293 research outputs found

    Solid Solution Strengthening and Softening Due to Collective Nanocrystalline Deformation Physics

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    Solid solution effects on the strength of the finest nanocrystalline grain sizes are studied with molecular dynamics simulations of different Cu-based alloys. We find evidence of both solid solution strengthening and softening, with trends in strength controlled by how alloying affects the elastic modulus of the material. This behavior is consistent with a shift to collective grain boundary deformation physics, and provides a link between the mechanical behavior of very fine-grained nanocrystalline metals and metallic glasses.Comment: Published in Scripta Materiali

    Dislocation-assisted linear complexion formation driven by segregation

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    Atomistic simulations are used to study linear complexion formation at dislocations in a body-centered cubic Fe-Ni alloy. Driven by Ni segregation, precipitation of the metastable B2-FeNi and stable L10-FeNi phases occurs along the compression side of edge dislocations. If the Ni segregation is not intense enough to ensure precipitate growth and coalescence along the dislocation lines, linear complexions in the form of stable nanoscale precipitate arrays are observed. Critical conditions such as global composition and temperature are defined for both linear complexion formation and dislocation-assisted precipitation.Comment: 4 figure

    Effect of grain boundary character on segregation-induced structural transitions

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    Segregation-induced structural transitions in metallic grain boundaries are studied with hybrid atomistic Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics simulations using Cu-Zr as a model system, with a specific emphasis on understanding the effect of grain boundary character. With increasing global composition, the six grain boundary types chosen for this study first form ordered complexions, with the local segregation pattern depending on the grain boundary core structure, then transform into disordered complexions when the grain boundary composition reaches a critical value that is temperature dependent. The tendency for this transition to a disordered interfacial structure consistently depends on the relative solute excess, instead of the grain boundary energy or misorientation angle. Grain boundaries with high relative solute excess go through gradual disordering transitions, whereas those with low relative solute excess remain ordered until high global Zr concentrations but then abruptly transform into thick disordered films. The results presented here provide a clear picture of the effect of interface character on both dopant segregation patterns and disordered intergranular film formation, showing that all grain boundaries are not equal when discussing complexion transitions.Comment: 15 figure

    High-temperature stability and grain boundary complexion formation in a nanocrystalline Cu-Zr alloy

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    Nanocrystalline Cu-3 at.% Zr powders with ~20 nm average grain size were created with mechanical alloying and their thermal stability was studied from 550-950 {\deg}C. Annealing drove Zr segregation to the grain boundaries, which led to the formation of amorphous intergranular complexions at higher temperatures. Grain growth was retarded significantly, with 1 week of annealing at 950 {\deg}C, or 98% of the solidus temperature, only leading to coarsening of the average grain size to 54 nm. The enhanced thermal stability can be connected to both a reduction in grain boundary energy with doping as well as the precipitation of ZrC particles. High mechanical strength is retained even after these aggressive heat treatments, showing that complexion engineering may be a viable path toward the fabrication of bulk nanostructured materials with excellent properties.Comment: 12 figure

    Emergence of localized plasticity and failure through shear banding during microcompression of a nanocrystalline alloy

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    Microcompression testing is used to probe the uniaxial stress-strain response of a nanocrystalline alloy, with an emphasis on exploring how grain size and grain boundary relaxation state impact the complete flow curve and failure behavior. The yield strength, strain hardening, strain-to-failure, and failure mode of nanocrystalline Ni-W films with mean grain sizes of 5, 15, and 90 nm are studied using taper-free micropillars that are large enough to avoid extrinsic size effects. Strengthening is observed with grain refinement, but catastrophic failure through strain localization is found as well. Shear banding is found to cause failure, resembling the deformation of metallic glasses. Finally, we study the influence of grain boundary state by employing heat treatments that relax nonequilibrium boundary structure but leave grain size unchanged. A pronounced strengthening effect and increased strain localization is observed after relaxation in the finer grained samples.Comment: Published in Acta Materiali

    Amorphous Intergranular Films Enable the Creation of Bulk Nanocrystalline Cu-Zr with Full Density

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    Nanocrystalline metal alloys show great potential as structural materials, but are often only available in small volumes such as thin films or powders. However, recent research has suggested that dopant segregation and grain boundary structural transitions between states known as complexions can dramatically alter grain size stability and potentially enable activated sintering. In this study, we explore strategic consolidation routes for mechanically alloyed Cu-4 at.% Zr powders to capture the effects of amorphous complexion formation on the densification of bulk nanostructured metals. We observed an increase in density of the consolidated samples which coincides with the formation of amorphous intergranular films. At the same time, the grain size is reasonably stable after exposure to these temperatures. As a result, we are able to produce a bulk nano-grained metal with a grain size of 57 nm and a density of 99.8%, which shows an impressive balance of small grain size and high density using simple consolidation techniques.Comment: 4 Figure

    Amorphous intergranular films act as ultra-efficient point defect sinks during collision cascades

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    Atomistic simulations are used to explore the effect of interfacial structure on residual radiation damage. Specifically, an ordered grain boundary is compared to a disordered amorphous intergranular film, to investigate how interface thickness and free volume impacts point defect recombination. The collision cascades induced by neutron bombardment are simulated and residual point defect populations are analyzed as a function of boundary type and primary knock on atom energy. While ordered grain boundaries easily absorb interstitials, these interfaces are inefficient vacancy sinks. Alternatively, amorphous intergranular films act as ultra-efficient, unbiased defect sinks, providing a path for the creation of radiation-tolerant materials.Comment: 4 figure

    Thick amorphous complexion formation and extreme thermal stability in ternary nanocrystalline Cu-Zr-Hf alloys

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    Building on the recent discovery of tough nanocrystalline Cu-Zr alloys with amorphous intergranular films, this paper investigates ternary nanocrystalline Cu-Zr-Hf alloys with a focus on understanding how alloy composition affects the formation of disordered complexions. Binary Cu-Zr and Cu-Hf alloys with similar initial grain sizes were also fabricated for comparison. The thermal stability of the nanocrystalline alloys was evaluated by annealing at 950 {\deg}C (>95% of the solidus temperatures), followed by detailed characterization of the grain boundary structure. All of the ternary alloys exhibited exceptional thermal stability comparable to that of the binary Cu-Zr alloy, and remained nanocrystalline even after two weeks of annealing at this extremely high temperature. Despite carbide formation and growth in these alloys during milling and annealing, the thermal stability of the ternary alloys is mainly attributed to the formation of thick amorphous intergranular films at high temperatures. Our results show that ternary alloy compositions have thicker boundary films compared to the binary alloys with similar global dopant concentrations. While it is not required for amorphous complexion formation, this work shows that having at least three elements present at the interface can lead to thicker grain boundary films, which is expected to maximize the previously reported toughening effect.Comment: 9 figure

    Concurrent transitions in wear rate and surface microstructure in nanocrystalline Ni-W

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    Nanocrystalline metals are promising materials for wear-resistant applications due to their superior strength and hardness, but prior work has shown that cyclic loading can lead to coarsening. In this study, scratch wear tests were carried out on nanocrystalline Ni-19 at.% W films with an as-deposited grain size of 3 nm, with systematic characterization performed after different wear cycles. A new gradient nanograined microstructure is observed and a direct connection between wear rate and subsurface microstructure is discovered. A second Ni-W specimen with the same composition and a 45 nm average grain size is produced by annealing the original specimen. Subsequent wear testing shows that an identical subsurface microstructure is produced in this sample, emphasizing the importance of the cross-over in deformation mechanisms for determining the steady-state grain size during wear.Comment: 8 figure

    Strain localization in a nanocrystalline metal: Atomic mechanisms and the effect of testing conditions

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are used to investigate strain localization in a model nanocrystalline metal. The atomic mechanisms of such catastrophic failure are first studied for two grain sizes of interest. Detailed analysis shows that the formation of a strain path across the sample width is crucial, and can be achieved entirely through grain boundary deformation or through a combination of grain boundary sliding and grain boundary dislocation emission. Pronounced mechanically-induced grain growth is also found within the strain localization region. The effects of testing conditions on strain localization are also highlighted, to understand the conditions that promote shear banding and compare these observations to metallic glass behavior. We observed that, while strain localization occurs at low temperatures and slow strain rates, a shift to more uniform plastic flow is observed when either strain rate or temperature is increased. We also explore how external sample dimensions influence strain localization, but find no size effect for the grain sizes and samples sizes studied here.Comment: Published in Journal of Applied Physic
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