9 research outputs found

    The Impact of Peer Pressure Mathematical Models Armed Criminal Groups with Criminal Mapping Area

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    Model Armed Criminal Groups is mathematically realistic to be considered in the study of mathematical science. The aim of this research is to form a mathematical model of social cases of criminal acts. The given model is a criminal form that adopts the conformity of the conditions in the susceptible, exposed, infected, and recovered (SEIR) disease distribution model. The research method used is literature study and analysis. The research results show that there are 2 non-negative equilibrium, and one of them is stability analysis. Stability analysis is only carried out at equilibrium that does not contain a zero value with the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. In the results of other research the trajectories show that population growth tends not to experience fluctuations, this indicates that the population is growing towards stability rapidly. In case studies in the field, this marks a cycle of crime that quickly subsides or only occurs in a short period of time and does not occur in a sustainable manner. Overall the susceptible population, the exposed population, the infected population, and the recovered population experience the same conditions


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    Guru memainkan peranan penting dalam menentukan kesuksesan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Namun, dalam kenyataannya, masih banyak guru yang mengajar tidak sesuai dengan bidang kompetensinya, masih banyak sekolah yang kekurangan guru. Dalam penelitian ini, pemetaan guru akan dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan informasi tentang peta guru yang lengkap dalam sebuah grafik dua dimensi untuk penataan distribusi guru. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis biplot.  Analisis biplot digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakteristik kebutuhan guru mata pelajaran di Kabupaten Merauke,berdasarkan posisinya terhadap distrik dan sekolah yang diamati. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data jumlah guru per mata pelajaran dan jumlah rombongan belajar pada setiap SMP di Kabupaten Merauke. Analisis dilakukan dengan pertana-tama mereduksi komponen mata pelajaran menjadi dua komponen utama dan kemudian menyajikannya dalam plot dua dimensi (biplot).  Penyajian grafik menampilkan objek pengamatan dengan variabel secara simultan. Biplot rasio ketersediaan guru di Kabupaten Merauke dapat memberikan informasi ketersediaan guru sebanyak 40,08%. Biplot rasio kebutuhan guru di Kabupaten Merauke dapat memberikan informasi kebutuhan guru sebanyak 60,36%. Informasi yang diperoleh dari hasil biplot adalah Distrik Merauke memiliki ketersediaan guru TIK, BP/BK, Seni Budaya dan Bahasa Indonesia yang tinggi dibandingkan distrik lain. Distrik Kaptel memiliki ketersediaan guru yang rendah dan lebih dominan dalam mata pelajaran Matematika. Guru mata pelajaran yang paling banyak dimiliki di hampir semua distrik adalah IPS. Distrik Merauke memiliki ketersediaan guru yang paling banyak, tetapi juga memiliki kebutuhan akan guru mata pelajaran yang paling banyak. Biplot rasio ketersediaan guru Distrik Merauke dapat memberikan informasi ketetrsediaan guru sebanyak 53,65%. Biplot rasio kebutuhan guru Distrik Merauke dapat memberikan informasi ketetrsediaan guru sebanyak 67,31%. Sekolah di distrik Merauke yang memiliki kebutuhan guru yang lebih tinggi yaitu SMP Negeri LB, SMP Negeri 1 dan SMP Negeri 2. Sedangkan SMP Negeri Pers Gudang Arang memiliki kebutuhaan guru yang paling rendah


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    This study aims to apply one of the techniques in multivariate statistics namely Factor Analysis to determine the factors that influence the decision of students to choose Mathematics Education Department, Teaching and Education Faculty, Musamus University. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 70 students majoring in mathematics education that consists of force in 2015, 2016 and 2017. To analyze the data used factor analysis method with SPSS 20 and obtained that from 25 variables studied can be reduced to only 7 factor. The factors that are formed are the quality factors of the study program, lecturer professionalism, curriculum relevant to the world of work, advice, costs, personal abilities and prospect factors and job opportunities. Keywords: factor analysis, decision, mathematics education  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan salah satu teknik dalam statistik multivariat yakni Analisis Faktor guna mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan mahasiswa memilih Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Musamus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membagikan kuesioner terhadap 70 mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan matematika yang terdiri dari angkatan tahun 2015, 2016, dan 2017. Untuk menganalisis data tersebut digunakan metode analisis faktor dengan bantuan SPSS 20 dan diperoleh hasil bahwa dari 25 variabel yang diteliti dapat direduksi menjadi hanya 7 faktor. Faktor-faktor yang terbentuk adalah faktor kualitas program studi, profesionalisme dosen, kurikulum yang relevan dengan dunia kerja, saran, biaya, kemampuan pribadi dan faktor prospek dan peluang kerja Kata kunci: analisis faktor, keputusan, pendidikan matematik


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    penelitian ini membahas model matematika kecanduan terhadap konsumsi aibon. Dalam skema asumsi kasus kecanduan aibon mendekati kondisi riil. Kecanduan akibat senyawa Lysergic Acid Diethyilamide (LSD) memperlihatkan prilaku dalam system endemik. Oleh karenanya, untuk pemodelan matematika dapat di peroleh. Model disusun dalam pembagian klaster populasi tertutup. Populasi potensial, populasi pecandu aktif dan populasi pecandu yang berhenti. Pada sistem model titik equilibrium yang memungkinkan muncul ada tiga, yaitu  dan . Sementara dari ketiga equilibrium tersebut yang asimtotik stabil adalah . Diperoleh juga nilai Reproduction number  yaitu sebesar . Dari nilai  yang diperoleh inilah dapat dinyatakan bahwa untuk populasi pecandu aktif dapat direduksi. Model matematika kecanduan terhadap aibon ini disajikan untuk mengetahui kelakuan solusi model dan laju perubahan pecandu aktif jika diakukan pengontrolan dan jika tidak dilakukan pengontrolan


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    This research aims to know the characteristic of ideal mathematics teacher according to student of SMA Negeri 1 Merauke. This research is quantitative research. The sampling technique used was stratified proportional random sampling technique and obtained 256 students as sample. Data collection techniques used is the spread of questionnaires, then data from the questionnaire were analyzed using conjoint analysis with full profile method and orthogonal array. The results showed that the characteristics of mathematics teachers desired by students are teachers of male sex, have age between 46-55 years, then have a relaxed but serious teaching style, using unconventional learning method, teacher convey mathematics material accompanied by its application in daily life, then have high spirit of teaching and able to use technology in learning well, interaction between teacher with active student.Abstrak:  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik guru matematika yang ideal menurut siswa SMA Negeri 1 Merauke. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik stratified proportional random sampling dan diperoleh 256 siswa sebagai sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah penyebaran kuesioner, kemudian data dari hasil kuesioner dianalisis menggunakan analisis konjoin dengan metode full profile menggunakan orthogonal array. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik guru matematika yang diinginkan oleh siswa adalah guru yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki, mempunyai usia antara 46-55 tahun, kemudian mempunyai gaya mengajar yang santai tapi serius, dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang inkonvensional, guru menyampaikan materi matematika disertai dengan aplikasinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, selanjutnya mempunyai semangat mengajar yang tinggi dan mampu menggunakan teknologi dalam pembelajaran dengan baik, serta interaksi antara guru dengan siswa yang aktif. Kata kunci: Karakteristik guru matematika, Analisis konjoi

    Application of Beddington DeAngelis Response Function in Ecological Mathematical System: Study Fish Endemic Oliv Predator Species in Merauke

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    Predator-prey type fishery models Oliv fish is a trans-endemic predator species that inhabits freshwater swamps and brackish water in Merauke, Papua. Maintaining the survival of the Oliv fish species is the main reason for compiling a mathematical model, so that it can be considered by local governments in making ecological policies. Method on model discussed is assembled with the growth of predator-prey populations following the growth of logistics. The response or predatory function corresponding to the behavior of endemic Oliv fish is the Beddington DeAngelis type. The growth of predatory species uses the concept of growth with stage structure, are divided into mature and immature. Research results show there are four equilibrium points of the mathematical model, but only one point becomes the asymptotic stable equilibrium point without harvesting W_4 (x^*,y^*,z^* )=92.823,1311.489,525.957 and equilibrium point with harvesting W_4 (x^*,y^*,z^* )=95.062,92.639,160.466 . Harvesting exploitation efforts are carried out by the community so that the harvesting variables are added with a proportional concept. Simulation of the results of the study shows a stable scheme and harvesting conducted can maintain the number of populations that continue

    The Dynamics and Harvesting Effect Population One Prey Two Predator with Schooling Behavior

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    This paper, the model considered is a predator-prey model for an exploited population. Predator and prey species in the offered concept have schooling characteristics. The characteristics of schooling are very similar to behavior in natural ecosystems. Based on the equilibrium analysis obtained five equilibrium points. The equilibrium point is the only one that satisfies the equilibrium model based on the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. Meanwhile, harvesting effort using the chosen equilibrium point was also calculated in the study. The principle of bionomic equilibrium is a method of showing the results of harvesting as a parameter control. Numerical simulations are also carried tor to validate the findings in the research discussion. Parameters taken from assumptions and references become important and critical references. Trajectories show a population of prey and predator one population that continues to be sustainable despite harvesting efforts. Meanwhile, different trajectories are shown by the population of two predators, which experienced a decrease in population growth. Harvesting attempts carried out on predator two continuously until a certain time will result in serious extinctions

    Improving the Prospective Math Teacher's Literacy Skills by Using Digital Images in STEM-Based Instruction

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    The demands of high school education are not only increasingly complex and difficult subject content, students are also required to be able to think critically and reason in solving everyday problems. This mathematical ability is known as mathematical literacy proficiency. This is where the teacher's role as a facilitator who provides stimulus in the form of learning strategies, guidance and assistance when students experience learning difficulties is a key factor. For this reason, students as prospective mathematics teachers need to have good mathematical literacy skills and knowledge and skills to guide students to achieve 21st century abilities and skills. This research was conducted to apply a STEM approach in learning so that students can improve the mathematical literacy skills of students majoring in Mathematics Education as prospective teachers and introduce and equip them with knowledge about STEM. The research was carried out using problems related to the relationship between mathematics and digital images in STEM. Data is collected through tests and assessments of student activities that integrate STEM in solving problems. The research results show that digital images have the potential to help students understand mathematical concepts in various fields, especially computer graphics. Students' literacy skills also increased significantly at the significance level α = 0.05. Students' mathematical literacy proficiency level increased from 90% at maximum level 1 to 90% at minimum level

    Dynamics Twin Cannibalism of Two Predator and Two Prey System with Prey Defense

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    The study discusses the condition of the existence of all non-negative equilibrium points. There are 9 realistic equilibrium points from the constructed model. A local stable condition is obtained, a point of equilibrium that is completely biologically feasible. The analytical method on the mathematically formed model is limited, so numerical simulation is also given to explore the model. Numerical simulation is intervened in a model that will show growth in trajectories. The tendency of trajectories in prey one and predator one species is relatively the same because the interactions that occur are intensive. Likewise, prey two and predator two occur, and the interactions that occur cause population growth grow to fluctuate. Differences occur in both types of species, namely predator-prey one and predator-prey two. In the one interaction group, growth tends to be more volatile and moves slowly towards the point of stability in population growth. Incidence is inversely proportional to the interaction of species two which tend to be faster towards the stability point. In general, the results of numerical simulations show that there is a pattern formation in the predator-prey system that grows sustainabley