16 research outputs found

    Influence of nutrient intake on antioxidant capacity, muscle damage and white blood cell count in female soccer players

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    11 p.Background: Soccer is a form of exercise that induces inflammatory response, as well as an increase in free radicals potentially leading to muscle injury. Balanced nutritional intake provides important antioxidant vitamins, including vitamins A, C and E, which may assist in preventing exercise-related muscle damage. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of macro/micronutrient intake on markers of oxidative stress, muscle damage, inflammatory and immune response in female soccer players.-- Methods: Twenty-eight female players belonging to two soccer teams of the same professional soccer club participated in this study after being informed about the aims and procedures and after delivering written consent. Each team completed an 8-day dietary record and played one competition match the same week. Participants were divided into two groups: the REC group (who complied with recommended intakes) and the NO-REC group (who were not compliant). Laboratory blood tests were carried out to determine hematological, electrolytic and hormonal variables, as well as to monitor markers of cell damage and oxidative stress. Blood samples were obtained 24 h before, immediately after and 18 h after official soccer matches. Student t-test or Mann–Whitney U-test was used to compare both groups throughout the match.-- Results: At rest, we observed that the REC group had higher levels of total antioxidant status (TAS), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and lower levels of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in comparison to the NO-REC group. Immediately after the match, levels of TAS, GPx, superoxide dismutase (SOD), LDH and % lymphocytes were higher and the % of neutrophils were lower in the REC group compared to the NO-REC group. These differences were also maintained 18 h post-match, only for TAS and GPx.-- Conclusions: Our data reveal an association between nutritional intake and muscle damage, oxidative stress, immunity and inflammation markers. The benefit of the intake of specific nutrients may contribute to preventing the undesirable physiological effects provoked by soccer matches.This study was partially supported by the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), research project EHU09/44

    Successful breastfeeding among women with intention to breastfeed: From physiology to socio-cultural factors

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    [EN] Background: Even if women have intention to breastfeed, they do not always achieve a successful breastfeeding. Aim: This study aims to analyse factors affecting breastfeeding prevalence among mothers that intended to breastfeed. Methods: This is a prospective observational study involving 401 pregnant women that intended to breastfeed (asked at the 20th week). Breastfeeding prevalence was evaluated in reference to health-related, socio-cultural factors and healthcare professionals' interventions at 1 month, 6 months and 12 months after birth. Data were analysed using descriptive statistical methods, bivariate logistic regression and multivariate logistic regression modelling. Results: Independent factors negatively affecting breastfeeding prevalence related to mothers' and newborns' health parameters and birth characteristics included smoking during pregnancy, anaemia and use of analgesia during labour. Regarding sociocultural parameters, being an immigrant, higher education level, intention to breastfeed before pregnancy, comfort with public breastfeeding and bedsharing were positively linked to breastfeeding, while teat or pacifier use in the first week was negatively linked. Regarding healthcare professionals' practices, mother and father/partner antenatal education course attendance and exclusive breastfeeding at the hospital were positively associated with breastfeeding. Conclusion: Breastfeeding is a very complex phenomenon affected by multiple and diverse variables. Physiological factors only affect the short term (1st month), while middle and long term BF affecting variables are mainly identical and include mostly socio-cultural factors and also BF related practices, especially in the first days after birth. These data should help to develop more effective breastfeeding promotion strategies.Funding GGTM has received the grant OSIBB18/024 from BIOEF (Fundacion Vasca de Innovacion e Investigacion Sanitarias) . Open Access funding provided by University of Basque Country

    Patterns of Change in Dietary Habits and Physical Activity during Lockdown in Spain Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Lockdown due to COVID-19 influenced food habits and lifestyles with potential negative health impact. This study aims to identify patterns of change in eating habits and physical activity during COVID-19 lockdown in Spain and to identify associations with sociodemographic factors and usual habits. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 1155 adults recruited online to answer a 10-section questionnaire. The protocol assessed usual diet by means of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire, usual physical activity (PA) and supplement use, dietary changes, sedentary time, PA, exposure to sunlight, sleep quality, and smoking during confinement. Patterns of dietary change were identified by factor analysis. Factor scores were included in cluster analysis together with change in PA. Results: Six patterns of dietary change were identified that together with PA changes during lockdown defined three clusters of lifestyle change: a cluster less active, a more active cluster, and a third cluster as active as usual. People who were usually less active were more likely to be classified in the cluster that increased physical activity in confinement. Scores of the Healthy Mediterranean-Style dietary pattern were higher in this group. Conclusions: Different patterns of change in lifestyles in confinement suggest the need to tailor support and advice to different population groups.This research received no external funding. J.A.T. was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Fondo de Investigacion para la Salud (CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038) which was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund

    Hábitos de vida de los estudiantes de enfermería

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    "Cuidar" nuestro cuerpo es saludable, pero últimamente se está convirtiendo en peligroso, sobre todo enla adolescencia. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer los hábitos de alimentación y de actividad física en un grupo de alumnos/as de enfermerías; ya que en una de las funciones de estos profesionales es enseñar hábitos de vida saludables.Gure gorputza "zaintzea" osasungarria da, baina azkenaldian arriskutsua gertatzen ari da, batez ere nerabezaroan. Erizaintzako ikasle talde batek elikadura eta ariketa fisikoaren alorrean dituzten ohiturak ezagutzea da azterlan honen helburua, zeren bizi aztura osasungarriak irakasteabaita profesional horien zereginetako bat."Prendre soin" de notre corps est sain, mais dernièrement cela devient dangereux, surtout pendant l'adolescence. Le but de cette étude est de connaître les habitudes alimentation et l'activité physique dans un groupe d'élèves infirmiers/ères, étant donné que l'une des fonctions de cesprofessionnels est d'enseigner des habitudes de vie saines."Looking after" our body is a healthy practice, but lately it is also becoming a hazardous practice, especially during the adolescence. The objective of this study is to know the nutrition and physical activity habits of a group of nursing students, since one of the functions of such professionals is to teach healthy habits of living

    Dieta postcompetitiva en corredores de maratón

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    Los corredores a menudo parecen olvidar la importancia de una correcta alimentación después de una carrera. El objetivo del trabajo era analizar la dieta postcompetitiva de los participantes en la Maratón de Bilbao. Observamos que existen deficiencias en la ingesta de carbohidratos y vitaminas liposolubles. Estos resultados indican que se deberían realizar esfuerzos para mejorar la alimentación postcompetitiva.Korrikalariek maiz asko elikadura egoki baten garrantzia ahazten dutela ematen du. Bilboko Maratoian parte hartu zutenen lehiaketa ondoko dieta aztertzea izan da lan honen helburua. Ikusi ahal izan dugunez, hutsuneak daude karbohidratoak eta bitamina liposolubleak hartzeari dagokionez. Emaitza horiek adierazten digute ahaleginak egin beharko liratekeela lehiaketa ondoko elikadura hobetzeko.Les coureurs semblent souvent oublier l'importance d'une alimentation correcte après une course. Le but de ce travail était d'analyser la diète postcompétitive des participants au Maraton de Bilbao. Nous observons qu'il existe des déficiences dans l'absorption d'hydrates de carbone et de vitamines liposolubles. Ces résultats indiquent que l'on devrait faire des efforts pour améliorer l'alimentation postcompétitive.Runners often seem to forget the importance of a correct partaking of food after a race. The objective of this work is to analyse the post-competition diet of the participants in the Bilbao Marathon. We observe deficiencies in the partaking of carbohydrates and fat-soluble vitamins. These results indicate efforts should be made to improve post-competition diets

    Ariketa fisikoa hezur-dentsitate mineralaren suspertzaile

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    Osteoporosia osasun-publikoan garrantzi nabarmena duen gaixotasuna da. Gero eta gehiago dira gaixotasun hau pairatzen duten pertsonak, eta gaur egun arte egindako esku-hartzeak ez dira guztiz eraginkorrak. Ariketa fisikoa hezur-dentsitatea metatzeko eta mantentzeko prozesuetarako funtsezkoa den bizi-ohitura da. Gainera, hezurraren eta giharraren arteko lotura dela eta, egindako ariketa fisikoak, hezurrean gain, giharrean ere badu eragina. Kontuan hartu beharrekoa da gaztaroan hezur-dentsi-tate mineralean lortutako maila maximoa erabakigarria dela bizitza osoan zehar izango den hezur-osasunean. Lan honetan, ariketa fisikoaren bitartez hezur mineralaren meta-keta nola sustatu eta mantendu azaltzen da; giharraren eta hezurraren arteko seinalezta-pen gurutzatuak eta adinak, osteoporosiaren oinarrizko prebentzioan, zer eragin duten kontuan hartuz.; Osteoporosis is a serious public health disease. An increasing number of people are affected by it and to date, intervention programs are not being effective. Physical activity is a determinant life habit in the accumulation and maintenance of bone mineral. In addition, due to the link between bone and muscle, physical activity plays an important role in the bone and also has effects in the muscle. The Peak Bone Mass achieved at the end of the growth period, plays an essential role in the bone health throughout life. In this article is explained the importance of the physical activity in the promotion and maintenance of the bone mineral accumulation. Taking account the cross-sectional signalling between bone and skeletal muscle and the importance of the age in the bone adaptive response, in the primary prevention of osteoporosis

    Ingesta de energía y macronutrientes en jóvenes deportistas de diferentes edades

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    El propósito fue evaluar los hábitos nutricionales de jugadores de fútbol adolescentes. Nuestros resultados muestran ingestas de energía significativamente superiores en los grupos más jóvenes. Las distribuciones de la ingesta de macronutrientes no se ajustan a las recomendaciones, con bajo aporte de carbohidratos. Los hábitos nutricionales empeoran al avanzar en edad, sería recomendable promocionar la educación nutricional durante la formación de los futbolistas.Futbol jokalari nerabeen nutrizio ohiturak ebaluatzea da lan honen asmoa. Gure emaitzek erakusten dutenez, energia ingesta askoz handiagoak gertatzen dira talde gazteenetan. Makroelikagaien ingestaren banaketak ez datoz bat gomendioekin, karbohidratoen ekarpena txikia dela. Nutrizio ohiturek okerrera egiten dute adinean aurrera joan ahala. Futbol jokalarien prestakuntzan gomendagarria litzateke nutrizio heziketa bultzatzea.L'objectif a été d'évaluer les habitudes nutritionnelles de joueurs de football adolescents. Nos résultats montrent des ingestions d'énergie significativement supérieures dans les groupes plus jeunes. Les distributions de l'ingestion de macronutriments ne s'ajustent pas aux recommandations, avec un apport en hydrates de carbone bas. Les habitudes nutritionnelles empirent au fur et à mesure que l'on avance en âge. Il conviendrait de promouvoir l'éducation nutritionnelle durant la formation des footballeurs.The purpose of this work was to evaluate the nutritional habits of teenage soccer players. Our results show energy ingests that are significantly higher in the younger groups. The distributions of the ingest of macronutrients do not match recommendations, and have a low carbohydrate content. Such nutritional habits get worse with age, and it would be recommended all to promote nutritional education during the training of soccer players

    ¿Es la dieta del alumnado universitario una dieta mediterránea?

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    El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los hábitos relacionados con la alimentación del alumnado de la UPV/EHU y realizar una comparación con las directrices que la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria recomienda mediante la Pirámide de la Alimentación para una alimentación equilibrada. Los datos obtenidos destacan una alta tasa de sobrepeso y un desequilibrio en los grupos de alimentos ingeridos.Hona azterlan honen helburua: EHUko ikasleen elikadurarekin zerikusia duten ohiturak ezagutzea eta Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria delakoak elikadura orekaturako Elikadura Piramidearen bidez gomendatzen dituen jarraibideekin konparatzea. Lorturiko datuek agerian jarri dute gehiegizko pisuaren tasa handia, bai eta desoreka ere ahoratzen diren elikagai multzoetan.Le but de l'étude était de connaître les habitudes liées à l'alimentation des élèves de la UPV/EHU et de faire une comparaison avec les directives que la Société Espagnole de Nutrition Communautaire recommande au moyen de la Pyramide de l'Alimentation pour une alimentation équilibrée. Les données obtenues font ressortir un taux élevé de surpoids et un déséquilibre dans les groupes d'aliments ingérés.The objective of the study was to discover the nutritional habits of studentsof the UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) and to make a comparison withthe guidelines recommended by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition via theNutrition Pyramid for a balanced diet. The data obtained shows a high rate of excess weight and an imbalance in the food groups consumed

    Adaptive response in the antioxidant defence system in the course and outcome in first-episode schizophrenia patients: A 12-months follow-up study

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    [EN] Correlation of plasma antioxidant enzyme activity with the course and outcome in first-episode schizophrenia patients (n=49) was analyzed in order to assess the possible utility of peripheral markers of oxidative stress as prognostic factors. These markers were measured shortly after the onset of schizophrenia, and again 1, 6 and 12 months later. A decrease in catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione (GSH) levels and total antioxidant status (TAS), as well as an increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), were observed 1 month after (p<0.05). 6-Months later, there was a reduction in TAS, GSH, SOD and GPx, and a increase in TBARS (p<0.05), with a normalization of CAT levels, indicating a persistent alteration of the antioxidant system and the maintenance of oxidative stress. At 12-months, a considerable decrease was observed in TBARS. Additionally, while the level of GPx decreased (p<0.05) further, SOD and GSH levels and TAS were normalizing, indicating a partial regeneration of the antioxidant defence system. These results indicate the possible contribution of oxidative stress to the onset and pathophysiology of schizophrenia, suggesting the involvement of an adaptive response in the antioxidant defence system in the course and outcome in first-episode schizophrenia patients