42 research outputs found

    Temporomandibular joint disc; a proposed histopathological degeneration grading score system

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    Summary. Aims: The purpose of this study was to draw up a TMJ disc histopathological score that is a semiquantitative transcription of the entire spectrum of TMJ disc degenerative diseases related to changes in disc tissue, and then validate the proposed grading, in order to contribute to a standardized histopathological diagnosis. Methods: Sections from sixty two temporomandibular joint disc specimens affected by tissue degenerative changes and stained with Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) were collected from among those found in the archives of the Department of Dentistry at Catania University. Specimens, included anterior, intermediate and posterior disc bands. Based on a literature search regarding the most frequent histopathological changes detected in TMJ disc tissue a grading score was designed. This score takes into account pathological disc tissue transformation i.e. collagen bundles, non-specific degenerative changes and the presence of blood vessels. This grading system results in a score ranging from 0 up to 8 for heavily degenerated disc tissue. Two observers performed the assessment of the TMJ disc H&E stained sections. Each specimen was scored twice by each observer after a minimum interval of 1 week. Results: The average TMJ disc degeneration score of the TMJ disc sample was 3.89±1.37. There was an almost perfect agreement, between the two observers, and degeneration scores from the two observers were highly correlated. Conclusions: The introduction of this validated degeneration score system may be of major importance for future research and collaboration between different centers in order to improve knowledge in TMJ disc histopathology

    Patterns of Pneumatization of the Posterior Nasal Roof

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    (1) Background: For good surgical performance, sound knowledge of anatomy is required. Although the ethmoid air cells and sphenoid sinuses are subject to a high degree of variation, their possible extensions above the nasal fossa at the posterior end of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone (CPEB) were seemingly overlooked. (2) Methods: We retrospectively studied 162 case files from 55 male and 107 female cases, with ages varying from 42 to 80, which were scanned using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. (3) Results: In 56.17% of cases, an unpneumatized CPEB (type I) was found. Nasal roof recesses of ethmoidal origin (type II) were found at the posterior end of the CPEB in 20.37% of cases. Different types of sphenoidal pneumatizations of the posterior end of the CPEB (type III) were found in 22.83% of the cases. Onodi cells projected nasal roof recesses (type IV) in only 10 cases. In all types, nasal roof recesses were found either above the CPEB or within/underneath it. Moreover, such nasal roof recesses were found to be either unilateral, extended contralaterally, or bilateral. (4) Conclusions: As such recesses of the posterior CPEB, previously overlooked, belong to the posterior rhinobase, they should be carefully documented preoperatively to avoid unwanted surgical damage to the olfactory bulb or CSF fistula

    The Diversity of the Linguofacial Trunk

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    Background and Objectives: Typically, the external carotid artery (ECA) sends off separate anterior branches: the superior thyroid, lingual, and facial arteries. These could, however, form common trunks: thyrolinguofacial, linguofacial (LFT), or thyrolingual. Although known, the LFT variant was poorly detailed previously, and most authors just counted the variant. We aimed to demonstrate the individual anatomical possibilities of the LFT on a case-by-case basis. Materials and Methods: 150 archived angioCT files were used. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 147 files of 86 males and 61 females were kept for this study. Results: In 34/147 cases, LFTs were found (23.12%). Bilateral LFTs were found in 13/34 cases (38.24%) and unilateral LFTs in 21/34 (61.76%) cases. Forty-seven LFTs were thus identified and further studied for different variables. Regarding the vertical topography of LFT origin, type 1a (suprahyoid and infragonial) was found in 28 LFTs (59.57%), type 1b (suprahyoid and gonial) was found in eight LFTs (17.02%), type 3 (suprahyoid and supragonial) was found in two LFTs (4.25%), type 2 (hyoid level of origin) in eight LFTs (17.02%), and type 3 (infrahyoid origin) in just one LFT (2.12%). Types of the initial course of the LFT were determined: type I, ascending, was found in 22/47 LFTs; type II, descending, in 12/47 LFTs; and type III, transverse, in 13/47 LFTs. Regarding the orientation of the first loop of the LFT, 23/47 LFTs had no loop, 4/47 had anterior loops, 1/47 had a posterior loop, 5/47 had superior loops, 5/47 had inferior loops, and 9/47 had medial loops. The position of the LFT relative to the ECA was classified as medial, anterior, or antero-medial. An amount of 12/47 LFTs were anterior to the ECA, 22/47 were antero-medial, 10/47 were medial, 2/47 were inferior, and 1/47 was lateral. Regarding their general morphology, 23/47 LFTs had a rectilinear course, 22/47 had loops, and 2/47 were coiled. A case-by-case presentation of results further demonstrated the diversity of the LFT. Conclusions: In conclusion, the morphology and topography of the LFT are individually specific and unpredictable. It can be anticipated case-by-case by surgeons on CT or MR angiograms

    The Optic Strut—CBCT Pneumatization Pattern and Prevalence

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    (1) Background: The optic strut (OS) is a critical landmark for clinoid and paraclinoid surgical interventions. To our knowledge, the current literature only mentioned the OS as a possibility for a lesser sphenoidal wing (LSW) pneumatization path, without a proper study of the pneumatization patterns and prevalence within this structure. Thus, our aim was to fill in the missing information. (2) Methods: A retrospective study on 80 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) files was conducted to assess the prevalence and the origins of pneumatization within the OS. (3) Results: The pneumatization patterns of the OS were: 56.25% from the sphenoid sinus, 1.25% from the posterior ethmoid air cells (PEAC), and 10% from Onodi cells (ONC). Simultaneous pneumatization of unique origin within the lesser sphenoidal wing (LSW) was found in 26.25% from the sphenoid sinus, 1.25% from PEAC, and 5% from ONC. Communication between both LSW roots through pneumatization was found in 6.25% of the files. (4) Conclusions: A careful radiological examination should precede clinical diagnosis and surgical interventions in the paraclinoid area to evaluate postoperative surgical risks and possible diffusion patterns for infection. Additionally, pneumatization within the OS alters its morphological features and thus, its utility as a landmark

    The Vertebral Artery: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis of the Current Literature

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    (1) Background. The anatomical variations of the vertebral arteries (VAs) have a significant impact both in neurosurgery and forensic pathology. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the variational anatomy of the vertebral artery. We evaluated anatomical aspects regarding the V1 and V2 segments of the VA: origin, course, tortuosity, hypoplasia, and dominance, and established the prevalence of each variation. (2) Methods. We conducted a systematic search in PubMed and Google Scholar databases, up to December 2022. Sixty-two studies, comprising 32,153 vessels, were included in the current meta-analysis. We used a random-effects model with a DerSimonian-Laird estimator. The confidence intervals were set at 95%. The heterogeneity between studies was assessed using I2. The funnel plot and Egger’s regression test for plot asymmetry were used for the evaluation of publication bias. Statistical significance was considered at p < 0.05. (3) Results. The most common site for the origin of both VAs was the subclavian artery. The aortic arch origin of the left VA had a prevalence of 4.81%. Other origins of the right VAs were noted: aortic arch (0.1%), right common carotid artery (0.1%), and brachiocephalic trunk (0.5%). Ninety-two percent of the VAs entered the transverse foramen (TF) of the C6 vertebra, followed by C5, C7, C4, and least frequently, C3 (0.1%). Roughly one out of four (25.9%) VAs presented a sort of tortuosity, the transversal one representing the most common variant. Hypoplasia occurred in 7.94% of the vessels. Left VA dominance (36.1%) is more common, compared to right VA dominance (25.3%). (4) Conclusions. The anatomy of the VA is highly irregular, and eventual intraoperative complications may be life-threatening. The prevalence of VA origin from the subclavian artery is 94.1%, 92.0% of the VAs entered the TF at C6, 26.6% were tortuous, and 7.94% were hypoplastic

    Vertical Levels of the Occipital Artery Origin

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    Background and Objectives. The occipital artery (OA) is a posterior branch of the external carotid artery (ECA). The origin of the OA is commonly referred to a single landmark. We hypothesized that the origin of the OA could be variable as referred to the hyoid bone and the gonial angle. We thus aimed at patterning the vertical topographic possibilities of the OA origin. Materials and Methods. One hundred archived computed tomography angiograms were randomly selected, inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, and 90 files were kept (53 males, 37 females). The cases were documented bilaterally for different levels of origin of the OA origin: type 1—infrahyoid; type 2—hyoid; 3—infragonial; 4—gonial; 5—supragonial; 6—origin from the internal carotid artery (ICA). Results. The incidence of unilateral types in the 180 OAs was: type 1—1.11%, type 2—5.56%, type 3—40.56%, type 4—28.33%, type 5—23.33% and type 6, ICA origin of the OA—1.11%. There was found a significant association between the location of the left and right origins of the OAs (Pearson Chi2 = 59.18, p Conclusions. The ICA origin of the OA is an extremely rare variant. For surgical planning or prior to endovascular approaches the topography of the OA origin should be carefully documented, as it may be located from an infrahyoid to a supragonial level