3,717 research outputs found

    Determination of Soluble Sugars in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves by Anion Exchange Chromatography

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    Determination of soluble sugars is basic for the study of carbon metabolism in plants. Soluble sugar quantitation can be achieved by enzymatic methods implying different coupled reactions. Here we describe a simple method that allows rapid determination of the most abundant soluble sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) in Arabidopsis leaves by anion exchange chromatography. We have applied this method to study the levels of soluble sugars during the photoperiodic transition to flowering (Ortiz-Marchena et al., 2014).España, MINECO projects CSD2007-00057, BIO2008-02292, and BIO2011-28847-C02-00España, Junta de Andalucía P06-CVI-01450 and P08-AGR-0358

    Internet de las cosas para mejorar la capacidad de análisis, síntesis y evaluación

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    La asignatura Redes de Computadores I, que se imparte en el segundo cuatrimestre del primer curso del Grado en Informática de la UCLM, tiene como una de las competencias asignadas la de capacidad de análisis, síntesis y evaluación. Para hacer más atractiva la asignatura, después del primer tema de introducción, se decidió incluir un tema de Internet, que repasara brevemente su historia, evolución, aplicaciones, etc. Es en este tema donde se exponen los conceptos de Internet del Futuro y de Internet de las cosas (Internet of Things, IoT). IoT plantea que todos los objetos de la vida cotidiana puedan disponer de una dirección IP y puedan estar accesibles desde cualquier parte. Estos conceptos realmente entusiasman a los alumnos. Después de dos años observando esta situación se decidió proponer una actividad relacionada con este tema y que sirviese como entrenamiento de la competencia de capacidad de análisis, síntesis y evaluación. Se propuso un trabajo en grupo para la elaboración de pósteres relacionados con IoT. En concreto los temas a elegir serían: una visión general de IoT, IPv6, identificación por radio frecuencia (RFID) y aplicaciones relacionadas. El objetivo final sería realizar una exposición permanente de los pósteres sobre IoT. Se decidió realizar esta actividad porque en los pósteres la capacidad de síntesis y análisis de la información es algo fundamental. Cada uno de los grupos elegiría un tema particular y dispondría de un tiempo para la realización del póster. Se realizarían tres reuniones con el profesor para ir comprobando la evolución del mismo y la resolución de los posibles problemas o dudas. Transcurrido el tiempo, los grupos presentarían en clase sus pósteres durante 5 minutos. Después de esta presentación, los alumnos elegirían los mejores pósteres para la exposición, mediante una votación que puntuaría distintos aspectos de interés (gráficos, organización de la información y explicación del póster). La evaluación se realizaría por los propios alumnos. Tras el periodo de votación y elección de los mejores trabajos se pudo montar la exposición en el pasillo del laboratorio de redes. La experiencia ha sido todo un éxito, los alumnos se volcaron en la realización de los pósteres y la calidad de los mismos fue muy alta. La exposición está en uno de los accesos principales de la escuela, por el que todos los días circulan gran cantidad de alumnos y profesores. Ha llamado la atención de todos y se han recibido bastantes felicitaciones, tanto por el personal universitario local como por el visitante.SUMMARY -- Computer Networks I is a subject taught in the second semester of the first year of the Degree in Computer Science. One of the generic skills assigned to this subject is the ability of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. To make the course more attractive, a unit concerning Internet was included, which briefly reviews the history, evolution, and applications and current and future trends. It is in this unit where the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) is presented. Students are enthusiastic about this concept, so that, we decided to propose the development of posters related to IoT as teamwork. In particular, the topics were: an overview of IoT, IPv6, radio frequency identification (RFID) and IoT applications. This activity was proposed due to the ability to synthesize and analyze information is essential in the developing of posters. Each group chose a topic and was assigned a deadline for the submission of its poster. Three meetings with the teacher were scheduled to check the evolution of the poster and solve any problems or question. After the deadline, each group presents its poster for 5 minutes. Following these presentations, students scored each poster using the teacher’s rubric with the aim to choose the best posters for an exhibition. This rubric included different aspects of interest (graphics, organization of information and explanation of the poster). The students themselves conducted the evaluation. After the voting period, the top posters were chosen and an exhibition was held in the lobby of networks laboratory. The experience has been a success; students threw themselves into performing of the posters and the quality of them was very high. The exhibition is located in one of the main entrances to the school, where many students and teachers move every day. The exhibition has attracted the attention of everyone and teachers have received many compliments on it, both from the local university staff and visitors

    Purification of Starch Granules from Arabidopsis Leaves and Determination of Granule-Bound Starch Synthase Activity

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    Starch constitutes the most important carbon reserve in plants and is composed of branched amylopectin and linear amylose. The latter is synthesized exclusively by the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS, EC Here we report a readily reproducible, specific and highly sensitive protocol, which includes the isolation of intact starch granules from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves and the subsequent determination of GBSS activity. We have applied this method to study GBSS activity in diurnal cycles in vegetative growth and during the photoperiodic transition to flowering in Arabidopsis (Tenorio et al., 2003; Ortiz-Marchena et al., 2014).España,MINECO CSD2007-00057, BIO2008-02292, and BIO2011-28847-C02-00España, Junta de Andalucía P06-CVI-01450 and P08-AGR-0358

    The interstellar extinction in the open clusters Tr 14, Tr 15, Tr 16/Cr 232 and Cr 228 in NGC 3372 : New near-infrared photometry

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    Near-infrared JHKL photometry of more than 200 stars, members of the open clusters Tr 14, Tr 15, Tr 16, Cr 228 and Cr 232 in the Carina Nebula are presented. From comparing these results with the available visual photometry and spectroscopy, it is found that, except in Tr 15, the intracluster reddening is characterized by a ‘normal’ extinction law at λ>0.5μm but is highly anomalous and variable in the U- and B-bands. This behaviour may be explained by the presence of intracluster interstellar grains ‘processed’ by shock waves presumably associated with the explosive history of ƞ Carinae. All clusters are found to be at the same distance from the Sun at d=2.4±0.2kpcorV0−Mv=11.9±0.2⁠. The total amount of reddening, though, differs significantly from cluster to cluster.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    CE-315 : A New Interacting Double-degenerate Binary Star

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    We present spectroscopic observations of object CE-315 revealing a blue continuum with strong emission lines. Most of the detected lines are identified with He I or He II in emission with a handful of faint lines of nitrogen. Notable is the complete absence of hydrogen lines. The He lines exhibit triple-peaked profiles with remakably broad widths, of about 2000 km/s (FWZP). The observations show that CE-315 is an interacting binary system with an orbital period of 65.1 +/- 0.7 minutes, and a mass ratio of 0.022. We conclude that the most likely scenario for this object is that of an accreting 0.77 solar mass white dwarf with a 0.017 solar mass helium white dwarf as mass donor.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, 20 page

    Medicina: Guía per a una docència universitària amb perspectiva de gènere

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    En ciències de la salut, a pesar que els conceptes de sexe i gènere al·ludeixen a realitats diferents, amb freqüència es confonen. A més, algunes conseqüències dels biaixos de gènere en el coneixement mèdic, la gestió clínica i els serveis de salut responen a suposicions incorrectes. La Guia per a una docència universitària amb perspectiva de gènere de Medicina ofereix propostes, exemples de bones pràctiques, recursos docents i eines de consulta que permeten incorporar un enfocament de gènere en els estudis universitaris en ciències de la salut i formar professionals en aquesta disciplina competents en matèria de gènere.Ruiz Cantero, MT. (2018). Medicina: Guía per a una docència universitària amb perspectiva de gènere. Xarxa Vives d'Universitats. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/11908

    Strong Anisotropy in Liquid Water upon Librational Excitation using Terahertz Laser Fields

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    Tracking the excitation of water molecules in the homogeneous liquid is challenging due to the ultrafast dissipation of rotational excitation energy through the hydrogen-bonded network. Here we demonstrate strong transient anisotropy of liquid water through librational excitation using single-color pump-probe experiments at 12.3 THz. We deduce a third order response of chi^3 exceeding previously reported values in the optical range by three orders of magnitude. Using a theory that replaces the nonlinear response with a material response property amenable to molecular dynamics simulation, we show that the rotationally damped motion of water molecules in the librational band is resonantly driven at this frequency, which could explain the enhancement of the anisotropy in the liquid by the external Terahertz field. By addition of salt (MgSO4), the hydration water is instead dominated by the local electric field of the ions, resulting in reduction of water molecules that can be dynamically perturbed by THz pulses

    A meta-analysis of amino acid δ\u3csup\u3e15\u3c/sup\u3eN trophic enrichment factors in fishes relative to nutritional and ecological drivers

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    The use of amino acid (AA) nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15N) from consumer tissues aims to provide precise estimates of trophic position (TP), but the drivers of AA isotope fractionation remain unclear. In particular, the main factors driving the variability in TEFAA among taxonomic groups and trophic levels remain largely unexplained, which challenges the application of universal values for TEFs. While the relationship between protein content and quality and TEFs has been examined, studies have yielded inconsistent results, and the role of protein and lipid nutritional requirements as well as feeding regime have not been considered. Likewise, drivers that influence physiological and nutritional processes have not been examined relative to TEFAA variation. We conducted a meta-analysis of controlled feeding experiments within a single group, teleosts fishes, to evaluate the relationship between five nutritional factors (protein and lipid content, protein and lipid content relative to nutritional requirements, and feeding regime) and three ecological drivers (diet type, life stage, and habitat type) on TEFAA. We considered a broad range of protein levels (8–71%) in diets and found no relationship between source TEFAAs and percent protein relative to nutritional requirements, whereas lipid content relative to nutrient requirements, feeding regime and habitat type partially explain the variability in TEFs of Lys, but not for Phe and Met TEFs. The variability for the latter was representative of robust source AAs. Among trophic AAs, Asp, Ile, Pro, and Leu TEFs were significantly higher in species from brackish than marine habitats possibly due to osmoregulation involvement. TEFGlu was sensitive to protein content and feeding regime within teleosts, but relatively constant when comparing TEFs among teleosts, non-teleosts, and all taxa. Our results indicate that TEFAA is less variable within a single taxon than among multiple taxa and that such variation is not negligible. Our results indicate that δ15NAA values could provide better TP estimates if using taxon-specific values, and highlights the need to explain the mechanisms of AA fractionation and quantify the variability in TEFs used during error propagation for TP estimates

    Table-top laser-based proton acceleration in nanostructured targets

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    The interaction of ultrashort, high intensity laser pulses with thin foil targets leads to ion acceleration on the target rear surface. To make this ion source useful for applications, it is important to optimize the transfer of energy from the laser into the accelerated ions. One of the most promising ways to achieve this consists in engineering the target front by introducing periodic nanostructures. In this paper, the effect of these structures on ion acceleration is studied analytically and with multidimensional particle-in-cell simulations.Weassessed the role of the structure shape, size, and the angle of laser incidence for obtaining the efficient energy transfer. Local control of electron trajectories is exploited to maximize the energy delivered into the target. Based on our numerical simulations, we propose a precise range of parameters for fabrication of nanostructured targets, which can increase the energy of the accelerated ions without requiring a higher laser intensity.This work has been partially supported by the Xunta de Galicia/FEDER under contract Agrup2015/11 (PC034) and by MINECO under contracts MAT2015-71119-R and FIS2015-71933-REDT. The authors would like to acknowledge the OSIRIS Consortium, consisting of UCLA and IST (Lisbon, Portugal) for the use of OSIRIS, for providing access to the OSIRIS framework. M Blanco also thanks the Ministry of Education of the Spanish government for the FPU fellowship. Camilo Ruiz also thanks MINECO project FIS2016-75652-P M Vranic acknowledges the support of ERC-2010-AdG Grant 267841 and LASERLAB-EUROPE IV—GA No. 654148. Simulations were performed at the Accelerates cluster (Lisbon, Portugal)S