3 research outputs found


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    The article considers some aspects of teaching the Latin language to future philologists. Special attention has been paid to the historical aspect of teaching Latin. The differences between teaching Latin and teaching modern languages have been distinguished. It has been stressed that Ukrainian students do not need to obtain all language competencies while learning this course. Among them are philologists, Law students, medical students, etc. The authors pay special attention to training philologists as they are likely to teach the basics of Latin to the students of other majors. There are some problems connected with the study of Latin in the 21st century. For instance, this language is learnt only for one or two semesters in modern Ukrainian institutions of higher education. Therefore, it is impossible to learn a large number of Latin words. So, the authors recommend choosing some frequently used words, as well as some proper nouns. It has been underlined that learning Latin is a complicated activity because of the absence of native speakers and lack of definitive knowledge about the Latin phonetics. It has been mentioned that not so many texts survive from Classical Antiquity and there is only a limited number of post-classical Latin-language texts. This language, like any other one, has changed a lot, so we focus on learning Classical Latin. It was used as a literary standard by writers of the late Roman Republic and early Roman Empire. But we use the texts adapted for the present-day students. Foe example, the words are spelt separately and the letters u and j are used. In this article the authors have distinguished several clusters of Latin words that are to be learnt. Students are asked to find out the etymology of modern English words that have Latin origin. It has been shown that Latin helps students to get ready for learning other languages. The linguodidactic potential of Latin proverbs has been shown. Besides, the authors have used some mottos of countries, regions and cities. It is suggested to use modern Internet sources including Englishlanguage ones. The article contains an example of a multiple-choice exercise aimed at training grammar skills. The authors assume that learning Latin should be supported with discussions and self-study work presentations. Special attention is paid to motivation of students


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    The issues related to the use of advertising texts when teaching foreign languages have been considered in the article. In particular, the article considers their role in socio-cultural competence formation. The factors that make listening comprehension more difficult have been identified. Personal factors have been determined. The article stipulates that an advertising text comprises audio, video and text information. The connection between advertising discourse and the culture of people whose language is being studied has been considered in this article. The influence of political and economic globalization on advertisement has been analyzed. It has been proved that ethnic and cultural dimensions of advertisement are of crucial importance. Advertising texts appear to be quite similar owing to the influence of global market economy. The use of advertisement ensure that socio-cultural competence can be considered as an outcome of learning. The main purposes of video materials in foreign languages teaching have been considered. Positive attitude towards goods and services has been determined to be the main thing among other language advertising instruments. Sometimes advertisements can ruin negative or create positive stereotypes. The authors aim at analyzing the effectiveness of commercials using comparative tables. Thus, the students develop not only language skills but also improve their business and professional qualities. The scientists’ views on the main aspects of using advertisements have been presented. Listening strategies suggested by Russian scientists have been analyzed. Comparative, systematic, structural-functional and axiological approaches have been used in the article. The examples of advertising texts, which could be used in teaching English, French and Polish, have been provided. Such texts can also explain the mechanisms of language functioning. Advertising materials of a French bank, of a British airline as well as a commercial of a Polish railroad company have been used. The article includes a set of tasks aimed at creating original advertising products. It has been proved that it is possible to create a complex of exercises involving advertisements, which could facilitate the perception of lexicon and grammar of the language learned. This can intensify the cognitive activity and stimulate creative use of the English language. The possibility has been considered to further use political advertising as a language learning tool


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    The article is devoted to the main challenges faced by modern tourism. The importance of tourism in the context of economic growth in modern conditions has been explained. Economic and sociological approaches, which reflect the main spectrum of modern challenges for the tourism industry, have been highlighted. The usefulness of the economic approach for studying the role of tourism and its contribution to the country’s economy and economic development has been proven. The possibility of using a sociological approach to study the structure, functioning and development of tourism as a social phenomenon in its connection with social, political, economic and cultural dimensions of society has been demonstrated. The author’s classification of factors (as well as challenges) that affect the tourism business has been presented. Two groups of factors have been distinguished: 1) natural and man-made; 2) socioeconomic and political. Natural factors, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, typhoons, floods, pandemics make tourism dangerous. Man-made factors include incidents, disasters, accidents in industry, crowded places, transport accidents, etc. A list of examples of transport accidents in which a large number of tourists were injured and died has been given. Socio-economic and political factors include the actions or inaction of people, individual groups, enterprises, states, international organizations, etc. Thus, the bankruptcy of a tourist or other company prevents the fulfillment of obligations to tourists. A workers’ strike often affects people who are not directly related to it and are indirectly involved in the conflict. Thus, air transport workers strike lead to flight delays and cancellations, that influences tourism business. Political processes can also cause problems to tourism business. It has been emphasized that poverty, social instability, unpopular decisions of the government or local authorities often lead to riots. At the same time, we have noted that tourists may suffer during these disturbances due to a number of certain reasons. Political crises, revolutions and coups d’état change the political landscape of a country, its legal norms, conditions for crossing the border, etc. Examples of Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, and other countries that experienced coups or mass protests have been given. Particular attention has been paid to terrorism as a hazard factor. Examples of terrorist acts directed against tourists have been given. The destructive influence of hostilities on tourism has been proven, but it has been shown that tourists can be attracted to places associated with war. Special attention has been paid to the problem of recognition of states