24,118 research outputs found

    Bifurcation analysis and phase diagram of a spin-string model with buckled states

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    We analyze a one-dimensional spin-string model, in which string oscillators are linearly coupled to their two nearest neighbors and to Ising spins representing internal degrees of freedom. String-spin coupling induces a long-range ferromagnetic interaction among spins that competes with a spin-spin antiferromagnetic coupling. As a consequence, the complex phase diagram of the system exhibits different flat rippled and buckled states, with first or second order transition lines between states. The two-dimensional version of the model has a similar phase diagram, which has been recently used to explain the rippled to buckled transition observed in scanning tunnelling microscopy experiments with suspended graphene sheets. Here we describe in detail the phase diagram of the simpler one-dimensional model and phase stability using bifurcation theory. This gives additional insight into the physical mechanisms underlying the different phases and the behavior observed in experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Learning the dynamics of articulated tracked vehicles

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    In this work, we present a Bayesian non-parametric approach to model the motion control of ATVs. The motion control model is based on a Dirichlet Process-Gaussian Process (DP-GP) mixture model. The DP-GP mixture model provides a flexible representation of patterns of control manoeuvres along trajectories of different lengths and discretizations. The model also estimates the number of patterns, sufficient for modeling the dynamics of the ATV

    Models for the prediction of handling damage in citrus and peaches grading lines, related to their physical properties.

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    Fruit damage during harvesting and handling is a standing problem, particularly for susceptible fruits like peaches and apricots. The resulting mechanical damage is a combination of fruit properties and damage inflicting effects due to procedures and to the equipment. Nine packing lines in the region of Murcia (SE Spain) have been tested with the aid of two different-size electronic fruits IS-100. Probabilities of impacts above three preset thresholds (50 g's, 100 g's and 150 g's) were calculated for each transfer point. Interaction fruit-packing line tests have been also performed in order to study the real incidence of packing lines on natural produce: apricots (1 variety), peaches (3 v.), lemons (1 v.) and oranges (3 v.). Bruises of handled and not handled samples of fruits were compared

    Estratègies de finançament dels municipis turístics i competitivitat: el cas dels municipis catalans

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    La problemàtica del finançament dels municipis turístics és un assumpte present en el món local des de fa anys, tot i que no ha trobat una adequada resposta, ni de les administracions, ni des d’un punt de vista acadèmic. Aquest treball pretén avaluar si les finances locals representen un problema per a l’activitat turística i quines serien les possibles solucions. Dels resultats de la investigació es desprèn que Els municipis turístics no tenen ni unes despeses, ni uns ingressos per capita superiors als dels no turístics. Conseqüentment, tampoc presenten problemes de dèficit especials. El que es produeix és una redistribució interna de la despesa en perjudici de la relacionada amb una baixa vinculació amb el turisme, que bàsicament té per destinatària la població resident.The matter of funding tourist destinations has been a problem present at a local level for many years, although a satisfactory answer has never been found, be it from public sectors or from an academic point of view. This article seeks to evaluate if local finances represent a problem for tourist activities and what could constitute possible solutions. Research shows that a tourist resort does not have higher costs nor higher incomes per capita in comparison to not touristic towns and cities. Consequently, they do not present specific problems of deficit. However what does appear is an internal redistribution of costs to the detriment of local budgetary needs which are not necessarily linked to tourism but rather to those destined to the resident population
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