4 research outputs found

    Long-term case management and outcomes in a young male patient with complete paraplegia post T4-T5 vertebral osteomyelitis and a previous documented thalamo-mesencephalic hemorrhage – case presentation

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    (1) Background: Vertebral osteomyelitis is an infection affecting the vertebrae, with a poten-tially devastating impact, which requires a prompt diagnosis established as quickly as possible to avoid complications such as neurological impairment, fractures, and chronic pain; (2) Meth-ods: We reported a case of a 47-year-old male patient with multiple risk factors (high blood pressure, smoking, dyslipidemia, type II diabetes) and a history of right hemiplegia post a thalamo- mesencephalic hemorrhage, admitted to the Neuromuscular Clinic Division of The Teaching Emergency Hospital “Bagdasar- Arseni” (TEHBA) Bucharest, for complete paraplegia following a surgically treated vertebral osteomyelitis at T4-T5 level with spinal epidural ab-scess; (3) Results: The patient had an oscillating and long evolution, due to long-term antibio-therapy and the imperative of minimal mobilization periods, which eventually led to favorable results, with the recovery of motor function and the ability to perform his previous daily activ-ities; (4) Conclusions: Proper management in vertebral osteomyelitis cases has a great impact on the evolution of the patient, increasing the quality of life, and preventing future complica-tions. A multidisciplinary approach is essential for this type of complex case in order to achieve significant improvement

    Parkinson’s Disease and SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Particularities of Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Regarding Pathogenesis and Treatment

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    Accumulating data suggest that chronic neuroinflammation-mediated neurodegeneration is a significant contributing factor for progressive neuronal and glial cell death in age-related neurodegenerative pathology. Furthermore, it could be encountered as long-term consequences in some viral infections, including post-COVID-19 Parkinsonism-related chronic sequelae. The current systematic review is focused on a recent question aroused during the pandemic’s successive waves: are there post-SARS-CoV-2 immune-mediated reactions responsible for promoting neurodegeneration? Does the host’s dysregulated immune counter-offensive contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, emerging as Parkinson’s disease, in a complex interrelation between genetic and epigenetic risk factors? A synthetic and systematic literature review was accomplished based on the ”Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Principles Reviews and Meta-Analyses” (PRISMA) methodology, including registration on the specific online platform: International prospective register of systematic reviews—PROSPERO, no. 312183. Initially, 1894 articles were detected. After fulfilling the five steps of the selection methodology, 104 papers were selected for this synthetic review. Documentation was enhanced with a supplementary 47 bibliographic resources identified in the literature within a non-standardized search connected to the subject. As a final step of the PRISMA method, we have fulfilled a Population-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-Time (PICOT)/Population-Intervention-Comparison-Outcome-Study type (PICOS)—based metanalysis of clinical trials identified as connected to our search, targeting the outcomes of rehabilitative kinesitherapeutic interventions compared to clinical approaches lacking such kind of treatment. Accordingly, we identified 10 clinical trials related to our article. The multi/interdisciplinary conventional therapy of Parkinson’s disease and non-conventional multitarget approach to an integrative treatment was briefly analyzed. This article synthesizes the current findings on the pathogenic interference between the dysregulated complex mechanisms involved in aging, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration, focusing on Parkinson’s disease and the acute and chronic repercussions of COVID-19. Time will tell whether COVID-19 neuroinflammatory events could trigger long-term neurodegenerative effects and contribute to the worsening and/or explosion of new cases of PD. The extent of the interrelated neuropathogenic phenomenon remains obscure, so further clinical observations and prospective longitudinal cohort studies are needed

    Recent Advances in Molecular Research on Hydrogen Sulfide (H<sub>2</sub>S) Role in Diabetes Mellitus (DM)—A Systematic Review

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    Abundant experimental data suggest that hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is related to the pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Multiple molecular mechanisms, including receptors, membrane ion channels, signalingmolecules, enzymes, and transcription factors, are known to be responsible for the H2S biological actions; however, H2S is not fully documented as a gaseous signaling molecule interfering with DM and vascular-linked pathology. In recent decades, multiple approaches regarding therapeutic exploitation of H2S have been identified, either based on H2S exogenous apport or on its modulated endogenous biosynthesis. This paper aims to synthesize and systematize, as comprehensively as possible, the recent literature-related data regarding the therapeutic/rehabilitative role of H2S in DM. This review was conducted following the “Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses” (PRISMA) methodology, interrogating five international medically renowned databases by specific keyword combinations/“syntaxes” used contextually, over the last five years (2017–2021). The respective search/filtered and selection methodology we applied has identified, in the first step, 212 articles. After deploying the next specific quest steps, 51 unique published papers qualified for minute analysis resulted. To these bibliographic resources obtained through the PRISMA methodology, in order to have the best available information coverage, we added 86 papers that were freely found by a direct internet search. Finally, we selected for a connected meta-analysis eight relevant reports that included 1237 human subjects elicited from clinical trial registration platforms. Numerous H2S releasing/stimulating compounds have been produced, some being used in experimental models. However, very few of them were further advanced in clinical studies, indicating that the development of H2S as a therapeutic agent is still at the beginning

    Topical Cellular/Tissue and Molecular Aspects Regarding Nonpharmacological Interventions in Alzheimer’s Disease—A Systematic Review

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    One of the most complex and challenging developments at the beginning of the third millennium is the alarming increase in demographic aging, mainly—but not exclusively—affecting developed countries. This reality results in one of the harsh medical, social, and economic consequences: the continuously increasing number of people with dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which accounts for up to 80% of all such types of pathology. Its large and progressive disabling potential, which eventually leads to death, therefore represents an important public health matter, especially because there is no known cure for this disease. Consequently, periodic reappraisals of different therapeutic possibilities are necessary. For this purpose, we conducted this systematic literature review investigating nonpharmacological interventions for AD, including their currently known cellular and molecular action bases. This endeavor was based on the PRISMA method, by which we selected 116 eligible articles published during the last year. Because of the unfortunate lack of effective treatments for AD, it is necessary to enhance efforts toward identifying and improving various therapeutic and rehabilitative approaches, as well as related prophylactic measures