29 research outputs found

    Analysis of Product Sampling for New Product Diffusion Incorporating Multiple-Unit Ownership

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    Multiple-unit ownership of nondurable products is an important component of sales in many product categories. Based on the Bass model, this paper develops a new model considering the multiple-unit adoptions as a diffusion process under the influence of product sampling. Though the analysis aims to determine the optimal dynamic sampling effort for a firm and the results demonstrate that experience sampling can accelerate the diffusion process, the best time to send free samples is just before the product being launched. Multiple-unit purchasing behavior can increase sales to make more profit for a firm, and it needs more samples to make the product known much better. The local sensitivity analysis shows that the increase of both external coefficients and internal coefficients has a negative influence on the sampling level, but the internal influence on the subsequent multiple-unit adoptions has little significant influence on the sampling. Using the logistic regression along with linear regression, the global sensitivity analysis gives a whole analysis of the interaction of all factors, which manifests the external influence and multiunit purchase rate are two most important factors to influence the sampling level and net present value of the new product, and presents a two-stage method to determine the sampling level

    El Niño and La Niña asymmetry in short-term predictability on springtime initial condition

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    Abstract El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) asymmetry in predictability on springtime initial condition remains unclear. From the perspective of the spring predictability barrier (SPB), this paper investigates the ENSO asymmetry in SPB and explores the potential factors that may lead to this asymmetry. Both the observation and 29 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models show that the spring sea surface temperature (SST) persistence is significantly higher in El Niño years than that in La Niña years, and the SPB intensity is stronger in La Niña years than that in El Niño years. Through the recharge oscillator model, observation and CMIP6 models, we demonstrate that the nonlinear wind stress response to SST anomalies in spring is the main cause of the asymmetric SPB intensity. By the mixed-layer heat budget of the tropical Pacific in the spring, we further identify that a stronger response of zonal wind stress in El Niño events can cause a stronger zonal advection feedback, which finally leads to a weaker SPB and enhances the predictability of El Niño. In contrast, the cooling SST in the spring only leads to weak easterly anomalies, the zonal advection feedback is relatively weaker, thus SPB is stronger and the predictability of La Niña is lower. From the perspective of SPB, we suggest that El Niño is more predictable than La Niña

    Characteristics of Organic Phosphorus Pool in Soil of Typical Agriculture Systems in South China

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    Organic phosphorus (P) is an important potential source of plant P nutrition in agro-ecosystems. It was hypothesized that the soil organic P pools were distinguished one from another by different land-utilization patterns. A total of 38 sites were sampled, to clarify the organic P pool and its distribution in paddy fields, vegetable fields, and orchards. Soil organic P fractions, including labile organic P (LOP), moderately labile organic P (MLOP), moderately resistant organic P (MROP) and highly resistant organic P (HROP) were examined. Results showed that the soil total P (TP) and available P (AP) concentration have enhanced by 138% and 1559%, respectively, over the last four decades. The soil total organic P (TOP) accounted for 21.4% of the TP pool. Soil MLOP dominated the organic P reservoir, irrespective of land-planting pattern. Soil organic P fractions ranked as MLOP > MROP > HROP > LOP. The highest accumulations of TP, AP and TOP were in the vegetable fields, followed by orchards and paddy fields. The vegetable fields had higher LOP and MLOP levels than those of the paddy fields and orchards, whereas the paddy fields exhibited higher concentrations of MROP, and HROP. Soil pH, organic matter and available nitrogen all contributed to the buildup of the organic P pool. It was suggested that soil organic P should be considered preferentially in the management of the plant P nutrient in regional planting systems

    Optimal Load Determination of Capacitor–Inductor Compensated Capacitive Power Transfer System with Curved-Edge Shielding Layer

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    Due to the natural low permittivity in vacuum, the voltage stresses on compensation capacitors and inductances in the capacitive power transfer (CPT) system are very high, which brings challenges to the design of CPT systems in practical applications. This paper used a three-cell structure analysis method for the CPT system to determine the optimal load for achieving the maximum power transfer or maximum efficiency transfer, through considering the maximum withstand voltage of the capacitor or inductor. A shielding layer with edge bending is designed to reduce the range of dangerous areas markedly. The simulation and experimental results verified the above conclusion. The prototype of the CPT system with transfer 3.1 kW across a 13 cm air gap and DC-DC transfer efficiency of 91.4% is built

    Advances of Antisense Oligonucleotide Technology in the Treatment of Hereditary Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Antisense nucleic acids are single-stranded oligonucleotides that have been specially chemically modified, which can bind to RNA expressed by target genes through base complementary pairing and affect protein synthesis at the level of posttranscriptional processing or protein translation. In recent years, the application of antisense nucleic acid technology in the treatment of neuromuscular diseases has made remarkable progress. In 2016, the US FDA approved two antisense nucleic acid drugs for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), and the development to treat other neurodegenerative diseases has also entered the clinical stage. Therefore, ASO represents a treatment with great potential. The article will summarize ASO therapies in terms of mechanism of action, chemical modification, and administration methods and analyze their role in several common neurodegenerative diseases, such as SMA, DMD, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This article systematically summarizes the great potential of antisense nucleic acid technology in the treatment of hereditary neurodegenerative diseases

    Extension of ZVS region of series-series WPT systems by an auxiliary variable inductor for improving efficiency

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    To maintain a stable output voltage under various operating conditions without introducing extra dc/dc converters, phase-shift (PS) control is usually adopted for wireless power transfer (WPT) systems. By using this method, however, zero-voltage switching (ZVS) operation cannot be guaranteed, especially in light-load conditions. To achieve high efficiency and reduce electromagnetic interference, it is significant for WPT systems to achieve ZVS operation of all switching devices in the whole operation range. In this article, an auxiliary variable inductor, of which the equivalent inductance can be controlled by adjusting the dc current in its auxiliary winding, is designed for series-series-compensated WPT systems under PS control to mitigate the loss arising from hard switching. As a result, a wide ZVS operation range of all switching devices can be achieved. A laboratory prototype is built to verify the theoretical analysis. The experimental results show that, under load and magnetic coupling variations, ZVS operation at fixed operation frequency as well as a constant dc output voltage can be maintained. Compared to the conventional method with only PS control, the proposed WPT can achieve higher overall efficiency in a wider load range owing to the wide ZVS operation range. © 1986-2012 IEEE

    Dynamic improvement of inductive power transfer systems with maximum energy efficiency tracking using model predictive control : analysis and experimental verification

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    For inductive power transfer (IPT) systems, loads and system input voltages are subject to change, which affects system efficiency and stability. This article presents a perturbation and observation (P&O) method for maximum energy efficiency tracking (MEET) with a model predictive control (MPC) scheme for improving the dynamic performance of series-series compensated IPT systems. In the IPT system, the inverter at the primary side incorporates the P&O method and phase shift modulation (PSM) to minimize system input power. Meanwhile, the rectifier at the secondary side is controlled by MPC control based PSM to improve the dynamic response of the output voltage. Simulated and experimental results show that, compared to the PI controller, the MPC controller, based on a simple but accurate mathematical model, has a better dynamic response to load and input voltage variations. With the MPC controller, the settling time of the output voltage is reduced by 85.7%, which indicates a particularly stable power supply to the load. Furthermore, MEET adopting the P&O method in the IPT system can promote the system efficiency by 1.85% on average when the output voltage is regulated by the MPC controller. © 1986-2012 IEEE