8,724 research outputs found

    Production externality and productivity of labor.

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    In this paper we consider two imperfectly competitive industries, with the polluting emissions from one industry harming the productivity of labor in the other. The polluting industry has to pay an environmental tax chosen by the government. In this framework, we analyze how the different organizational structure adopted by workers affect the environmental tax set by the government, total pollution emissions from the polluting industry and the productivity of workers in the industry that suffers the externality. We obtain that this depends on the degree to which pollution emissions from the polluting industry affects the marginal product of labor in the other industry.Production externality, productivity of labor, environmental taxes, imperfect competition, unionized labor.

    Strategic Delegation and Semipublic Firms

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    By considering a mixed oligopoly and considering that public firms are less efficient than private firms, White (2001) shows that if private firms hire managers then the public firm does not do so. We show in this paper that if we consider that a private firm competes with a firm that is owned jointly by both the private and public sectors (a semipublic firm) and that all the firms are equally efficient, then in equilibrium both firms hire managers.Mixed duopoly, Semipublic Firms, Managerial incentive contracts, Cournot competition

    Cost-saving production technologies and partial ownership

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    This work analyzes the incentives to acquire cost-saving production technologies when cross-participation exists at ownership level. We show that cross-participation reduces the incentives to adopt the cost-saving production technology.

    Tungsten and the Vestiges of Colonialism in Peru

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    El artĂ­culo propone una reflexiĂłn frente a las diversas expresiones del colonialismo que se manifiestan en El tungsteno, la novela social de Vallejo, destacando su plano polĂ­tico y estable­ciendo un paralelo con el pensamiento crĂ­tico de AimĂ© CĂ©saire. Se busca de­mostrar que la iniciativa de reivindicar al mundo indĂ­gena desde el marxismo-leninismo constituye, en Ășltimas, una variable mĂĄs del colonialismoThis article proposes a reflection before different expressions of Colonialism, which are shown in Tungsten, Vallejo’s social novel, highlighting its political plane and setting up a parallel with AimĂ© CĂ©saire’s critical thinking. It searches for demons­trating that the initiative of defending the indigenous world from Marxist-Lenin theories constitutes one more variable of colonialism

    Los Estudios Canadienses en Colombia y América Latina

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    La CĂșpula de MocĂĄrabes y el Palacio de los Leones de la Alhambra

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    This work presents different aspects of the architecture of the Palace of the lions in the Alhambra of Granada. The most important of them has to do with the muqarnas dome, its use and its meaning; besides, we also study the centripetal perspective which is present in the interior of the building. This article will allow us to appreciate better the most famous nasrid palace built in the 1360's by Muhammad V.El presente artĂ­culo se centra en varios aspectos de la arquitectura del Palacio de los Leones de la Alhambra de Granada. El mĂĄs importante de ellos alude a la cĂșpula de mocĂĄrabes, a su utilizaciĂłn y a su significado; ademĂĄs, tambiĂ©n abordamos el tema de la perspectiva centrĂ­peta presente en el interior del edificio. Este estudio nos permitirĂĄ comprender, valorar y conocer mejor el celebĂ©rrimo palacio nazarĂ­, erigido por Muhammad V en la dĂ©cada de los sesenta del siglo XlV

    La réforme des forces de police au Canada : les tensions entre la sécurité des citoyens, les libertés fondamentales et le fédéralisme

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    Cet article envisage les politiques en matiĂšre de sĂ©curitĂ© citoyenne et la rĂ©forme des forces de police au Canada pendant les 25 derniĂšres annĂ©es. La Charte canadienne des droits et libertĂ©s a Ă©tabli dans l’article 7 la garantie Ă  la « sĂ©curitĂ© de la personne ». La poursuite de cette garantie a supposĂ©, d’une part, une tension entre la dĂ©centralisation, le dĂ©sengagement de l’État et le rĂŽle de la police et, d’autre part, une tension entre son mandat de prĂ©server l’ordre public, entendu comme la sauvegarde de l’État, et la protection des citoyens. MĂȘme si ces tensions se rĂ©vĂšlent problĂ©matiques, elles n’ont pas empĂȘchĂ© que le Canada soit un pays sĂ»r dont le taux de criminalitĂ© est bas et oĂč rĂšgne un important sentiment de sĂ©curitĂ© parmi les citoyens.This article looks at policies concerning citizen security and reform among Canada's police forces during the last twenty-five years. Article 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms established a guarantee of "security of the person". Pursuit of this guarantee has supposed, on one hand, a tension between decentralization, withdrawal of the State, and the role of police, and on the other hand, a tension between the Charter's mandate to preserve public order, understood as the safeguard of the State, and the protection of citizens. Even if revealed as problematic, these tensions did not prevent Canada from being a confident country with low crime rates and a heightened sense of security among its citizens

    Anotaciones sobre el sujeto lĂ­rico en la poesĂ­a de RaĂșl GĂłmez Jattin (1945-1997)

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    El artĂ­culo aborda la reflexiĂłn en torno al sujeto lĂ­rico en tanto categorĂ­a de anĂĄlisis lingĂŒĂ­stico y literario, a travĂ©s de una relectura de ocho piezas poĂ©ticas de RaĂșl GĂłmez Jattin, escritas en la dĂ©cada de los 80 del siglo pasado. Se describen algunos aspectos formales y semĂĄnticos de los poemas seleccionados y se propone un plano de interpretaciĂłn de los mismos con base en los rasgos biogrĂĄficos del autor y el lenguaje estĂ©tico producto de su condiciĂłn existencial
