52 research outputs found

    Preferred roles in treatment decision making among patients with cancer: A pooled analysis of studies using the control preferences scale

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    OBJECTIVES: To collect normative data, assess differences between demographic groups, and indirectly compare US and Canadian medical systems relative to patient expectations of involvement in cancer treatment decision making. STUDY DESIGN: Meta-analysis. METHODS: Individual patient data were compiled across 6 clinical studies among 3491 patients with cancer who completed the 2-item Control Preferences Scale indicating the roles they preferred versus actually experienced in treatment decision making. RESULTS: The roles in treatment decision making that patients preferred were 26% active, 49% collaborative, and 25% passive. The roles that patients reported actually experiencing were 30% active, 34% collaborative, and 36% passive. Roughly 61% of patients reported having their preferred role; only 6% experienced extreme discordance between their preferred versus actual roles. More men than women (66% vs 60%, P = .001) and more US patients than Canadian patients (84% vs 54%, P <.001) reported concordance between their preferred versus actual roles. More Canadian patients than US patients preferred and actually experienced (42% vs 18%, P <.001) passive roles. More women than men reported taking a passive role (40% vs 24%, P <.001). Older patients preferred and were more likely than younger patients to assume a passive role. CONCLUSIONS: Roughly half of the studied patients with cancer indicated that they preferred to have a collaborative relationship with physicians. Although most patients had the decision-making role they preferred, about 40% experienced discordance. This highlights the need for incorporation of individualized patient communication styles into treatment plans

    The cost of a recalcitrant intravenous drug user with serial cases of endocarditis: Need for guidelines to improve the continuum of care

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    We report a case of an intravenous drug user (IVDU) patient who had 4 episodes of endocarditis within a 2-year time period in rural Georgia. The institutional cost was approximately $380,000. The lack of an established transitional care plan for IVDUs to outpatient care is a common phenomenon at institutions. Guidelines are essential to optimize the quality of care rendered to IVDUs with such infections, to assist providers in utilizing limited resources, and to limit the cost to the institutions

    Treatments for Cannabis Use Disorder across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review

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    Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is a growing public health concern, with rising prevalence and significant impact on individuals across age groups. This systematic review examines 24 studies investigating pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for CUD among adolescents (up to 17), young adults (18–24), and older adults (25–65). Database searches were conducted for randomized controlled trials of CUD interventions reporting outcomes such as cannabis use, abstinence, withdrawal symptoms, and treatment retention. For adolescents, interventions such as contingent rewards and family engagement have shown promise, while young adults benefit from technology-based platforms and peer support. In older adults, pharmacological adjuncts combined with counseling have shown promise in enhancing treatment outcomes. However, optimal treatment combinations remain uncertain, highlighting the need for further research. Addressing CUD requires tailored interventions that acknowledge developmental stages and challenges across the lifespan. Although promising interventions exist, further comparative effectiveness research is needed to delineate the most efficacious approaches
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