58 research outputs found

    Enhancing Topic Extraction in Recommender Systems with Entropy Regularization

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    In recent years, many recommender systems have utilized textual data for topic extraction to enhance interpretability. However, our findings reveal a noticeable deficiency in the coherence of keywords within topics, resulting in low explainability of the model. This paper introduces a novel approach called entropy regularization to address the issue, leading to more interpretable topics extracted from recommender systems, while ensuring that the performance of the primary task stays competitively strong. The effectiveness of the strategy is validated through experiments on a variation of the probabilistic matrix factorization model that utilizes textual data to extract item embeddings. The experiment results show a significant improvement in topic coherence, which is quantified by cosine similarity on word embeddings

    A Novel Perspective to Look At Attention: Bi-level Attention-based Explainable Topic Modeling for News Classification

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    Many recent deep learning-based solutions have widely adopted the attention-based mechanism in various tasks of the NLP discipline. However, the inherent characteristics of deep learning models and the flexibility of the attention mechanism increase the models' complexity, thus leading to challenges in model explainability. In this paper, to address this challenge, we propose a novel practical framework by utilizing a two-tier attention architecture to decouple the complexity of explanation and the decision-making process. We apply it in the context of a news article classification task. The experiments on two large-scaled news corpora demonstrate that the proposed model can achieve competitive performance with many state-of-the-art alternatives and illustrate its appropriateness from an explainability perspective.Comment: Findings of ACL202

    Learning Foresightful Dense Visual Affordance for Deformable Object Manipulation

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    Understanding and manipulating deformable objects (e.g., ropes and fabrics) is an essential yet challenging task with broad applications. Difficulties come from complex states and dynamics, diverse configurations and high-dimensional action space of deformable objects. Besides, the manipulation tasks usually require multiple steps to accomplish, and greedy policies may easily lead to local optimal states. Existing studies usually tackle this problem using reinforcement learning or imitating expert demonstrations, with limitations in modeling complex states or requiring hand-crafted expert policies. In this paper, we study deformable object manipulation using dense visual affordance, with generalization towards diverse states, and propose a novel kind of foresightful dense affordance, which avoids local optima by estimating states' values for long-term manipulation. We propose a framework for learning this representation, with novel designs such as multi-stage stable learning and efficient self-supervised data collection without experts. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed foresightful dense affordance. Project page: https://hyperplane-lab.github.io/DeformableAffordanc

    Topic-Centric Explanations for News Recommendation

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    News recommender systems (NRS) have been widely applied for online news websites to help users find relevant articles based on their interests. Recent methods have demonstrated considerable success in terms of recommendation performance. However, the lack of explanation for these recommendations can lead to mistrust among users and lack of acceptance of recommendations. To address this issue, we propose a new explainable news model to construct a topic-aware explainable recommendation approach that can both accurately identify relevant articles and explain why they have been recommended, using information from associated topics. Additionally, our model incorporates two coherence metrics applied to assess topic quality, providing measure of the interpretability of these explanations. The results of our experiments on the MIND dataset indicate that the proposed explainable NRS outperforms several other baseline systems, while it is also capable of producing interpretable topics compared to those generated by a classical LDA topic model. Furthermore, we present a case study through a real-world example showcasing the usefulness of our NRS for generating explanations.Comment: 20 pages, submitted to a journa

    Leveraging SE(3) Equivariance for Learning 3D Geometric Shape Assembly

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    Shape assembly aims to reassemble parts (or fragments) into a complete object, which is a common task in our daily life. Different from the semantic part assembly (e.g., assembling a chair's semantic parts like legs into a whole chair), geometric part assembly (e.g., assembling bowl fragments into a complete bowl) is an emerging task in computer vision and robotics. Instead of semantic information, this task focuses on geometric information of parts. As the both geometric and pose space of fractured parts are exceptionally large, shape pose disentanglement of part representations is beneficial to geometric shape assembly. In our paper, we propose to leverage SE(3) equivariance for such shape pose disentanglement. Moreover, while previous works in vision and robotics only consider SE(3) equivariance for the representations of single objects, we move a step forward and propose leveraging SE(3) equivariance for representations considering multi-part correlations, which further boosts the performance of the multi-part assembly. Experiments demonstrate the significance of SE(3) equivariance and our proposed method for geometric shape assembly. Project page: https://crtie.github.io/SE-3-part-assembly/Comment: ICCV 2023, Project page: https://crtie.github.io/SE-3-part-assembly/ , Code: https://github.com/crtie/Leveraging-SE-3-Equivariance-for-Learning-3D-Geometric-Shape-Assembl

    Going Beyond Local: Global Graph-Enhanced Personalized News Recommendations

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    Precisely recommending candidate news articles to users has always been a core challenge for personalized news recommendation systems. Most recent works primarily focus on using advanced natural language processing techniques to extract semantic information from rich textual data, employing content-based methods derived from local historical news. However, this approach lacks a global perspective, failing to account for users' hidden motivations and behaviors beyond semantic information. To address this challenge, we propose a novel model called GLORY (Global-LOcal news Recommendation sYstem), which combines global representations learned from other users with local representations to enhance personalized recommendation systems. We accomplish this by constructing a Global-aware Historical News Encoder, which includes a global news graph and employs gated graph neural networks to enrich news representations, thereby fusing historical news representations by a historical news aggregator. Similarly, we extend this approach to a Global Candidate News Encoder, utilizing a global entity graph and a candidate news aggregator to enhance candidate news representation. Evaluation results on two public news datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches. Furthermore, our model offers more diverse recommendations.Comment: 10 pages, Recsys 202

    Fact Check: Analyzing Financial Events from Multilingual News Sources

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    The explosion in the sheer magnitude and complexity of financial news data in recent years makes it increasingly challenging for investment analysts to extract valuable insights and perform analysis. We propose FactCheck in finance, a web-based news aggregator with deep learning models, to provide analysts with a holistic view of important financial events from multilingual news sources and extract events using an unsupervised clustering method. A web interface is provided to examine the credibility of news articles using a transformer-based fact-checker. The performance of the fact checker is evaluated using a dataset related to merger and acquisition (M\&A) events and is shown to outperform several strong baselines.Comment: Dem

    Where2Explore: Few-shot Affordance Learning for Unseen Novel Categories of Articulated Objects

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    Articulated object manipulation is a fundamental yet challenging task in robotics. Due to significant geometric and semantic variations across object categories, previous manipulation models struggle to generalize to novel categories. Few-shot learning is a promising solution for alleviating this issue by allowing robots to perform a few interactions with unseen objects. However, extant approaches often necessitate costly and inefficient test-time interactions with each unseen instance. Recognizing this limitation, we observe that despite their distinct shapes, different categories often share similar local geometries essential for manipulation, such as pullable handles and graspable edges - a factor typically underutilized in previous few-shot learning works. To harness this commonality, we introduce 'Where2Explore', an affordance learning framework that effectively explores novel categories with minimal interactions on a limited number of instances. Our framework explicitly estimates the geometric similarity across different categories, identifying local areas that differ from shapes in the training categories for efficient exploration while concurrently transferring affordance knowledge to similar parts of the objects. Extensive experiments in simulated and real-world environments demonstrate our framework's capacity for efficient few-shot exploration and generalization
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