698 research outputs found

    A tough high performance composite matrix

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    This invention is a semi-interpenetrating polymer network which includes a high performance thermosetting polyimide having a nadic end group acting as a crosslinking site and a high performance linear thermoplastic polyimide. An improved high temperature matrix resin is provided which is capable of performing in the 200 to 300 C range. This resin has significantly improved toughness and microcracking resistance, excellent processability, mechanical performance and moisture and solvent resistances

    The Language Behaviour of Immigrant Children

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    Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain: An Evaluation of the Self-Help Book, Living Beyond Your Pain

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    The current research was a randomised two group (control and treatment) study that evaluated the effectiveness of an ACT-based self-help book for people with chronic pain. Over a 6-week period, 6 participants read the book and completed exercises from it with weekly telephone support while 8 others waited. Five of these others began the intervention after a 6-week control period. Participants completed pre- and post-intervention questionnaires for acceptance, values illness, quality of life, satisfaction with life, depression, anxiety and pain. Initial outcome data were collected for 8 control participants and 6 intervention participants. A total of 11 participants completed pre- and post-intervention measures. Participants' who read the book, rated the content of the book each week according to reading level and usefulness, and their comprehension of the content was also assessed. Original group data showed statistically significant improvement in acceptance and quality of life for those who completed the intervention. Once the data were pooled, statistically significant improvements in acceptance, quality of life, satisfaction with life, and values illness were found. In general, using the self-help book did not result in reduced pain, depression or anxiety, although for some individuals gains were made in these areas. Individual perceptions of the book components were varied but findings suggest that cognitive defusion and mindfulness were parts of the book that participants found hard. The current findings support the hypothesis that using the self-help book would add value to the lives of people who experience chronic pain. Thus, the book may be a useful tool for people who experience chronic pain

    Developing an Interdisciplinary Digital Media Studies Minor

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    The effectiveness of an acceptance and commitment therapy self-help intervention for chronic pain

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an Acceptance Commitment Therapy based self-help book for people with chronic pain. Method: This was a randomized 2 group study design. Over a 6-week period, 6 participants read the self-help book and completed exercises from it with weekly telephone support whereas 8 others formed a wait-list control group. Subsequently, 5 of the wait-list participants completed the intervention. Participants completed preintervention and postintervention questionnaires for acceptance, values illness, quality of life, satisfaction with life, depression, anxiety, and pain. Initial outcome data were collected for 8 control participants and 6 intervention participants. Including the wait-list controls, a total of 11 participants completed preintervention and postintervention measures. Whilst completing the self-help intervention, each week participants' rated the content of the book according to reading level and usefulness, and their comprehension of the content was also assessed. Results: Compared with controls, participants who completed the book showed improved quality of life and decreased anxiety. When data from all the treatment participants were pooled, those who completed the intervention showed statistically significant improvements (with large effect sizes) for acceptance, quality of life, satisfaction with life, and values illness. Medium effect sizes were found for improvements in pain ratings. Conclusions: These findings support the hypothesis that using the self-help book, with minimal therapist contact adds value to the lives of people who experience chronic pain

    Tough high performance composite matrix

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    This invention is a semi-interpentrating polymer network which includes a high performance thermosetting polyimide having a nadic end group acting as a crosslinking site and a high performance linear thermoplastic polyimide. Provided is an improved high temperature matrix resin which is capable of performing in the 200 to 300 C range. This resin has significantly improved toughness and microcracking resistance, excellent processability, mechanical performance, and moisture and solvent resistances

    Phosphorus limitation of aboveground production in northern hardwood forests

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    Forest productivity on glacially derived soils with weatherable phosphorus (P) is expected to be limited by nitrogen (N), according to theories of long-term ecosystem development. However, recent studies and model simulations based on resource optimization theory indicate that productivity can be co-limited by N and P. We conducted a full factorial N × P fertilization experiment in 13 northern hardwood forest stands of three age classes in central New Hampshire, USA, to test the hypothesis that forest productivity is co-limited by N and P. We also asked whether the response of productivity to N and P addition differs among species and whether differential species responses contribute to community-level co-limitation. Plots in each stand were fertilized with 30 kg N·ha−1·yr−1, 10 kg P·ha−1·yr−1, N + P, or neither nutrient (control) for four growing seasons. The productivity response to treatments was assessed using per-tree annual relative basal area increment (RBAI) as an index of growth. RBAI responded significantly to P (P = 0.02) but not to N (P = 0.73). However, evidence for P limitation was not uniform among stands. RBAI responded to P fertilization in mid-age (P = 0.02) and mature (P = 0.07) stands, each taken as a group, but was greatest in N-fertilized plots of two stands in these age classes, and there was no significant effect of P in the young stands. Both white birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) responded significantly to P; no species responded significantly to N. We did not find evidence for N and P co-limitation of tree growth. The response to N + P did not differ from that to P alone, and there was no significant N × P interaction (P = 0.68). Our P limitation results support neither the N limitation prediction of ecosystem theory nor the N and P co-limitation prediction of resource optimization theory, but could be a consequence of long-term anthropogenic N deposition in these forests. Inconsistencies in response to P suggest that successional status and variation in site conditions influence patterns of nutrient limitation and recycling across the northern hardwood forest landscape