4 research outputs found

    Computational model, based on machine learning, to predict the level of success in legal cases

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    ABSTRACT With the development of information and communication technologies, new opportunities and applications of many technologies are emerging that before could not be thought to be used, in this sense artificial intelligence is the technology that has gained greater strength, accompanied by the development of hardware that makes its execution possible and of software tools that make its implementation possible. The neural network is one of the most used techniques in the field of artificial intelligence. This work is based on analyzing possible cases of labor judicial problems, when workers who have suffered an abuse by employers are faced with. The success of the case according to the model presented, is based on being able to have the majority of documentation that evidences both the employment relationship, responsibilities of the employees, documents that support the payment of remuneration, documents that evidence any fault committed by the employee between others, a computational model was developed with a graphical user interface to make its application more practical. The model presents an effectiveness level of 93%, analyzed with 400 cases between positive and negative. For the training process, 100 cases corresponding to positive cases and 100 cases corresponding to negative cases were used. The model is practical in its use and can be scalable to different areas in the legal field

    Low-cost system for the management of portable basic clinical information, through the use of rfid technologies

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    ABSTRACT Information and communication technologies are causing a positive impact on people's lives, from communication through mobile devices, which can also be used in multiple applications, such as educational, recreation, among others. One of the areas where it is causing a greater impact is health, because of how important the use of technology is both in diagnosis and treatment, it could be said that in health systems, technology is your best ally, In the present work, a low-cost system is proposed for the management of basic and necessary clinical information, which can be a determining factor in the preservation of the person's life. There are certain factors that can help maintain people's lives in an emergency, such as blood type, if you are allergic to a certain medication, if you have a heart problem, diabetes problems, knowing your personal information, this Information must always be available and at all times. As a result of this research, it is to present a protocol for the management of this information that everyone can carry either as an identification card or as a key ring. What can be decisive in emergency cases

    Methodological proposal on safety in the transmission of medical images in telehealth systems

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    ABSTRACT Information and communication technologies are managing to modify certain essential aspects in the lives of forgives, one of the positive impacts on the lives of people and even more so in the communities, is related to the democratization of health, bringing health For most people, it improves the quality of life, thus, the objective of this work is to be able to present a practical methodology, to be able to carry out a remote diagnosis, through the analysis of medical images, whether of any type or modality, the methodology is very practical because it does not require high value infrastructure, on the contrary it is considered as low cost, because we use computational resources that are available. The methodology allows a diagnosis by a doctor specializing in radiology, who being at a distance can help the diagnosis. The methodology allows the transmission of information, essential, which corresponds to the identification of the affected areas or that are considered with alterations in the image, this process consists of defining a mask for identification, the doctor who performs the diagnosis does not require sending the original image, otherwise it only requires the sending of the marking, with this you can use simple information delivery mechanisms that do not consume much resources, this is one of its strengths of the methodology. As a result, we present a simulation of the methodology, using computerized tomography images of the Brain, where foreign objects are identified in the image, we proceeded to use the methodology, where the DICOM image was converted to PNG; then we proceeded to mark the foreign objects in the image, and finally the image was obtained with all the markings, this image is sent to the health center of origin, for registration. The methodology can be replicated, used and adapted to each of the characteristics and needs of each health center