7 research outputs found

    Phase I trial of viral vector based personalized vaccination elicits robust neoantigen specific antitumor T cell responses

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    Purpose: Personalized vaccines targeting multiple neoantigens (nAgs) are a promising strategy for eliciting a diversified antitumor T cell response to overcome tumor heterogeneity. NOUS-PEV is a vector based personalized vaccine, expressing 60 nAgs and consists of priming with a non-human Great Ape Adenoviral vector (GAd20) followed by boosts with Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA). Here, we report data of a phase Ib trial of NOUS-PEV in combination with pembrolizumab in treatment naïve metastatic melanoma patients (NCT04990479). Experimental Design: The feasibility of this approach was demonstrated by producing, releasing and administering to six patients 11 out of 12 vaccines within 8 weeks from biopsy collection to GAd20 administration. Results: The regimen was safe, with no treatment-related serious adverse events observed and mild vaccine-related reactions. Vaccine immunogenicity was demonstrated in all evaluable patients receiving the prime/boost regimen, with detection of robust neoantigen specific immune responses to multiple neoantigens comprising both CD4 and CD8 T cells. Expansion and diversification of vaccine-induced TCR clonotypes was observed in the post-treatment biopsies of patients with clinical response providing evidence of tumor infiltration by vaccine-induced neoantigen-specific T cell. Conclusions: These findings indicate the ability of NOUS-PEV to amplify and broaden the repertoire of tumor reactive T cells to empower a diverse, potent and durable antitumor immune response. Finally, a gene signature indicative for reduced presence of activated T cells together with very poor expression of the antigen processing machinery (APM) genes has been identified in pre-treatment biopsies as a potential biomarker of resistance to the treatment

    The Arabidopsis Homeodomain-leucine Zipper II gene family: diversity and redundancy

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    The Arabidopsis genome contains 10 genes belonging to the HD-Zip II family including ATHB2 and HAT2. Previous work has shown that ATHB2 is rapidly and strongly induced by light quality changes that provoke the shade avoidance response whereas HAT2 expression responds to auxin. Here, we present a genome-wide analysis of the HD-Zip II family. Phylogeny reconstruction revealed that almost all of the HD-Zip II genes can be subdivided into 4 clades (alpha-delta), each clade comprising 2-3 paralogs. Gene expression studies demonstrated that all the gamma and delta genes are regulated by light quality changes. Kinetics of induction, low R/FR/high R/FR reversibility and auxin response analyses strongly suggested that HAT1, HAT3 and ATHB4, as ATHB2, are under the control of the phytochrome system whereas HAT2 is up-regulated by low R/FR as a consequence of the induction of the auxin signaling pathway provoked by FR-rich light. Root and shoot digital in situ revealed that gamma and delta genes are also tightly regulated during plant development with both distinct and overlapping patterns. Phenotypes of gain of function and dominant negative lines demonstrated that one or more of the HD-Zip II gamma genes negatively regulate cell proliferation during leaf development in a high R/FR light environment. Finally, target gene analysis using a chimeric transcription factor (HD-Zip2-V-G), known to activate ATHB2 target genes in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner, revealed that all the 10 HD-Zip II genes can be recognized by the HD-Zip 2 domain in vivo, implying an intricate negative feedback network

    Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Sardinia Virus Rep-Derived Resistance to Homologous and Heterologous Geminiviruses Occurs by Different Mechanisms and Is Overcome if Virus-Mediated Transgene Silencing Is Activated

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    The replication-associated protein (Rep) of geminiviruses is involved in several biological processes brought about by the presence of distinct functional domains. Recently, we have exploited the multifunctional character of the Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus (TYLCSV) Rep to develop a molecular interference strategy to impair TYLCSV infection. We showed that transgenic expression of its N-terminal 210 amino acids (Rep-210) confers resistance to the homologous virus by inhibiting viral transcription and replication. We have now used biochemical and transgenic approaches to carry out a fuller investigation of the molecular resistance mechanisms in transgenic plants expressing Rep-210. We show that Rep-210 confers resistance through two distinct molecular mechanisms, depending on the challenging virus. Resistance to the homologous virus is achieved by the ability of Rep-210 to tightly inhibit C1 gene transcription, while that to heterologous virus is due to the interacting property of the Rep-210 oligomerization domain. Furthermore, we present evidence that in Rep-210-expressing plants, the duration of resistance is related to the ability of the challenging virus to shut off transgene expression by a posttranscriptional homology-dependent gene silencing mechanism. A model of Rep-210-mediated geminivirus resistance that takes transgene- and virus-mediated mechanisms into account is proposed

    A Genetic Vaccine Encoding Shared Cancer Neoantigens to Treat Tumors with Microsatellite Instability.

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    Tumors with microsatellite instability (MSI) are caused by a defective DNA mismatch repair system that leads to the accumulation of mutations within microsatellite regions. Indels in microsatellites of coding genes can result in the synthesis of frameshift peptides (FSP). FSPs are tumor-specific neoantigens shared across patients with MSI. In this study, we developed a neoantigen-based vaccine for the treatment of MSI tumors. Genetic sequences from 320 MSI tumor biopsies and matched healthy tissues in The Cancer Genome Atlas database were analyzed to select shared FSPs. Two hundred nine FSPs were selected and cloned into nonhuman Great Ape Adenoviral and Modified Vaccinia Ankara vectors to generate a viral-vectored vaccine, referred to as Nous-209. Sequencing tumor biopsies of 20 independent patients with MSI colorectal cancer revealed that a median number of 31 FSPs out of the 209 encoded by the vaccine was detected both in DNA and mRNA extracted from each tumor biopsy. A relevant number of peptides encoded by the vaccine were predicted to bind patient HLA haplotypes. Vaccine immunogenicity was demonstrated in mice with potent and broad induction of FSP-specific CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses. Moreover, a vaccine-encoded FSP was processed by human antigen-presenting cells and was subsequently able to activate human CD8 T cells. Nous-209 is an "off-the-shelf" cancer vaccine encoding many neoantigens shared across sporadic and hereditary MSI tumors. These results indicate that Nous-209 can induce the optimal breadth of immune responses that might achieve clinical benefit to treat and prevent MSI tumors. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings demonstrate the feasibility of an "off-the-shelf" vaccine for treatment and prevention of tumors harboring frameshift mutations and neoantigenic peptides as a result of microsatellite instability