14 research outputs found

    Estudio de los problemas emocionales de los futuros docentes

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    This article addresses the adverse factors that affect teachers’ emotional states. Literature review has shown that recent years have seen a shift in the study focus towards emotional intelligence, emotional competence, its components and development methods. Modern psychologists’ lack of interest in the study of teachers’ emotional issues has encouraged us to conduct an empirical study of emotional stability, trait and state anxiety as well as frustrators of teachers’ basic needs. We have developed our own questionnaire to study the latter indicators. The study covering a selection of young teachers under 30 years of both sexes has allowed us to conclude that the major part of respondents feature emotional instability and are exposed to trait and state anxiety. We have also identified teachers’ frustrators specific of educational work that hamper the maintenance of professional effect and performance.Este artículo aborda los factores adversos que afectan los estados emocionales de los maestros. La revisión de la literatura ha demostrado que en los últimos años se ha observado un cambio en el enfoque del estudio hacia la inteligencia emocional, la competencia emocional, sus componentes y métodos de desarrollo. La falta de interés de los psicólogos modernos en el estudio de los problemas emocionales de los docentes nos ha animado a realizar un estudio empírico de la estabilidad emocional, el rasgo y la ansiedad del estado, así como frustrantes de las necesidades básicas de los docentes. Hemos desarrollado nuestro propio cuestionario para estudiar los últimos indicadores. El estudio que abarca una selección de maestros jóvenes menores de 30 años de ambos sexos nos ha permitido concluir que la mayor parte de los encuestados presentan inestabilidad emocional y están expuestos a rasgos y ansiedad estatal. También hemos identificado las frustraciones específicas de los maestros del trabajo educativo que obstaculizan el mantenimiento del efecto profesional y el rendimiento

    Estudio de las características de la educación familiar en el proceso de adaptación social de niños

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    The article reveals the features of family education as the most important factor in the child’s social adaptation. The results of an empirical study of the influence of the characteristics of the parental attitude on individual indicators of the child’s social adaptation are presented. Revealed the relationship between types of family education and the main components of social adaptation. The most influenced by the family are the parameters that reflect the child’s interaction with other people, his emotional response to social situations, and the child’s performance of the program of actions proposed by adults. It is noticed that the parental relationship can both facilitate and exacerbate the basic, psycho-physiological level of development of the child. Thus, certain neuropsychological features of children with cognitive and emotional-volitional (and behavioral) difficulties are identified.El artículo revela las características de la educación familiar como el factor más importante en la adaptación social del niño. Se presentan los resultados de un estudio empírico sobre la influencia de las características de la actitud de los padres en los indicadores individuales de la adaptación social del niño. Reveló la relación entre los tipos de educación familiar y los principales componentes de la adaptación social. Los más influenciados por la familia son los parámetros que reflejan la interacción del niño con otras personas, su respuesta emocional a las situaciones sociales y el desempeño del niño del programa de acciones propuesto por los adultos. Se observa que la relación parental puede facilitar y exacerbar el nivel básico de desarrollo psicofisiológico del niño. Por lo tanto, se identifican ciertas características neuropsicológicas de los niños con dificultades cognitivas y emocional-volitivas (y conductuales)

    Smart City as the Basic Construct of the Socio-economic Development of Territories

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    The relevance of this topic is that any self-respecting city needs a development strategy that develops on the basis of the ideal representations of the future and opportunities. All of the city strive to achieve two fundamental goals. The first is to create a high-quality living environment, which is dictated by growing competition for investment and brains. The second objective - to ensure sustainable development, i.e. the search for the integrated (economic, social, transport, energy, environmental, etc.) model, which would guarantee a dignified existence for at least several generations of citizens. Currently in addressing the challenges of economic modernization and innovative development of Russia a key role to be played by information, knowledge, the widespread use of information and communication technologies, the problems of optimum use of natural resources and ecology, as well as the formation of the social environment, designed to provide optimal conditions for the work of participants the innovation process (Shkurkin, Shestopal, Gurieva, Blaginin and Gurianov 2016). In this context, the problem of creating smart cities is today one of the most pressing. Background of the idea of “smart” city and its development: increase in workload infrastructures. Keywords: Economic development, regional development, smart city, infrastructure, resources JEL Classifications: О13, R1

    Agrarian Policy of the Region in Terms of Economic Development Innovation

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    One of actual problems of regional economies is the problem of the transition of inter-regional divergence and problematic regions to the model of “catching up” development, definition of the newest competitive domestic and world market, forms of development of the agrarian policy of the regional territories of the state. Being a successful model of public-private partnerships and interaction between businesses, agro-industrial innovative education economic level represents the source of competitiveness of the region increases its level of importance and implementation of global processes in the agricultural sector. The cluster campaign of agrarian policy created on the account of affirmative synergy effects of regional agglomeration, network effects, diffusion of innovations, able to act as an accelerator of socio-economic education development stagnated production processes of problem regions, prevent deprivation in rural areas. Plan for the development of agro-industrial economic cluster and the program of its implementation with the implementation of the comprehensive state support of innovative initiatives and education clustered development in regional areas. Thus, the imperative of ensuring the unity of economic space establishes the need for modernization of program target management of socio-economic development of problem regions, in rural areas the formation of cluster strategies and network models of cooperation in agro-industrial complex. Keywords: innovation, economy, region, competition, cluster, complex, state JEL Classifications: J43, O13, Q13, Q1

    Cluster-Management as a Technology for Increasing the Efficiency of Territory Resource Exploitation in a Region

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    The topicality of cluster formation and their management is determined by the general ways of economic upswing at the present stage of developing Russia. It also lies in developing a partnership with the state, economy and science. A cluster serves as a paradigm under which the general output, beginning with its development, initial production work and ending with its sale, follows in the single chain order. In the modern market environment of functioning and development the national and regional economy everything is largely caused by the regularities of the global processes, which are determined as both the new world economic ties formation and the specific status definition of a certain state, region and enterprise in the structure of world economy. The economic integration can be considered as one of the main components of globalization. Any high-organized system seeks for strengthening its integrity objectively, for there are no specific goal, structuring and hierarchical pattern, distinguishing the system from the simple set of any things and phenomena between its forming elements when consolidating the ties and relations. Consolidating economic entities, strengthening their interactions and developing the economic and social relations between them are defined as an economic integration (the word “integer” from Latin means “whole”, “unitary”). Keywords: cluster, cluster management, territorial production cluster (TPC), globalization, innovations, technological park JEL Classifications: P25, P28, R1, R1

    Features of Social and Economic Support of the Territorial Subjects of the Russian Federation

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    The political, social and economic reforms of the 90-ies of the last century, along with the activation of such social phenomena as alcoholism, drug addiction, depopulation, etc., gave rise to some processes fundamentally new for Russia - poverty, unemployment, child neglect, forced migration characterized by steady growth of population in need of social support. All these phenomena have identified urgent need to develop a system of measures on social support of the population of Russia, mitigation of negative social consequences of economic reforms. However, the relaxation role the state's role, formation of market mechanisms in the absence of the effective system of social process management in the situation of economic slack, realistic lack of consistency of social policy measures not only failed to alleviate the existing social risks, but often contributed to their increase. The most significant social problems today, despite some improvement in the standard of living of the past few years, are increasing polarization of incomes, the natural decline in population and its marginalization. The social support system existing in contemporary Russia largely corresponds to the socialist mode of management; it is not adapted to the current social and economic factors and conditions of development of Russia. Keywords: economical good, social and economic support, country population JEL Classifications: H50, H53, L81, L84, M3

    Instruments of State Regulation of Innovative Activity in the Russian Federation

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    Innovative policy of the state - it is the socio-economic policy. It reflects the investment activity in the state, which reflects the direction, goals, forms of state authority in the field of science and technology. The financial growth of the state is based on a combination of extensive and intensive factors. Under extensive factors mean weight gain used in the production of resources under intensive factors - an increase in resources and performance properties of their use. In modern times, the ability to finance growth through involvement in the turnover of new resources are extremely limited. As a consequence become crucial intense moments. A decisive impact on the macro-economic characteristics have innovation. They affect the social strength, on the environment, on the intensity of international technical cooperation, the degree of public safety and the competitiveness of the national economy in the world economy. Currently, the innovation process determines the chances of becoming a state. Innovative activity is characterized by complexity and high risk. To initiate innovation is insufficient availability of internal incentives and capabilities. Here, a decisive driving force can be external stimuli and in particular state aid. Keywords: economic policy, innovation, government regulation JEL Classifications: O30, G28, K2

    The Conditions of Economic Efficiency and Competitiveness of Tourism Enterprises

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    The transition to a market system of management in Russia has put a lot of tourism enterprises in a predicament when the competition forces them to look for new ways of survival, use of competitive advantages and provision competitiveness of tourism enterprises and their service. As practice shows, many Russian tourism enterprises of are not ready for active competition, for most of them, the management of competitiveness cannot be referred to and does not act as a standalone system or subsystem in the management process. Despite having a large database and various methods of comprehensive analysis of enterprises (both in Russia and abroad), statistics of tourism enterprises do not currently offer their competitiveness assessment methods. The specific questions of measuring and competitiveness forecasting in terms of competitive market of various properties are no quite adequately developed, there are no well-defined method for competitiveness forecasting of various industrial classification enterprises. The competitiveness of tourism enterprises in the terms of competitive pressure increase is increasingly predetermined by internal and external competitive advantage o territorial subject. If the formation of internal competitive advantages depends on the competitive potential of tourism enterprise, the effectiveness of its management, the formation of external advantages - on the level of competitiveness of a country, region and industry. Keywords: competitiveness, economical efficiency, tourism JEL Classifications: L26, L82, L83, M3

    Sustainable operation of surface-groundwater conjunctive use systems in the agricultural sector

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    Several conjunctive use approaches can be distinguished. Drought cycling of groundwater (GW) usage and storage relies on more surface water (SW) during wetter years and delivers more water from GW during drought years. This method has the benefit of temporal changes in water availability. Additionally, it is usually desirable in areas with internal variability of SW where surface storage of wet-year surpluses is uneconomical, suffer excessive evaporative losses, or cause unacceptable environmental disruption. In previous studies, the purpose of operating the drought cycling was to reduce operating costs. In these studies, the objective function of the proposed model was to minimise the present value cost derived from the system design and operation to satisfy a predefined demand during a finite planning and operation horizon. However, it is important to consider other objectives in operating water resources systems, including minimising water shortages accurately. Hence, in this study, two scenarios were focused on: 1) mi-nimising water shortagages, 2) minimising operational costs. Pareto solutions are then presented with the objectives of minimising costs and water deficit. In this study, the weighting method has been used to extract Pareto options. The results show that reducing costs from 234 to 100 mln USD will increase water shortage from 9.3 to 11.3 mln m3

    Estudio de los problemas emocionales de los futuros docentes

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    This article addresses the adverse factors that affect teachers’ emotional states. Literature review has shown that recent years have seen a shift in the study focus towards emotional intelligence, emotional competence, its components and development methods. Modern psychologists’ lack of interest in the study of teachers’ emotional issues has encouraged us to conduct an empirical study of emotional stability, trait and state anxiety as well as frustrators of teachers’ basic needs. We have developed our own questionnaire to study the latter indicators. The study covering a selection of young teachers under 30 years of both sexes has allowed us to conclude that the major part of respondents feature emotional instability and are exposed to trait and state anxiety. We have also identified teachers’ frustrators specific of educational work that hamper the maintenance of professional effect and performance.Este artículo aborda los factores adversos que afectan los estados emocionales de los maestros. La revisión de la literatura ha demostrado que en los últimos años se ha observado un cambio en el enfoque del estudio hacia la inteligencia emocional, la competencia emocional, sus componentes y métodos de desarrollo. La falta de interés de los psicólogos modernos en el estudio de los problemas emocionales de los docentes nos ha animado a realizar un estudio empírico de la estabilidad emocional, el rasgo y la ansiedad del estado, así como frustrantes de las necesidades básicas de los docentes. Hemos desarrollado nuestro propio cuestionario para estudiar los últimos indicadores. El estudio que abarca una selección de maestros jóvenes menores de 30 años de ambos sexos nos ha permitido concluir que la mayor parte de los encuestados presentan inestabilidad emocional y están expuestos a rasgos y ansiedad estatal. También hemos identificado las frustraciones específicas de los maestros del trabajo educativo que obstaculizan el mantenimiento del efecto profesional y el rendimiento