15 research outputs found

    Observations regarding ultrasound disgnosis of anestrus syndrome in dairy cattle

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    Visual transrectal ultrasonography is one of the most effective tools to study ovaries and uterine structures in cows. This study was conducted within a dairy cattle farm and aimed to highlight the importance of ultrasound examination for diagnosis of uterine and ovarian disorders in dairy cattle. During the study regarding ultrasound diagnosis of anestrus syndrome in dairy cattle, several types of genital pathologies were recorded. Thus, of all recorded uterine and ovarian disorders, 35 cases of endometritis (19.1%), 12 cases of acute metritis (6.5%), 26 cows with follicular cysts (14.2%), 21 cows with luteal cysts (11.5%), 42 cases of persistent corpus luteum (23%), 25 cows with ovarian inactivity (13.7%) and 22 cows with silent estrus (12%), were diagnosed. Reproductive tract ultrasound examination provides a more accurate identification and differentiation of ovarian and uterine disorders type, having a higher sensitivity and specificity than manual palpation, improving thus the diagnosis precision

    The hematologic profile of cattle with reproductive diseases

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    Investigations were conducted on the Bălțată Neagră Românească (BNR) breed dairy cows from the Dancu Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding, Iaşi County. We have carried out hematologic profile investigations (red and white blood cells) in cattle having reproductive troubles and clinically healthy cattle, divided into groups of 10 animals: four experimental groups – cows with puerperal genital infections (E1), cows with chronic genital infections (E2), cows with postpartum anestrus (E3) and cows with repeated inseminations (E4), as well as three control groups, made of cows at different stages of lactation: early, 0-2 months (M1), advanced, 4-6 months (M2) and late, 6-7 months (M3). Hematologic analyzes have shown variations according to the type of reproductive troubles and to the stage of lactation: in cows having puerperal genital infections (E1 Group), compared to the control group (M1), lower values of red blood cells (5.74±0,2 x106/μl), hematocrit (Ht), (28.40±0.47%) and haemoglobin (Hb) (9.20±0.30 g/dl) were found and higher values of the total number of leucocytes (9.0±0.50 x103, compared to 7.7±0.30 x103, p<0.05), 7.7±0.30 x103, p<0.05), represented by neutrophils (56.0±0.60 %, compared to 34.2 ±0.6%, p<0.05). The cows with chronic genital infections (E2 Group) in comparison to the M2 Group had lower values of red blood cells, hematocrit and haemoglobin and higher values of the total number of leucocytes (8.2 ±2.12 x103/μl, vs. 7.26 ±1,04 x103/μl), with a high neutrophil number (39.5±0.67 %, vs. 35.66 ± 1.66%). In cows having postpartum anestrus (E3 Group), lower values of erythrocytes and haemoglobin and slightly higher values of leukocytes with a great proportion of neutrophils. In cows with repeated inseminations (E4 Group), there were diminutions in the erythrocyte number and increased number of neutrophils. Once with the lactation curve from early stage (M1 Group) to advanced stage (M2) healthy cows have recorded variations of erythrocyte indices, determined by the increasing level of the milk production, marked by the diminution of the number of erythrocytes and hematocrit and the moderate increase of haemoglobin

    Demographic study on the total Sura de stepă breed population in Romania

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    The research was conducted from August until November 2012 in the districts of Moldavia (Botoşani, Suceava, Iaşi, Vaslui, Bacău, Neamţ, Galaţi and Vrancea), in the West and the Central part of the country (Cluj and Covasna districts) and in the South-East of the country (Tulcea and Brăila districts). The choice of the districts was established based on the informations received from Animal Improvement and Breeding Offices in Romania. The purpose of this research was to identify the effective of Sura de stepă cattle breed in Romania and the evaluation of the phenotypic characters in steppe animals, which belong to the variety of Moldavian breed. The results showed that the Sura de stepă breed consists of a minor part, being raised in just two districts of Moldavia, Iaşi and Neamţ, respectively, as a pure breed with an average of 0,03 % (83 cows), at the Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding (R.D.S.C.B.) Dancu-Iaşi, with a core of preservation of 59 cows (0,19 %) and at the Holding TCE 3 Brazi Society, Neamţ district, with a core of 24 cows (0,06 %), and under half-breed form with an average of 0,33 % (592 cows). In Harghita, Covasna and Cluj districts, 295 cows from the Sura de stepă breed, Hungarian variety, were identified, excepting being the animals belonging to University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj, which come from R.D.S.C.B. Dancu-Iaşi, which are Romanian Sura de stepă, Moldavian variety. In Tulcea district, 20 cows of half-breed Sura de stepă and 50 cows of pure breed cattle, Moldavian variety, were identified, from which 24 cows at a private landlord in Pardina locality, Tulcea district, and 26 cows belonging to nine owners from different localities (C.A. Rosetti, Pardina, Chilia Veche, Sfântu Gheorghe, Crişan), each owning 2-3 cows. The analysis of the main body indices showed that the Sura de stepă cows from Pardina, Tulcea county, are of small size and weight, having smaller values in all analysed parameters, compared to the Sura de stepă cows from R.D.S.C.B. Dancu-Iaşi from the North-East part of the country, which however fitted the specific limits of the breed, Moldavian variety

    Searches on the application of a method of induction and syncronization of estrus in cows postpartum based on two doses of GnRH and prostaglandin F2 α, with programmed insemination

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    The researches were realized in the dairy cattle farm from S.C.D.C.B. Dancu, Iasi, on an experimental lot, composed of 41 cows of Romanian Black Spotted breed (BNR), (Lot E), compared to a control group composed of 45 cows (Lot M). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using a new protocol for the induction and synchronization of estrus at dairy cows, using the hormonal products, such as GnRH and PGF2α. The treatments applied to the cows from the experimental group were performed between 31.01.2017 and 23.06.2017, within an average value of 52 days after calving. The therapeutic protocol consisted in the following: administration of the first dose of GnRH (2.5 ml, Receptal=10 μg Buserelin, intramuscularly) on day 0, (regardless of the stage of the estrous cycle); administration of one dose PGF2α (2ml Estrumate=500 mcg Cloprostenol) on the seventh day; administration of the second dose of GnRH on the ninth day and artificial insemination at 18-24 hours after the second dose of GnRH, (without estrus detection). The application of this therapeutic protocol for estrus induction and synchronization at dairy cows with two doses of GnRH and PGF2α in the 45-80 days postpartum period has reduction effects of the intervals: calving to the first insemination and conception, with a positive impact on the reproductive management of dairy farms and the economic implications by the reduction of unproductive costs and of the workforce for the detection of cows estrus

    Preliminary researches regarding the conservation of endangered local cattle to be abandoned and the achieving of meat hybrids throughout the hybridization with Romanian breeds

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    Studies were performed on first generation meat hybrids, from the Bălţată cu Negru Românească (BNR) dairy cattle, into four experimental groups of five animals /group, in relation to meat bulls breeds from which the frozen semen material used for cows artificial insemination, respectively: Group E1- Limousine (Li), E2 - Aberdeen Angus (AA), E3 - Blue Blanch Belgian (BBB) and E4 - Charolaise (CH). The hybrids obtained from the experimental groups were observed in terms of dynamic growth and development through biometric measurements and periodic weightings 3 months intervals until 12 months of age. Average Daily Gain (ADG) recorded different variations in report to age and breed: at six months old, between 418.52 ± 60.97 g (Group E3 -BBB) and 486.67 ± 108.66 g (Group E2 - AA), at 12 months old, between 997.22 g (Group E2 – AA) and 1311.11 g (Group E3 -BBB). Slaughter rate at 12 months showed variations in relation to breed and thermal regime, so in hot regime the values ranged between 56.62 % (BNR x AA) and 60.60 % (BNR x BBB) and in cold regime (to 24 hours) between 55.68 % (BNR x AA) and 59.73 % (BNR x BBB). Carcasses development indicators had values in most cases in favor of BNR x AA hybrids than BNR x BBB hybrids, with significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) regarding the width index (201.43 cm to 175.84 cm) and pulp development index (129.27 cm to 110.64 cm). From results analysis it can be concluded that in dangered local cattle, to be abandoned because of productive reform or not relevant point of view of milk production can be used in first generation for hybridization with meat breeds in obtaining meat hybrids with morphological features, slaughter rate and carcass structure from superior quality categories than the maternal breed

    Dynamics of the susceptibility to different antibiotics and chemical-therapy treatments of isolated germs from puerperal cow genital secretions

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    The study was conducted on a group of 10 cows, belonging to Bălţată cu Negru Românească breed, at the Cattle Research and Development Station of Dancu , Iaşi district. Genital secretions were sampled from puerperal cows (first 4 post-partum weeks), for determining the uterine bacterial flora and germ susceptibility to different antimicrobial products. The obtained results have shown a lower germ susceptibility in the first post-partum week, compared to the next weeks. In weeks 2,3 and 4 post-partum , the mean values of germ susceptibility to antibiotics had very high levels (90-100%) to Rifampine, Erythromycin, Cephalotin, average levels (70-83.3%) to Amoxicillin, Kanamycyn, Chloramphenicol, Streptomycin, Gentamicyn, bacteria showing resistance to Penicillin, Oxacicllin, Sulphametazol, Methycillin. The most frequent bacterium isolated from genital secretions of cows with inflammatory genital troubles was Arcanobacterium pyogenes, in single bacterial colony (31.6%) or in mixed bacterial colony with E.coli (5.3%)

    Risk factors for clinical endometritis and its effects on reproductive performance in dairy cattle

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    Endometritis is one of the most prevalent uterine infection in dairy cattle that affects reproductive performance by decreasing fertility and leading to high economic losses. The objectives of this study were to assess the risk factors for clinical endometritis and its subsequent effects on reproductive performance in Holstein Friesian cows. The study was conducted in two dairy farms from Belgium, where 682 animals were enrolled, during two years of study. All data were processed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 17. The Pearson correlation revealed positive correlations between endometrits and postpartum disorders like dystocia, placental retention, milk fever, metritis and ovarian pathologies (persistent corpus luteum) (p<0.01). As expected, a moderate positive correlation was found between endometritis and voluntary waiting period (p<0.05). Regarding the analyzed reproductive indices, endometritis was positively correlated with reproduction period, service period, calving interval and inseminations number/pregnancy (p<0.01). A negative correlation was found between endometritis and pregnancy rate (p<0.05) as well as other weak correlations between this pathology and other parameters taken under study. We conclude that the risk factors for clinical endometritis in cattle are mainly caused by postpartum disorders with detrimental effects on reproductive performance, as the affected cows take longer to become pregnant by extending calving to conception intervals and increasing the risk for culling

    In vitro production of embryos at Research and Development Station for Cattle Breeding Dancu, Iasi – first bovine embryos produced in vitro in North-Eastern Romania

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    The in vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos increases the selection intensity in cattle and reduces the generation interval, which is very important in the genetic gain. In Romania, this reproductive biotechnology has shown a timid evolution in the last years, although the need for genetic improvement in the area is present. The aim of this paper is to describe the work that resulted in first bovine embryos obtained through IVP in North-Eastern Romania. Oocytes were collected by slashing ovaries from slaughtered cows, matured in a TCM199-based medium and fertilized in TL-based medium microdrops with sperm processed by swim-up procedure. The presumptive embryos were cultured one day in TCM199 and 8 days in SOF-based medium and evaluated in days 7, 8 and 9 after fertilization. We retrieved an average number of 83 usable oocytes/IVF session, which represents 73.8% from the total harvested oocytes. The average number of cleaved embryos was 50.8 per IVF, reflecting an average cleavage rate of 61.2%. An average of 8.6 blastocysts/IVF session was obtained, representing 10.4% of the selected oocytes or 16.9% of the number of cleaved embryos. Although suboptimal, the results were comparable with other reports on IVP in cattle. The adapted IVP protocol, based on maturation with TCM199, fertilization in microdrops of TL and culture of presumptive embryos one day in TCM199 and afterwards in SOF seems to offer acceptable results and will be used for further attempts to produce bovine embryos