30 research outputs found

    Paying the Price: How Health Insurance Premiums Are Eating Up Middle-Class Incomes

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    Analyzes state-by-state trends in insurance premium costs and as a share of household income. Compares projected cost increases by 2015 and 2020 under three scenarios for growth depending on the effects of healthcare reform. Discusses policy implications

    Women at Risk: Why Many Women Are Forgoing Needed Health Care

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    Based on Commonwealth Fund 2007 Biennial Health Insurance Survey data, compares women's rates of uninsurance or underinsurance, sources of coverage, out-of-pocket and premium expenses, access to care, medical debt, and unmet needs, with those of men

    An Analysis of Leading Congressional Health Care Bills, 2007-2008: Part I, Insurance Coverage

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    Compares coverage and cost estimates of bills to improve health coverage through private-public approaches, universal public insurance, tax changes, increased coverage for children and the disabled, expanded health savings accounts, and other strategies

    Realizing Health Reform's Potential: Women and the Affordable Care Act of 2010

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    Outlines the 2010 healthcare reform provisions that will benefit women, including subsidized and improved coverage and bans on lifetime caps, rescissions, and rating on gender. Analyzes how each will address women's growing exposure to healthcare costs

    The 2008 Presidential Candidates' Health Reform Proposals: Choices for America

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    Looks at key differences in the 2008 presidential candidates' health insurance reforms and evaluates them against the Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance Health System's principles. Estimates each plan's impact on the number of uninsured

    Maintaining Health Insurance During a Recession: Likely COBRA Eligibility

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    Assesses laid-off workers' eligibility and financial ability to extend employer-sponsored insurance through COBRA. Recommends extending COBRA and providing premium assistance, as well as expanding Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Programs

    Failure to Protect: Why the Individual Insurance Market Is Not a Viable Option for Most U.S. Families

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    Based on the Commonwealth Fund 2007 Biennial Health Insurance Survey, examines access to and affordability of individual insurance. Reviews obstacles to obtaining coverage, such as health issues and costs, and out-of-pocket costs of those who obtain it

    Out of Options: Why So Many Workers in Small Businesses Lack Affordable Health Insurance, and How Health Care Reform Can Help

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    Based on the 2007 Commonwealth Fund Biennial Health Insurance Survey, examines small business employees' limited access to health insurance and contributing factors. Explores how small businesses and employees could benefit from proposed reforms

    Losing Ground: How the Loss of Adequate Health Insurance Is Burdening Working Families: Findings From the Commonwealth Fund Biennial Health Insurance Surveys, 2001-2007

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    Highlights declining health coverage and rising deductibles for American adults and the implications for medical costs, debt burdens, and access to health care. Examines socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the uninsured and underinsured

    Coming Out of Crisis: Patient Experiences in Primary Care in New Orleans, Four Years Post-Katrina

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    Examines the network of neighborhood clinics funded with federal, state, and local money that emerged after Hurricane Katrina as a model for serving vulnerable populations. Looks at access, communication, chronic illnesses management, and preventive care