494 research outputs found


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    English language learner (ELL) is a term to describe students who are still acquiring English proficiency. In recent decades, ELLs are a very rapidly growing student group in United States. In school classrooms, ELLs are learning English and their academic subjects simultaneously. It is challenging for them to hear lectures, read textbooks, and complete tests in English despite of their inadequate English language proficiency (Ilich, 2013). As a result, the increasing number of ELLs in public schools has paralleled the increase in ELLs’ low mathematics performance (NCES, 2016). Due to the popularization of international large-scale assessments in the recent decade, it is necessary to analyze their psychometric properties (e.g., reliability, validity) so that those results can provide with evidence-based implications for policymakers. Educational researchers need to assess the validity for subgroups within each country. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), as one of the influential large-scale assessments, allows researchers to investigate academic achievement and group membership from a variety of different viewpoints. The current study was to understand the nature and potential sources of the gaps in mathematics achievement between ELLs and non-ELLs. The nature of achievement gap was examined using three DIF methodologies including Mantel-Haenszel procedure, Rasch analysis, and Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model (HGLM) at the item level instead of total test level. Amon the three methods, HGLM was utilized to examine the potential sources of DIF. This method can take into account of the nested structure of data where items are nested within students, and students nested within schools. At the student level, sources of DIF were investigated through students’ variations in mathematics self-efficacy, language proficiency, and student socioeconomic status. At the school level, school type and school educational resource were investigated as potential sources of DIF after controlling for the student variables. The U.S. sample from PISA 2012 was used, and 76 dichotomously coded items from PISA 2012 mathematics assessment were included to detect DIF effects. Results revealed that ten common items are identified with DIF effects using MH procedure, Rasch analysis, and HGLM. These ten items are all in favor of non-ELLs.The decreasing number of items showing DIF effects in HGLM after controlling for student-level variables revealed mathematics self-efficacy, language proficiency, and SES are potential sources of DIF between ELLs and non-ELLs. In addition, the number of DIF items continued to decrease after controlling for both student and school-level variables. This finding proved that school type and school educational resources were also potential sources of DIF between ELLs and non-ELLs. Findings from this study can help educational researchers, administrators, and policymakers understand the nature of the gap at item level instead of the total test level so that United States can be competitive in middle school mathematics education. This study can also help guide item writers and test developers in the construction of more linguistically accessible assessments for students who are still learning English. The significance of this study lies in the empirical investigation of the gap between ELLs and non-ELLs in mathematics achievement at an item level and from perspectives of both students and schools

    Differential Item Functioning among English Language Learners on a Large-Scale Mathematics Assessment

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    The current study research showed the nature and potential sources of the gaps in mathematics achievement between English language learners (ELLs) and non-English language learners (non-ELLs). The nature of achievement gap was examined using three DIF methodologies: including Mantel-Haenszel procedure, Rasch model, and Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model (HGLM). These were conducted at the item level in contrast to total test level. Results revealed that the three DIF approaches identified 10 common items. These 10 items demonstrated in favor of non-ELLs. Findings from this study will help educational researchers, administrators, and policymakers understand the nature of the achievement gap in mathematics at item level so that United States can be competitive in middle school mathematics education. This study also suggested that item writers and test developers should construct assessments where language is equally accessible for ELL students

    Research on computer information processing and security technology based on big data technology

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    with the continuous development of China’s Internet industry, computer information processing and security technology has ushered in new development opportunities. In this process, there are also some challenges that we need to pay full attention to, so as to help the further development of computer information processing and security technology. In order to further improve the comprehensive level of China’s computer information processing and security technology, we should continue to deepen the research on big data technology and better integrate it with computer information processing and security technology, so as to promote the further development of computer information processing and security technology and highlight the practical application advantages of big data technology. In view of this, this paper will analyze the computer information processing and security technology based on big data technology, and put forward some strategies for your reference

    Application of signal processing system in electronic information practice

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    the signal processing system can be widely used in the fields of network, electronics, machinery, communication and computer, providing technical s upport for the upgrading of teaching platform and system, and the optimization of electronic information practice mode. In the era of “digital signal processing” technology gradually replacing the traditional “analog signal processing” technology, developers can optimize the practice mode of electronic information based on the application advantages of digital signal processing system, add some practical functions for it, improve the friendliness of the operation interface, and make it better meet the relevant use needs. Based on this, this paper fi rst analyzes the application advantages and necessity of digital signal processing system, and then discusses its overall structure and application mode, in order to provide reference for the related technical work and R & D activities

    Teaching reform of computer network security course in Colleges and Universities

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    Under the background of the rapid development of information technology, the application scope of e-commerce has been continuously improved, which also improves the application degree of computer. In order to conform to the characteristics of the development of the times, colleges and universities should strengthen the personnel training work, and cultivate students with strong quality and ability, and master systematic and comprehensive computer network knowledge in the new era. Therefore, teachers need to teach students the basic concepts, theories and technical methods of network security knowledge to ensure that they meet the characteristics and requirements of higher education. Based on this, this paper analyzes and studies the teaching reform of computer network security course in Colleges and universities, expounds the necessity of teaching reform of computer network security course in Colleges and universities, analyzes the characteristics of computer network security classroom in Colleges and universities, and puts forward the teaching reform strategies of computer network security course in colleges and universities on this basis, for reference

    On the development of computer network management technology in the new era

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    with the development of science and technology in China, network technology has been used in various fi elds of society, and plays an important role. With the development of the times, it has gradually become an important part of people’s life and production process. However, in the new era, there are still many problems that are diffi cult to solve in the process of computer network management in China. In view of this, this paper analyzes the development of computer network management technology in the new era in detail, hoping to provide some valuable references for teachers and friends

    The N-terminal domain of Lhcb proteins is critical for recognition of the LHCII kinase

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    AbstractThe light-harvesting chlorophyll (Chl) a/b complex of photosystem (PS) II (LHCII) plays important roles in the distribution of the excitation energy between the two PSs in the thylakoid membrane during state transitions. In this process, LHCII, homo- or heterotrimers composed of Lhcb1–3, migrate between PSII and PSI depending on the phosphorylation status of Lhcb1 and Lhcb2. We have studied the mechanisms of the substrate recognition of a thylakoid threonine kinase using reconstituted site-directed trimeric Lhcb protein–pigment complex mutants. Mutants lacking the positively charged residues R/K upstream of phosphorylation site (Thr) in the N-terminal domain of Lhcb1 were no longer phosphorylated. Besides, the length of the peptide upstream of the phosphorylated site (Thr) is also crucial for Lhcb phosphorylation in vitro. Furthermore, the two N-terminal residues of Lhcb appear to play a key role in the phosphorylation kinetics because Lhcb with N-terminal RR was phosphorylated much faster than with RK. Therefore, we conclude that the substrate recognition of the LHCII kinase is determined to a large extent by the N-terminal sequence of the Lhcb proteins. The study provides new insights into the interactions of the Lhcb proteins with the LHCII kinase

    Business Education of CEO-CFO and Annual Report Readability

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    Financial report readability captures the transparency and effectiveness of information communicated by firms’ executives. It’s interesting to investigate whether business knowledge, cognitive preferences, and professional ethics taught by a business education will shape the CEO/ CFO’s thinking in determining words, languages, paragraphs, and contents presented in financial reports when the self-interested CEO/CFO tends to influence the interpretation of financial information users. Using a sample of S&P 1500 CEOs and CFOs, we find that the CEO (CFO) with a business degree is associated with better (worse) readability of annual reports and the positive (negative) relation is strengthened (moderated) by internal corporate governance and external analyst following. Furthermore, we explore the interaction between CEO’s and CFO’s education background and provide additional evidence for the conflict of interest between CEOs and CFOs on financial reporting strategies. Our findings suggest business education, although has no direct impact on financial reporting quality, is beneficial to CEOs for strengthening their monitoring role in firm’s financial reporting activities. Also, we consider that the ethical topics in business education can enhance financial executives’ awareness to conduct practice under the ethical codes. Our study has implications for academic literature, business education, industry practitioners, and standards setting
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