samples of sediments. Density, porosity and water content of samples were measured and used in thermal conductivity estimation models (TCEM). The bulk thermal conductivity (λb) calculated with six TCEMs was compared with the measured λb to evaluate the predictive capacity of the analytical methods used. The results show that the empirical TCEMs are suitable to predict the λb of the analysed sediment types, with the standard deviation of the residuals (RMSE) ranging from 0.11 to 0.35 Wm−1 K−1. To improve the fit, this study provides a new modified parameterisation of two empirical TCEMs (Kersten and Côté&Konrad model) and, therefore, suggests the most suitable TCEMs for specific sample conditions. The RMSE ranges from 0.11 to 0.29 Wm−1 K−1. Mixing TCEM showed an RMSE of up to 2.00 Wm−1 K−1, meaning they are not suitable for predicting sediment λb. The study provides an insight into the analytical determination of thermal conductivity based on the physical properties of sediments. The results can help to estimate the low-temperature geothermal potential more quickly and easily and promote the sustainable use of this renewable energy source, which has applications in environmental and engineering science
Low temperature geothermal energy : geological information and legal proceeding
In the article legal proceeding for design and implementation of ground source heat exchangers for low temperature geothermal systems were presented and the role of geological authorities in the process was emphasized. The article was focused only on closed loop systems as such are the most popular systems in Poland. The main sources of geological information necessary for the design of ground source heat exchangers were presented. The geological information sources dedicated for low temperature geothermal energy systems (heat pumps) such as GIS geothermal potential maps were identified
Influence of moisture content of mineral soils on the value of effective thermal conductivity based on the results of laboratory measurements
The article presents the results of laboratory tests of thermal conductivity of mineral soils. Measurements were performed on the basis of the previously developed methodology. Knowledge of values of the thermal conductivity coefficient of soil is essential for the design of installations that use thermal properties of subsoil for energetic purposes. The results of the measurements are stored in the rock and soil thermal properties database, in which additional physical parameters of soils are collected as well. Based on the information from the database, the authors presented the relationship between soil moisture (non-cohesive soils), the liquidity index (cohesive soils), and their thermal conductivity
Contemporary Problems of Engineering Geology in Poland
Od 15 do 17 października 2014 r. w Lublinie ponad 150 geologów inżynierskich, geotechników, projektantów i inwestorów wymieniło się doświadczeniami z realizacji najnowszych inwestycji budowlanych w Polsce, w tym drogowych i energetycznych.Over 150 engineering geologists, geotechnics specialists, designers and investors who met on October 15-17, 2014 in Lublin shared their experience from the latest construction projects in Poland, including road and power generation and transmission projects
Revitalization of lastrico concrete floors in historical objects
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia materiałowe i technologiczne dotyczące posadzek typu lastrico w aspekcie oceny ich stanu technicznego oraz sposobów naprawy i rewitalizacji. Określone zostały ramowe wytyczne prowadzenia oceny stanu technicznego, etapowania prac renowacyjnych, jak również sposobów wzmocnienia i wykonywania uzupełnień w warstwie wierzchniej posadzki lastrico. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na efekty wizualne i estetyczne rewitalizacji posadzek lastrico w obiektach zabytkowych.This paper presents material and technological issues concerning terrazzo floors in terms of their technical condition evaluation and methods of repair and revitalization. Framework guidelines for conducting the assessment of technical condition, stages of restoration works, as well as methods of strengthening and making additions to the surface layer of the lastrico floors have been specified. Special attention was paid to the visual and aesthetic effects of the revitalization of lastrico floors in historical buildings
Assessment of low-temperature geothermal energy potential based on analysis, interpretation and reclassification of geological data in urban areas
Gruntowe pompy ciepła (GPC) wykorzystujące niskotemperaturową energię geotermalną stanowią nowoczesne i cenione źródło ogrzewania i chłodzenia budynków. W ostatnich latach w Europie zastosowanie GPC, przede wszystkim systemów zamkniętych z otworowymi wymiennikami ciepła (OWC), stale wzrasta. GPC umożliwiają redukcję niskiej emisji, a ich przeznaczenie dotyczy zarówno miast, jak i obszarów wiejskich. O efektywności GPC decydują warunki geotermiczne podłoża skalnego, które zależą głównie od budowy geologicznej i warunków hydrogeologicznych, stąd ich rozpoznanie jest zasadnicze dla odpowiedniego projektowania i eksploatacji GPC. Artykuł prezentuje metodykę przetwarzania, analizy i interpretacji danych dotyczących podłoża skalnego dla obszarów miejskich na przykładzie wybranej inwestycji, opracowaną w projekcie Geothermal4PL. Dane pochodzące z tematycznych baz danych, atlasów i map seryjnych zgromadzone zostały w bazie danych o ujednoliconej strukturze umożliwiającej ich analizę przestrzenną z wykorzystaniem GIS. Zgodnie z przyjętym algorytmem wykonano reklasyfikację właściwości litologicznych na geotermiczne oraz obliczono wartości przewodności cieplnej λ [W/m∙K] i jednostkowej wydajności cieplnej qv [W/m] analizowanych skał i gruntów. Na tej podstawie wykonano cztery mapy średniej przewodności cieplnej λ i jednostkowej wydajności cieplnej qv, dla 1800 [godzin pracy/rok], dla przedziałów głębokościowych do 40, 70, 100 i 130 m p.p.t. dla każdej lokalizacji. Wyniki badań umożliwiły charakterystykę przydatności danej lokalizacji dla zastosowania GPC i ocenę potencjału geotermii niskotemperaturowej.The ground source heat pumps (GSHP) using low temperature geothermal energy are the modern and valuable source of heating and cooling of buildings. Recently, the application of GSHP in Europe, especially the closed loop systems with borehole heat exchangers (BHE) has constantly been growing. The GSHPs provide for the reduction of low emissions, and their application refers to both urban and rural areas. Effectiveness of GSHPs is mainly determined by the geothermal conditions of underground which in turn depend on local geology and hydrogeology, thus their identification is crucial for an appropriate design and exploitation of GSHPs installations. This paper presents the methodology of processing, analysis and interpretation of underground data for urban areas of the selected investment as developed within the framework of the Geothermal 4PL project. Data originating from the thematic databases, atlases and serial maps were gathered in a unified database showing a uniform structure enabling their spatial analysis with use of GIS. According to an algorithm accepted for the sake of the project the reclassification of lithological parameters into the geothermal parameters was performed as well as the values of geothermal conductivity λ [W/m∙K] and geothermal power unit qv [W/m] of analyzed rocks and soils were calculated. Based on the results of calculations four maps of average geothermal conductivity coefficient λ for every investment area were prepared, each for the depth interval up to 40, 70, 100 and 130 metres. The results of the presented research made possible characteristics and an evaluation of the usefulness of selected locations for applications of shallow geothermal energy and GSHPs as well as assessment of shallow geothermal energy potential
Badania eksperymentalne przebicia płyt płaskich wykonanych z lekkiego betonu kruszywowego
In the paper the results of authors’ experimental investigations concerning punching shear of flat slabs made from lightweight concrete with "CERTYD" aggregate were presented. This aggregate is manufactured from fly ash accumulated in electrostatic precipitators and ash-slag mixture from wet furnace waste generated in the process of burning hard coal in a combined heat and power plant. A total of six specimens with dimensions of 2400 x 2400 x 200 mm were tested. The slabs were connected with short fragments of columns of a cross-section of 250 x 250 mm and a height of 150 mm. The main variable parameter was slab longitudinal reinforcement ratio ρl, equal to 0.47, 0.86 and 1.23% intentionally. One of the pair of models with the same longitudinal reinforcement was the control specimen and did not contain shear reinforcement.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki własnych badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących przebicia płaskich płyt z betonu lekkiego, wykonanego na kruszywie „CERTYD”, produkowane przez firmę LSA sp. z o.o. z Białegostoku. Kruszywo to powstaje z popiołów lotnych zgromadzonych w elektrofiltrach i mieszanki popiołowo-żużlowej z mokrego usuwania odpadów piecowych, wytwarzanych w procesie spalania węgla kamiennego w elektrociepłowni. Zbadano 6 modeli płyt płaskich o wymiarach 2400 x 2400 x 200 mm, połączonych z krótkimi fragmentami słupów o przekroju 250 x 250 mm i wysokości 150 mm. Głównym parametrem zmiennym był stopień zbrojenia podłużnego ρl, równy w zmierzeniu 0,47, 0,86 oraz 1,23%. Jeden z pary modeli o tym samym stopniu zbrojenia stanowił element odniesienia dla modelu zbrojonego na przebicie
Revitalization of lastrico concrete floors in historical objects. Part 1
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia materiałowe i technologiczne dotyczące posadzek typu lastrico w aspekcie oceny ich stanu technicznego oraz sposobów naprawy i rewitalizacji. Określone zostały ramowe wytyczne prowadzenia oceny stanu technicznego, etapowania prac renowacyjnych, jak również sposobów wzmocnienia oraz wykonywania uzupełnień w warstwie wierzchniej posadzki lastrico. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na efekty wizualne i estetyczne rewitalizacji posadzek lastrico w obiektach zabytkowych.This paper presents material and technological issues concerning terrazzo floors in terms of their technical condition evaluation and methods of repair and revitalization. Framework guidelines for conducting the assessment of technical condition, stages of restoration works, as well as methods of strengthening and making additions to the surface layer of the lastrico floors have been specified. Special attention was paid to the visual and aesthetic effects of the revitalization of lastrico floors in historical buildings