513 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Penggunaan Pembelajaran Make- a Match Pada Mata Pelajaran IPS Kelas V SD Negeri 013 Kecamatan Peranap Indragiri Hulu

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    This study was conducted in class V SDN 013 District of Peranap Indragiri Hulu,this study came from low yields social studies history with an average of 45% (Enough). Toovercome this problem, the authors apply the learning to Make A- Match. Therefore, theformulation of this problem is: Is there an increase in student learning outcomes through the useof learning to Make A- Match SDN 013 District of Peranap Indragiri Hulu?This study aims to pinpoint the impact and results of social studies in the fifth grade students ofSDN 013 District of Peranap Indragiri Hulu.Hope authors of this study can be useful for writers, schools and students.The results of the study in the first cycle shows that by using the Make A-Match learning learningoutcomes increased from 45% (enough) to 60.9 (Pretty Good), while discipline students achievedan average 68% The results of this study have not yet reached the target of 75 %, therefore, theauthors continued in the second cycle. The result is an increase in learning outcomes of 60.9(Pretty Good) in the first cycle to 71.6% (good) on the second cycle. The discipline of studentsincreased to an average of 73.6%. Learning takes place in accordance with the expected activeand creative students find learning the core material

    Tinjauan Yuridis Persamaan Dan Perbedaan Sanksi Pidana Antara Hukum Pidana Islam Dengan Hukum Pidana Indonesia

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    Istilah hukum pidana mulai dipergunakan pada zaman pendudukan Jepang untuk pengertian strafrecht dari bahasa Belanda, dan untuk membedakannya dari istilah hukum perdata. Ternyata ada perbedaan pula antara hukum perdata dan hukum publik, sedangkan hukum pidana (strafrecht) masuk golongan hukum publik. Hukum Sanksi adalah hukum yang mengatur tentang (susunan) pidana dan (cara) pemidanaan. Istilah pidana sering diartikan sama dengan istilah hukuman. Hukuman adalah suatu pengertian umum, sebagai suatu sanksi yang menderitakan atau nestapa yang sengaja ditimpakan kepada seseorang. Sedangkan pidana merupakan suatu pengertian khusus yang berkaitan dengan hukum pidana. Sebagai suatu pengertian khusus, masih juga ada persamaannya dengan pengertian umum, sebagai suatu sanksi atau nestapa yang menderitakan. Menurut Andi Hamzah,istilah pidana harus dikaitkan dengan ketentuan yang tercantum di dalam pasal 1 ayat 1 KUHP atau yang biasa disebut asas nullum delictum nulla poena sine praevia lege poenali yang diperkenalkan oleh Anselm von Feurbach, yang berbunyi sebagai berikut: “Tiada suatu perbuatan dapat dipidana, kecuali berdasarkan kekuatan ketentuan Perundang-undangan pidana yang telah ada sebelumnya.” Walaupun suatu hukuman dapat dibedakan dengan suatu pidana, namun keduanya mempunyai sifat yang sama, yaitu keduanya berlatar belakang tata nilai (value) dalam masyarakat, mengenai baik dan tidak baik, bersusila dan tidak bersusila, diperbolehkan dan dilarang dan seterusnya

    Tinjauan Konstitusional Kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi Dalam Memutus Sengketa Pilkada

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    This research aimed at knowing the basic authority of a Law Court Constitution in deciding regional leader election before the existence of Law Court Constitution authority decision number 97/PUU-XI/2013 and analyzing the authority of Law Court Constitution in deciding Regional Leader Election Lawsuit after the decision of Law Court Constitution number 97/PUU-XI/2013. This research was normative law research through ordinance, historical and conceptual approach. The result of the research concludes that: 1) the basic authority of a Law Court Constitution in deciding regional leader election before the existence of Law Court Constitution authority decision number 97/PUU-XI/2013 exists due to interpretation development of regional leader election that becomes a part of general election regime which is written in section 24C UUD NRI 1945, it explains that Law Court Constitution is authorized as to decide the lawsuit deriving from a general election. 2) The authority of Law Court Constitution in deciding Regional Leader Election Lawsuit result written in MK No 97/PUU-XI/2013 created in Undang-Undang No 8 Tahun 2015 is inconstutional or against the section 22E and section 24C UUD NRI 1945. This case derives from the interpretation of law court constitution which states that regional leader election is no longer a part of general election regime in accordance with the law in section 22E UUD NRI 1945. The regulation in section 22E points out that general election is administrated to elect delegation of citizen council (DPR), regional delegation (DPD), President - vice president and delegation of regional council (DPRD). On the other side, Law section 24C UUD NRI 1945 mentions about related law court constitution without mentioning that regional leader election is a part of authority given to law court constitution

    Dukungan Lembaga Keuangan Bagi Program Pengadaan Perumahan Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah di Kota Luwuk

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    Sampel bertujuan ditarik sejumlah 133 orang dengan kriteria masyarakat berpengahasilanrendah di kota luwuk ditiga kelurahan Simpong, Kelurahan Bumi Harapan, Kelu rahan Boyou. Datadikumpulkan dengan teknik angket,wawancara, metode analisis dengan teknik statistik deskriptif daninferensial (non parametrik).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan animo warga untuk mendapatkan keadilan dalam pelayanankredit Perumahan antara tujuh juta s/d sepuluh juta sebesar 51,88, dimana 60 responden atau sebesar45,11 % memiliki luas rumah dari 21 m2 s/d 36 M2, memilki sertifikat 67 responden sejumlah 50,38 %, dancara membangun yang diminatai adalah secara swadaya 115 responden sebesar 86,47 %.Untuk meningkatkan kepemilikan/perbaikan Perumahan upaya warga perlu mendapat dukungandari pemerin tah otonomi dalam hal penyediaan infrastruktur instansional berupa lembaga keuangandengan bantuan kredit Perumahan yang berperan melakukan pendampingan dan pemberdayaan, menujusuatu kehidupan yang layak bagi kelompok masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah perkotaan

    Indonesian Salafism on Jihad and Suicide Bombings

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    This paper deals with jihad and suicide bombings from the perspective of Indonesian salafism. It is argued that there are two different points of view related to this issue. The first is those who are affiliated with Wahhabi salafists such as those involved in Salafi-based foundations like As-Sunnah, Ihyaut Turats, al-Sofwah, Lajnah al-Khairiyah, Lajnah al-Istiqamah, and Wahdah Islamiyyah. They do not agree with suicide bombing directed to Western targets—mainly America—and its symbols. Suicide bombings are equivalent to killing oneself, and this is extremely forbidden in Islam. The second is Salafi-jihadists who have justified suicide bombing attacks to infidel targets and the symbols of tagut (false god). The reason is blowing oneself is not the same as committing suicide, for suicide is a sin. However, he is believed as carrying out “martyrdom operations”, sacrificing himself for the sake of the superior goal of defending his religion and community, while suicide is a hopeless deed performed by a person who kills himself for his own selfish reason
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