264 research outputs found


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    Planification, control and monitoring of a professional service of engineering building a model of quality management in accordance to ISO 9001.

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    Este trabajo propone una documentación original, de desarrollo propio, relacionada con la planificación, control y seguimiento de un encargo de trabajo profesional de ingeniería de edificación dentro de un Modelo de Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad, cuya implantación pretende mejorar los resultados de los servicios prestados y aumentar la satisfacción del cliente.This paper proposes an original documentation self-developed, related to the planning, control and monitoring of professional work of engineering building commissioned within a System Model Quality Management, whose implementation aims to improve the results and increase the customer satisfactionAdministración y Dirección de EmpresasIngeniería, Industria y Construcció

    The professional powers of Building Engineers compared to Technical Architect in Spain

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    La titulación de graduado en Ingeniería de Edificación es merecedora de un serio y pro-fundo estudio con objeto de colaborar en la definición de las futuras atribuciones profesionales que le deberían ser otorgadas por el legislador, ya que actualmente tan solo le han sido concedidas las mismas que al profesional titulado en Arquitectura Téc-nica. Se fundamenta este análisis en la duración (4 cursos) de los estudios universitari-os que deben realizar los nuevos titulados para la obtención del título de grado, que superan en un año a los cursados por el Arquitecto Técnico (3 cursos), así como en los nuevos perfiles profesionales contemplados en el Libro Blanco del Ingeniero de Edifi-cación y las nuevas competencias establecidas en la Orden ECI/3855/2007. Como re-sultado del estudio se obtiene una propuesta de ampliación con 14 nuevas atribuciones profesionales.The degree of Building Engineering deserves an earnest and thorough study with the aim of participating in the definition of future professional powers that should be granted by the legislature, since as of today it has only received the same authorities as those granted to Architectural Technologists. This analysis is based both in the length of the university studies that the new graduates have to carry out in order to obtain the degree (4 years), exceeding in one year those executed by Technical Archi-tect (3 years), as well as on the new professional profiles comprised in the White Book of the Building Engineer and the new fields of expertise established in the Order ECI/3855/2007. As a result of the study an extension proposal is obtained, containing 14 new professional responsibilities.Administración y Dirección de EmpresasIngeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Analysis of bovine whey proteins in soybean dairy-like products by capillary electrophoresis

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    The simultaneous separation of bovine whey proteins [a-lactalbumin and b-lactoglobulin (A1B)] and soybean proteins\ud was performed, for the first time, by capillary electrophoresis. Different experimental conditions were tested. The most\ud suitable consisted of 0.050 M phosphate buffer (pH 8) with 1 M urea and 1.2 mg/ml methylhydroxyethylcellulose, UV\ud detection at 280 nm, 15 kV applied voltage, and 308C temperature. Quantitation of bovine whey proteins in a commercial\ud powdered soybean milk manufactured by adding bovine whey to its formulation was performed using the calibration method\ud of the external standard. Direct injection of a solution of the powdered soybean milk only enabled quantitation of\ud a-lactalbumin in the commercial sample. Detection of b-lactoglobulin (A1B) required acid precipitation of the solution of\ud the sample in order to concentrate bovine whey proteins in the supernatant prior to the analysis of this protein in the whey\ud obtained. Since a-lactalbumin could also be quantitated from the injection of the whey, the simultaneous determination of\ud a-lactalbumin and b-lactoglobulin (A1B) was possible upon acid precipitation of the powdered soybean milk solution.\ud Detection limits obtained were 14 mg/g sol. for a-lactalbumin and 52 mg/g sol. for b-lactoglobulin (A1B) which represent\ud protein concentrations about 60 mg/100 g sample for a-lactalbumin and 100 mg/100 g sample for b-lactoglobulin (A1B).\ud  1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Estándares certificables para la organización y gestión de las empresas de servicios profesionales de igeniería

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    El proceso de CERTIFICACIÓN tiene como objetivo declarar públicamente que un producto, proceso o servicio es conforme con requisitos establecidos. Las áreas de actuación de un ingeniero se pueden clasificar según el tipo de empresa en la que trabaja o en función del servicio a desarrollar. En función del tipo de empresa destacan la empresa industrial o de servicios (dirección: técnica, comercial, producción,…; proyectos: productos, instalaciones,…; organización: calidad, stocks, producción,…), la administración o empresa pública (evaluación técnica, valoraciones, proyectos, gestión,...), y el ejercicio libre (proyectos, informes técnicos, valoraciones,…). En función del trabajo a desarrollar: Dirección y gestión, Control de procesos, Comercialización de producto, I+D, Técnica (Oficina Técnica), Asesoramiento, etc. En general, una empresa de servicios profesionales de ingeniería satisface necesidades de la sociedad de la época resolviendo problemas de carácter técnico, aportando soluciones admisibles desde un punto de vista económico, ambiental y social, con el propósito de proveer una solución sostenible

    Examining desorptive capacity in supply chains: the role of organizational ambidexterity

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    Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explain how a buying organization’s desorptive capacity relative to its supply network enhances the organization’s supply chain competence. The research also analyzes the contingent role of the balanced and combined dimensions of ambidexterity in this relationship. Design/methodology/approach – Empirical results are obtained through analysis of survey data from a sample of 270 European firms. Hierarchical regression analysis is used to test the hypotheses. Findings – The results confirm, first, the positive and significant relationship between the buying organization’s desorptive capacity and supply chain competence; and, second, the key moderating role of organizational ambidexterity, especially in its combined dimension, in this relationship. Practical implications – The study suggests that desorptive capacity is key to the organization’s contribution to supply chain competitiveness. The authors also provide practitioners with better understanding of the extent to which they should attempt to balance exploration and exploitation or/and to maximize both simultaneously when seeking greater benefit from desorptive capacity. Originality/value – This study extends desorptive capacity research to supply chain management. It responds to calls in the desorptive capacity literature for deeper understanding of the benefits of desorptive capacity and of the role organizational ambidexterity plays in the success of desorptive capacity. By analyzing the independent effects of the combined and balanced dimensions of ambidexterity, the authors advance conceptual and operational understanding of the role of ambidexterity needed in the literatur

    Un nuevo enfoque del diseño desde la perspectiva de la Neurociencia

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    Ejemplar dedicado a : Ingeniería electrónica y automáticaLa evolución de la ciencia, en cualquiera de sus vertientes, ha dado lugar a diferentes campos del saber en los que se conjugan múltiples disciplinas. En el área del neurodiseño convergen la neurociencia y el diseño para explicar el comportamiento del usuario frente a diversos productos. Por su parte, la neurociencia se centra en el estudio de los procesos mentales para comprender la conducta en términos de actividades del encéfalo y cómo el medio ambiente influye en ésta, mientras que el diseño busca entender la manera en que este usuario percibe los diferentes estímulos cuando entra en contacto con los productos y las experiencias que le producen a efectos de ser consideradas en el diseño formal. En el presente trabajo se pretende da una visión introductoria al neurodiseño a través de su concepto, así como del estudio del sistema nervioso y de la percepción, la cual se entiende como un proceso sensorio-cognitivo desarrollado a través de los sentidos y el cerebro. Asimismo, durante el desarrollo del estudio, se presta especial atención a la importancia y utilidad que representa la neurociencia para el diseño

    Teaching First Aid to Prospective Teachers as a Way to Promote Child Healthcare

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    This article aimed to analyze, through a qualitative study (i.e., semi-structured interview), the opinions and knowledge of fourth-year future teachers at a Spanish public university (University of Granada) regarding training and the need for first aid (FA) at school. With a sample of 70 subjects in their last year of training, our conclusion is that although they are aware of the importance of first aid for their professional development, there is no such training in their careers, and thus they have great difficulty understanding how to react to emergency situations on the job.Project HUM-983 (ITACA) “Research through transforming learning and contexts.

    Statistical approach for ATR-FTIR screening of semen in sexual evidence

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    Genetic identification has revolutionized the Forensic Sciences, especially in sexual aggression cases. For the successful extraction of the genetic information of a criminal, a crucial step is the prior detection of bodily fluids on evidence. In this article, a method for non-destructive screening of semen samples is reported. Using chemometric tools, bodily fluids can be detected and differentiated without damaging the sample, by correlating the infrared spectra of sexual evidence with previously recorded spectra from undamaged stains of individual bodily fluids. In modern hospitals/laboratories, the proposed method would not require additional equipment/material nor specialized personnel. Furthermore, the method provides qualitative and reliable results, without requiring human interpretation. Therefore, the proposed method opens a door for a low-cost, fully automated and efficient system for non-destructive screening of semen, which could be easily and massively implemented

    A view of High Dimensional, Large-Scale and Big Data Fuzzy Rule based Regression and Control Systems

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    This work deals with the methodologies employed in the specialized literature on fuzzy regression and control systems to perform the learning process under conditions of high dimensionality and/or large-scale sets of examples. First, we look at algorithmic approaches in the last decade, where this specific area has experienced its bigger growth, and then at new resources nowadays based on distributed programming with MapReduce. We conclude trying to identify the challenges and future guidelines.Departamento de Tecnologías de la Informació