39 research outputs found

    Small Volume Fraction Limit of the Diblock Copolymer Problem: I. Sharp Interface Functional

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    We present the first of two articles on the small volume fraction limit of a nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard functional introduced to model microphase separation of diblock copolymers. Here we focus attention on the sharp-interface version of the functional and consider a limit in which the volume fraction tends to zero but the number of minority phases (called particles) remains O(1). Using the language of Gamma-convergence, we focus on two levels of this convergence, and derive first and second order effective energies, whose energy landscapes are simpler and more transparent. These limiting energies are only finite on weighted sums of delta functions, corresponding to the concentration of mass into `point particles'. At the highest level, the effective energy is entirely local and contains information about the structure of each particle but no information about their spatial distribution. At the next level we encounter a Coulomb-like interaction between the particles, which is responsible for the pattern formation. We present the results here in both three and two dimensions.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur

    Small Volume Fraction Limit of the Diblock Copolymer Problem: II. Diffuse-Interface Functional

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    We present the second of two articles on the small volume fraction limit of a nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard functional introduced to model microphase separation of diblock copolymers. After having established the results for the sharp-interface version of the functional (arXiv:0907.2224), we consider here the full diffuse-interface functional and address the limit in which epsilon and the volume fraction tend to zero but the number of minority phases (called particles) remains O(1). Using the language of Gamma-convergence, we focus on two levels of this convergence, and derive first- and second-order effective energies, whose energy landscapes are simpler and more transparent. These limiting energies are only finite on weighted sums of delta functions, corresponding to the concentration of mass into `point particles'. At the highest level, the effective energy is entirely local and contains information about the size of each particle but no information about their spatial distribution. At the next level we encounter a Coulomb-like interaction between the particles, which is responsible for the pattern formation. We present the results in three dimensions and comment on their two-dimensional analogues

    Axisymmetric critical points of a nonlocal isoperimetric problem on the two-sphere

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    On the two dimensional sphere, we consider axisymmetric critical points of an isoperimetric problem perturbed by a long-range interaction term. When the parameter controlling the nonlocal term is sufficiently large, we prove the existence of a local minimizer with arbitrary many interfaces in the axisymmetric class of admissible functions. These local minimizers in this restricted class are shown to be critical points in the broader sense (i.e., with respect to all perturbations). We then explore the rigidity, due to curvature effects, in the criticality condition via several quantitative results regarding the axisymmetric critical points.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures. This version is to appear in ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variation

    Global minimizers for axisymmetric multiphase membranes

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    We consider a Canham-Helfrich-type variational problem defined over closed surfaces enclosing a fixed volume and having fixed surface area. The problem models the shape of multiphase biomembranes. It consists of minimizing the sum of the Canham-Helfrich energy, in which the bending rigidities and spontaneous curvatures are now phase-dependent, and a line tension penalization for the phase interfaces. By restricting attention to axisymmetric surfaces and phase distributions, we extend our previous results for a single phase (arXiv:1202.1979) and prove existence of a global minimizer.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Anisotropic Total Variation Regularized L^1-Approximation and Denoising/Deblurring of 2D Bar Codes

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    We consider variations of the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi functional which are particularly well-suited to denoising and deblurring of 2D bar codes. These functionals consist of an anisotropic total variation favoring rectangles and a fidelity term which measure the L^1 distance to the signal, both with and without the presence of a deconvolution operator. Based upon the existence of a certain associated vector field, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be a minimizer. We apply these results to 2D bar codes to find explicit regimes ---in terms of the fidelity parameter and smallest length scale of the bar codes--- for which a perfect bar code is recoverable via minimization of the functionals. Via a discretization reformulated as a linear program, we perform numerical experiments for all functionals demonstrating their denoising and deblurring capabilities.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures (with a total of 30 subfigures); errors corrected in Version 3, see Errata 1.1, 4.4, and 6.6 (v3 numbering) for more informatio