340 research outputs found

    Commercial stocks of SARS-CoV-2 RNA may report low concentration values, leading to artificially increased apparent sensitivity of diagnostic assays

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    In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rapidly issued 49 emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for SARS-CoV-2 in vitro diagnostic test-kits. A critical metric in the performance evaluation for a diagnostic test kit is the analytical sensitivity, which is measured by the limit of detection (LOD). Commercial RNA stocks with known titers are used to determine LOD. We identified a problem with the titer reported for the commercial stocks when examining the analytical sensitivity of the reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) protocol that is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) using plasmid DNA from Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), synthetic RNA from BEI Resources (BEI), and extracted genomic RNA from BEI. We detected 3/3 positives for reactions containing synthetic RNA at a concentration of 0.1 copies/reaction (based on the supplier's label concentration). The apparent better-than-single-molecule performance is a statistically highly unlikely event, indicating a potential inaccuracy in the supplier's quantification of the stock material. Using an ultrasensitive and precise assay, reverse transcription digital PCR (RT-dPCR), we independently quantified concentrations of commercial SARS-CoV-2 plasmid DNA and SARS-CoV-2 RNA stocks. For plasmid DNA, the actual concentration measured by RT-dPCR was 11% of the nominal label concentration. For synthetic RNA, the actual concentration measured by RT-dPCR for one lot was 770% of the label concentration and for a different lot was 57% of the label concentration. For genomic RNA, the concentration measured by RT-dPCR for one lot was 240% of the label concentration and for a different lot it was 300% of the label concentration. This SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA from BEI Resources has been used in at least 11 approved FDA Emergency Use Authorizations as of April 27, 2020. Such deviations of reported RNA or DNA stock concentrations from true concentrations can result in inaccurate quantification and calculation of LOD. Precise and accurate reporting of DNA and RNA stock concentrations by commercial suppliers will enable accurate quantification of assay performance, which is urgently needed to improve evaluation of different assays by diagnostic developers and regulatory bodies

    Two-phase wash to solve the ubiquitous contaminant-carryover problem in commercial nucleic-acid extraction kits

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    The success of fundamental and applied nucleic acid (NA) research depends on NA purity, but obtaining pure NAs from raw, unprocessed samples is challenging. Purification using solid-phase NA extractions utilizes sequential additions of lysis and wash buffers followed by elution. The resulting eluent contains NAs and carryover of extraction buffers. Typically, these inhibitory buffers are heavily diluted by the reaction mix (e.g., 10x dilution is 1ā€‰ĀµL eluent in 9ā€‰ĀµL reaction mix), but in applications requiring high sensitivity (e.g., single-cell sequencing, pathogen diagnostics) it is desirable to use low dilutions (e.g., 2x) to maximize NA concentration. Here, we demonstrate pervasive carryover of inhibitory buffers into eluent when several commercial sample-preparation kits are used following manufacturer protocols. At low eluent dilution (2ā€“2.5x) we observed significant reaction inhibition of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), and reverse transcription (RT). We developed a two-phase wash (TPW) method by adding a wash buffer with low water solubility prior to the elution step. The TPW reduces carryover of extraction buffers, phase-separates from the eluent, and does not reduce NA yield (measured by digital PCR). We validated the TPW for silica columns and magnetic beads by demonstrating significant improvements in performance and reproducibility of qPCR, LAMP, and RT reactions

    Millisecond kinetics on a microfluidic chip using nanoliters of reagents

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    This paper describes a microfluidic chip for performing kinetic measurements with better than millisecond resolution. Rapid kinetic measurements in microfluidic systems are complicated by two problems: mixing is slow and dispersion is large. These problems also complicate biochemical assays performed in microfluidic chips. We have recently shown (Song, H.; Tice, J. D.; Ismagilov, R. F. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 768-772) how multiphase fluid flow in microchannels can be used to address both problems by transporting the reagents inside aqueous droplets (plugs) surrounded by an immiscible fluid. Here, this droplet-based microfluidic system was used to extract kinetic parameters of an enzymatic reaction. Rapid single-turnover kinetics of ribonuclease A (RNase A) was measured with better than millisecond resolution using sub-microliter volumes of solutions. To obtain the single-turnover rate constant (k = 1100 +/- 250 s(-1)), four new features for this microfluidics platform were demonstrated: (i) rapid on-chip dilution, (ii) multiple time range access, (iii) biocompatibility with RNase A, and (iv) explicit treatment of mixing for improving time resolution of the system. These features are discussed using kinetics of RNase A. From fluorescent images integrated for 2-4 s, each kinetic profile can be obtained using less than 150 nL of solutions of reagents because this system relies on chaotic advection inside moving droplets rather than on turbulence to achieve rapid mixing. Fabrication of these devices in PDMS is straightforward and no specialized equipment, except for a standard microscope with a CCD camera, is needed to run the experiments. This microfluidic platform could serve as an inexpensive and economical complement to stopped-flow methods for a broad range of time-resolved experiments and assays in chemistry and biochemistry

    Commercial stocks of SARS-CoV-2 RNA may report low concentration values, leading to artificially increased apparent sensitivity of diagnostic assays

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    In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rapidly issued 49 emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for SARS-CoV-2 in vitro diagnostic test-kits. A critical metric in the performance evaluation for a diagnostic test kit is the analytical sensitivity, which is measured by the limit of detection (LOD). Commercial RNA stocks with known titers are used to determine LOD. We identified a problem with the titer reported for the commercial stocks when examining the analytical sensitivity of the reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) protocol that is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) using plasmid DNA from Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), synthetic RNA from BEI Resources (BEI), and extracted genomic RNA from BEI. We detected 3/3 positives for reactions containing synthetic RNA at a concentration of 0.1 copies/reaction (based on the supplier's label concentration). The apparent better-than-single-molecule performance is a statistically highly unlikely event, indicating a potential inaccuracy in the supplier's quantification of the stock material. Using an ultrasensitive and precise assay, reverse transcription digital PCR (RT-dPCR), we independently quantified concentrations of commercial SARS-CoV-2 plasmid DNA and SARS-CoV-2 RNA stocks. For plasmid DNA, the actual concentration measured by RT-dPCR was 11% of the nominal label concentration. For synthetic RNA, the actual concentration measured by RT-dPCR for one lot was 770% of the label concentration and for a different lot was 57% of the label concentration. For genomic RNA, the concentration measured by RT-dPCR for one lot was 240% of the label concentration and for a different lot it was 300% of the label concentration. This SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA from BEI Resources has been used in at least 11 approved FDA Emergency Use Authorizations as of April 27, 2020. Such deviations of reported RNA or DNA stock concentrations from true concentrations can result in inaccurate quantification and calculation of LOD. Precise and accurate reporting of DNA and RNA stock concentrations by commercial suppliers will enable accurate quantification of assay performance, which is urgently needed to improve evaluation of different assays by diagnostic developers and regulatory bodies

    Self-reinoculation with fecal flora changes microbiota density and composition leading to an altered bile-acid profile in the mouse small intestine

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    Background: The upper gastrointestinal tract plays a prominent role in human physiology as the primary site for enzymatic digestion and nutrient absorption, immune sampling, and drug uptake. Alterations to the small intestine microbiome have been implicated in various human diseases, such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and inflammatory bowel conditions. Yet, the physiological and functional roles of the small intestine microbiota in humans remain poorly characterized because of the complexities associated with its sampling. Rodent models are used extensively in microbiome research and enable the spatial, temporal, compositional, and functional interrogation of the gastrointestinal microbiota and its effects on the host physiology and disease phenotype. Classical, culture-based studies have documented that fecal microbial self-reinoculation (via coprophagy) affects the composition and abundance of microbes in the murine proximal gastrointestinal tract. This pervasive self-reinoculation behavior could be a particularly relevant study factor when investigating small intestine microbiota. Modern microbiome studies either do not take self-reinoculation into account, or assume that approaches such as single housing mice or housing on wire mesh floors eliminate it. These assumptions have not been rigorously tested with modern tools. Here, we used quantitative 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, quantitative microbial functional gene content inference, and metabolomic analyses of bile acids to evaluate the effects of self-reinoculation on microbial loads, composition, and function in the murine upper gastrointestinal tract. Results: In coprophagic mice, continuous self-exposure to the fecal flora had substantial quantitative and qualitative effects on the upper gastrointestinal microbiome. These differences in microbial abundance and community composition were associated with an altered profile of the small intestine bile acid pool, and, importantly, could not be inferred from analyzing large intestine or stool samples. Overall, the patterns observed in the small intestine of non-coprophagic mice (reduced total microbial load, low abundance of anaerobic microbiota, and bile acids predominantly in the conjugated form) resemble those typically seen in the human small intestine. Conclusions: Future studies need to take self-reinoculation into account when using mouse models to evaluate gastrointestinal microbial colonization and function in relation to xenobiotic transformation and pharmacokinetics or in the context of physiological states and diseases linked to small intestine microbiome and to small intestine dysbiosis

    A Quantitative Sequencing Framework for Absolute Abundance Measurements of Mucosal and Lumenal Microbial Communities

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    A fundamental goal in microbiome studies is determining which microbes affect host physiology. Standard methods for determining changes in microbial taxa measure relative, rather than absolute abundances. Moreover, studies often analyze only stool, despite microbial diversity differing substantially among gastrointestinal (GI) locations. Here, we develop a quantitative framework to measure absolute abundances of individual bacterial taxa by combining the precision of digital PCR with the high-throughput nature of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. In a murine ketogenic-diet study, we compare microbial loads in lumenal and mucosal samples along the GI tract. Quantitative measurements of absolute (but not relative) abundances reveal decreases in total microbial loads on the ketogenic diet and enable us to determine the differential effects of diet on each taxon in stool and small-intestine mucosa samples. This rigorous quantitative microbial analysis framework, appropriate for diverse GI locations enables mapping microbial biogeography of the mammalian GI tract and more accurate analyses of changes in microbial taxa in microbiome studies

    Can we build synthetic, multicellular systems by controlling developmental signaling in space and time?

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    Using biological machinery to make new, functional molecules is an exciting area in chemical biology. Complex molecules containing both ā€˜naturalā€™ and ā€˜unnaturalā€™ components are made by processes ranging from enzymatic catalysis to the combination of molecular biology with chemical tools. Here, we discuss applying this approach to the next level of biological complexity ā€” building synthetic, functional biotic systems by manipulating biological machinery responsible for development of multicellular organisms. We describe recent advances enabling this approach, including ļ¬rst, recent developmental biology progress unraveling the pathways and molecules involved in development and pattern formation; second, emergence of microļ¬‚uidic tools for delivering stimuli to a developing organism with exceptional control in space and time; third, the development of molecular and synthetic biology toolsets for redesigning or de novo engineering of signaling networks; and fourth, biological systems that are especially amendable to this approach

    Microfluidic cartridges preloaded with nanoliter plugs of reagents: an alternative to 96-well plates for screening

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    In traditional screening with 96-well plates, microliters of substrates are consumed for each reaction. Further miniaturization is limited by the special equipment and techniques required to dispense nanoliter volumes of fluid. Plug-based microfluidics confines reagents in nanoliter plugs (droplets surrounded by fluorinated carrier fluid), and uses simple pumps to control the flow of plugs. By using cartridges pre-loaded with nanoliter plugs of reagents, only two pumps and a merging junction are needed to set up a screen. Screening with preloaded cartridges uses only nanoliters of substrate per reaction, and requires no microfabrication. The low cost and simplicity of this method has the potential of replacing 96-well and other multi-well plates, and has been applied to enzymatic assays, protein crystallization and optimization of organic reactions
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