34 research outputs found

    Performance-based Trajectory Optimization for Path Following Control Using Bayesian Optimization

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    Accurate positioning and fast traversal times determine the productivity in machining applications. This paper demonstrates a hierarchical contour control implementation for the increase of productivity in positioning systems. The high-level controller pre-optimizes the input to a low level cascade controller, using a contouring predictive control approach. This control structure requires tuning of multiple parameters. We propose a sample-efficient joint tuning algorithm, where the performance metrics associated with the full geometry traversal are modelled as Gaussian processes and used to form the global cost and the constraints in a constrained Bayesian optimization algorithm. This approach enables the trade-off between fast traversal, high tracking accuracy, and suppression of vibrations in the system. The performance improvement is evaluated numerically when tuning different combinations of parameters. We demonstrate that jointly tuning the parameters of the contour- and the low level controller achieves the best performance in terms of time, tracking accuracy, and minimization of the vibrations in the system

    Machine Tool Component Health Identification with Unsupervised Learning

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    Unforeseen machine tool component failures cause considerable losses. This study presents a new approach to unsupervised machine component condition identification. It uses test cycle data of machine components in healthy and various faulty conditions for modelling. The novelty in the approach consists of the time series representation as features, the filtering of the features for statistical significance, and the use of this feature representation to train a clustering model. The benefit in the proposed approach is its small engineering effort, the potential for automation, the small amount of data necessary for training and updating the model, and the potential to distinguish between multiple known and unknown conditions. Online measurements on machines in unknown conditions are performed to predict the component condition with the aid of the trained model. The approach was exemplarily tested and verified on different healthy and faulty states of a grinding machine axis. For the accurate classification of the component condition, different clustering algorithms were evaluated and compared. The proposed solution demonstrated encouraging results as it accurately classified the component condition. It requires little data, is straightforward to implement and update, and is able to precisely differentiate minor differences of faults in test cycle time series.ISSN:1062-0656ISSN:1530-806

    Batch Model Predictive Control for Selective Laser Melting

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    Selective laser melting is a promising additive manufacturing technology enabling the fabrication of highly customizable products. A major challenge in selective laser melting is ensuring the quality of produced parts, which is influenced greatly by the thermal history of printed layers. We propose a Batch-Model Predictive Control technique based on the combination of model predictive control and iterative learning control. This approach succeeds in rejecting both repetitive and non-repetitive disturbances and thus achieves improved tracking performance and process quality. In a simulation study, the selective laser melting dynamics is approximated with a reduced-order control-oriented linear model to ensure reasonable computational complexity. The proposed approach provides convergence to the desired temperature field profile despite model uncertainty and disturbances

    Meta-Learning Priors for Safe Bayesian Optimization

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    In robotics, optimizing controller parameters under safety constraints is an important challenge. Safe Bayesian optimization (BO) quantifies uncertainty in the objective and constraints to safely guide exploration in such settings. Hand-designing a suitable probabilistic model can be challenging, however. In the presence of unknown safety constraints, it is crucial to choose reliable model hyper-parameters to avoid safety violations. Here, we propose a data-driven approach to this problem by meta-learning priors for safe BO from offline data. We build on a meta-learning algorithm, F-PACOH, capable of providing reliable uncertainty quantification in settings of data scarcity. As core contribution, we develop a novel framework for choosing safety-compliant priors in a data-riven manner via empirical uncertainty metrics and a frontier search algorithm. On benchmark functions and a high-precision motion system, we demonstrate that our meta-learned priors accelerate the convergence of safe BO approaches while maintaining safety

    Safe and Efficient Model-free Adaptive Control via Bayesian Optimization

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    Adaptive control approaches yield high-performance controllers when a precise system model or suitable parametrization of the controller are available. Existing data-driven approaches for adaptive control mostly augment standard model-based methods with additional information about uncertainties in the dynamics or about disturbances. In this work, we propose a purely data-driven, model-free approach for adaptive control. However, tuning low-level controllers based solely on system data raises concerns about the underlying algorithm safety and computational performance. Thus, our approach builds on GOOSE, an algorithm for safe and sample-efficient Bayesian optimization. We introduce several computational and algorithmic modifications in the underlying algorithm that enable its practical use on a rotational motion system. We numerically demonstrate for several types of disturbances that our approach is sample efficient, outperforms constrained Bayesian optimization in terms of safety, and achieves the performance optima computed by grid evaluation. We further demonstrate the proposed adaptive control approach experimentally on a rotational motion system