6,029 research outputs found
This research aims to examine how the Butonese Z Generation in Baubau City interprets the social meaning of PO-5 Human Values and how to Implement PO-5 Human Values for the Butonese Z Generation in Baubau City. In this research, the research approach used is qualitative research, while the type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation. The research results are 1. Subject knowledge was obtained from campus, school and parental advice. 2. The meaning of PO-5 itself as the foundation of the nation and energy, a guide to life, social procedures and as local wisdom. 3. Implementation of PO-5 is carried out in schools, household rules, in the community and in new community relationships. Then the conclusions are: 1. Lack of understanding of PO-5 culture in providing good and correct education by the government or community, resulting in obstacles to the process of implementing PO-5 for generation Z. 2. Generation Z in Baubau City is less enthusiastic about learning values own culture, they prefer to learn things that are easy to understand from other people's cultures rather than their own culture. 3. Then, with the added background factor, parents now rarely provide advice about the human values of PO-5 itself for the current generation Z
Implementasi Kebijakan Peraturan Bupati Buton Selatan Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 Tentang Alokasi Dana Desa Pada Desa Lapandewa Kaindea
Implementasi Kebijakan Bupati Buton Selatan Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 tentang Alokasi Dana desa Pada Desa Lapandewa Kaindea. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuai Manfaat yang ditimbulkan dari kebijakan Bupati Buton Selatan Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 tentang Alokasi Dana Desa baik itu Pemerintah Desa maupun Masyarakat Desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Deskriptif kualitatif, dimana penelitian ini bermaksud menyajikan suatu gambar yang terperinci tentang suatu situasi khusus, seting sosial, atau hubunga serta memberikan gambaran secara tepat sifat-sifat individu. Sumber Data Utama dalam penelitian ini adalah Wawancara, Informan, selebihnya adalah Data tambahan seperti Dokumen-dokumen, catatan, Laporan-lapaoran maupun Arsip resmi. Implementasi Kebijakan Bupati Buton Selatan Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 tentang lokasiI Dana Desa di Desa Lapandewa Kaindea dapat dikatakan belum Baik. Hal ini dilihat dari 2 indikator yaitu 1) Partisipasi, dimana Pemerintah Desa Lapandewa Kaindea belum sepenuhnya Melibatkan Masyarakat dalam pembahasan Alokasi Dana Desa, 2) Sumber Daya, Pemerintah Desa Lapandewa Kaindea dalam hal Sumber daya Aparat Desa sudah maksimal dalam Bekerja, tapi sebagian Aparat Desa belum sepenuhnya bekerja. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa 2 indikator pada Iplementasi Kebijakan Bupati Buton Selatan Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 tentang Alokasi Dana Desa did Desa Lapandewa Kaindea Belum Sepenuhnya melibatkan Masyarakat
Development of a computer software for the monitoring of subsidence
A computer software has been developed at the Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering, UTM for the purpose of detecting subsidence of ground surface or manmade structure by using Visual Basic 6.0 and FORTRAN computer languages. This software can be used for processing data from GPS and precise levelling methods. The software requires GPS baseline vectors (âX, âY, âZ). Relative ellipsoidal heights based on the WGS84 ellipsoidal surface must be derived from these baseline vectors. The derived relative ellipsoidal heights are then adjusted using least square estimation method. The adjusted heights will be used for further subsidence analysis. Stransformation is used to transform results from least square estimation using minimum constraints to a selected datum. This paper examines the method of subsidence using the iterative weighted transformation. In this method, the stability of reference points must be checked through a single point test. Stable points will then be adjusted again together with object points. Lastly, the stability of object points will be determined. User of this software requires little knowledge on deformation monitoring processing, as the user needs to follow the procedure of inputting data required by the software. The output from the software will give the stability of the all control points whether they have moved or otherwise
Studentsâ Mathematics Achievement and Its Relationship with Parentsâ Education Level, and Socio-Economic Status In Turkey
This paper aimed to investigate the impact of gender, parentsâ education level, and socio-economic status on studentsâ mathematics performance. Population of this paper was obtained from PISA 2009 conducted in Turkey. The method used in this study was an independent t-test analysis, Oneway ANOVA, correlation and linear regression. The results of this study revealed that gender differences and mathematics achievement in Turkish students who participated in PISA 2009 are statistically significant but practically is not significant. Parentsâ education level of Turkish students in this research has an impact on Turkish studentsâ mathematics achievements. The most significant difference is found between group ISCED 5A, 6 and none highest education level of parents and practically this difference is significant. The last main point of the result in this study is Index of Economic, Social, and Cultural Status (ESCS) has a positive impact on mathematics achievement. ESCS and mathematics achievement show a positive and linear relationship. ESCS is a significant predictor of mathematics achievements.Keywords: mathematics achievement, gender, parentsâ education level, socio-economic statu
Pendekatan Fenomenologi dalam Studi Agama Konsep, Kritik dan Aplikasi
Phenomenological approach to the study of religion has played such a significant role in unraveling mysteries of religious experiences. By bracketing-out (epoch?), a researcher must suspend all of his/her judgments concerning the phenomenon under investigation in order that he/she may gain the real knowledge of the religious phenomena and experience as well as the essence of a religion. However, this approach has been subjugated to many critiques which show that it is vulnerable on the following areas: the continued philosophical viability of the phenomenology of religion, the surreptitious theological assumptions or motives behind this approach, and the public role of scholar in social community under study
Wahdah Islamiyyah Palu: on Contemporary Islamic Legal Issues In The Internet
This paper deals with one of the Islamic organizations in Palu, Wahdah Islamiyah (Islamic Unity), in terms of theological and contemporary Islamic legal issues. The source of analysis is the website that Wahdah Islamiyah runs online. The paper concludes that Wahdah Islamiyah is influenced by the relatively strict theology of WahhÄbism in religiosity and morality. Therefore, in legal issues, Wahdah Islamiyah embraced and accommodated relatively conservative views with various issues in relation to theological issues and Islamic legal issues such as womenâs, social, economic, and political issues. From these views, it can be argued that their aim is to preserve the identity by constructing the concepts of shirk and bidÊ»ah and reinforcing the relatively rigid juristic tradition to become the citadel from the attacks of doctrine seeking to demolish the building of Salafism
The spread of the Islamic puritan movements, which have beeninfluenced by Wahhabism and Salafism, is not positive for Muslimsocieties. According to Abu al-Fadl, the role of moderate Islam tocounter those movements is very important. The main purpose of themoderate Islam project is to establish a strong civil society based ontolerance and respect for human rights. To do this, the moderate Islamtakes the moral values such as equality, justice, and protection of humanlife as the foundation of Islamic law. Therefore, if one finds acontradiction between the literal meaning of religious texts and the basicmoral values, the latter should be prioritized. Moreover, to interpretreligious texts, one does not only need religious traditional knowledge,but also modern social sciences and humanities
Artikel ini berusaha mengeskplorasi gagasan terkait dengan pendidikan karakter. Membangun pendidikan karakter bukan hanya penting tapi sangat dibutuhkan, guna mereformasi karakter fujur bangsa menuju peradaban bangsa yang berakhlak mulia dan berilmu serta berdaya saing. Berbagai peraturan/kebijakan telah dilakukan sebagai upaya terciptanya pendidikan karakter. Terwujudnya pendidikan karakter bukan hal mudah melainkan membutuhkan proses dan pendekatan strategis, serta daya dukung bersama dan kebersamaan. Namun aspek penting untuk efektifitas pendidikan karakter adalah keteladan kepemimpinan
Manusia sangat membutuhkan teknologi, sebab dengan teknologi maka dapat memudahkan pekerjaan manusia. Namun demikian jika salah dalam memanfaatkan teknologi, maka akan berakibat pada terjadinya dekadensi moral pada anak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak teknologi terhadap moral anak. Yang dimaksud dengan teknologi dalam artikel ini antara lain adalah siaran televisi, radio, koran serta siaran elektronik lainnya. Sedangkan selanjutnya teknologi adalah merupakan perpanjangan tangan manusia untuk dapat memanfaakan alam dan sesuatu yang ada disekelilingnya yang tujuannya untuk mempermudah pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia secara maksimal. Dalam mengatasi dampak teknologi terhadap moral anak maka dibutuhkan peran orang tua sebagai pendidik yang pertama dan utama bagi anak. Pengaruh teknologi terhadap dekadensi moral anak adalah bukan hanya terletak pada teknologinya tapi pemanfaatan siaran harus selalu mendapat perhatian, pengawasan, dan kontrol yang serius dari orang tua di rumah maupun guru di sekolah agar terhindar dari terjadinya dekadensi moral pada ana
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