1,791 research outputs found

    Structural Fluctuations in the Spin Liquid State of Tb2Ti2O7

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    High resolution X-ray scattering measurements on single crystal Tb2Ti2O7 reveal finite structural correlations at low temperatures. This geometrically frustrated pyrochlore is known to exhibit a spin liquid, or cooperative paramagnetic state, at temperatures below ~ 20 K. Parametric studies of structural Bragg peaks appropriate to the Fd3ˉ\bar{3}m space group of Tb2Ti2O7 reveal substantial broadening and peak intensity reduction in the temperature regime 20 K to 300 mK. We also observe a small, anomalous lattice expansion on cooling below a density maximum at ~ 18 K. These measurements are consistent with the development of fluctuations above a cooperative Jahn-Teller, cubic-tetragonal phase transition at very low temperatures.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Interplay of Spin-Orbit Interactions, Dimensionality, and Octahedral Rotations in Semimetallic SrIrO3_3

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    We employ reactive molecular-beam epitaxy to synthesize the metastable perovskite SrIrO3_{3} and utilize {\it in situ} angle-resolved photoemission to reveal its electronic structure as an exotic narrow-band semimetal. We discover remarkably narrow bands which originate from a confluence of strong spin-orbit interactions, dimensionality, and both in- and out-of-plane IrO6_6 octahedral rotations. The partial occupation of numerous bands with strongly mixed orbital characters signals the breakdown of the single-band Mott picture that characterizes its insulating two-dimensional counterpart, Sr2_{2}IrO4_{4}, illustrating the power of structure-property relations for manipulating the subtle balance between spin-orbit interactions and electron-electron interactions

    High resolution X-ray scattering studies of structural phase transitions in underdoped La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_4

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    We have studied structural phase transitions in high quality underdoped La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_4 single crystals using high resolution x-ray scattering techniques. Critical properties associated with the continuous High Temperature Tetragonal (HTT, I4/mmmI4/mmm) to Middle Temperature Orthorhombic (MTO, CmcaCmca) phase transition were investigated in single crystal samples with x=0.125, 0.095, and 0.08 and we find that all behavior is consistent with three dimensional XY criticality, as expected from theory. Power law behavior in the orthorhombic strain, 2(a-b)/(a+b), is observed over a remarkably wide temperature range, spanning most of the MTO regime in the phase diagram. Low temperature measurements investigating the Low Temperature Tetragonal (LTT, P42/ncmP4_{2}/ncm) phase, below the strongly discontinuous MTO\toLTT phase transition, in x=0.125 and x=0.095 samples show that the LTT phase is characterized by relatively broad Bragg scattering, compared with that observed at related wavevectors in the HTT phase. This shows that the LTT phase is either an admixture of tetragonal and orthorhombic phases, or that it is orthorhombic with very small orthorhombic strain, consistent with the ``less orthorhombic" low temperature structure previously reported in mixed La2x_{2-x}Srxy_{x-y}Bay_yCuO4_4 single crystals. We compare the complex temperature-composition phase diagram for the location of structural and superconducting phase transitions in underdoped La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_4 and find good agreement with results obtained on polycrystalline samples.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Ordering of the pyrochlore Ising model with the long-range RKKY interaction

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    The ordering of the Ising model on a pyrochlore lattice interacting via the long-range RKKY interaction, which models a metallic pyrochlore magnet such as Pr_2Ir_2O_7, is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. Depending on the parameter k_F representing the Fermi wavevector, the model exhibits rich ordering behaviors

    Revisiting Static and Dynamic Spin Ice Correlations in Ho2Ti2O7

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    Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering studies have been carried out on the pyrochlore magnet Ho2Ti2O7. Measurements in zero applied magnetic field show that the disordered spin ice ground state of Ho2Ti2O7 is characterized by a pattern of rectangular diffuse elastic scattering within the [HHL] plane of reciprocal space, which closely resembles the zone boundary scattering seen in its sister compound Dy2Ti2O7. Well-defined peaks in the zone boundary scattering develop only within the spin ice ground state below ~ 2 K. In contrast, the overall diffuse scattering pattern evolves on a much higher temperature scale of ~ 17 K. The diffuse scattering at small wavevectors below [001] is found to vanish on going to Q=0, an explicit signature of expectations for dipolar spin ice. Very high energy-resolution inelastic measurements reveal that the spin ice ground state below ~ 2 K is also characterized by a transition from dynamic to static spin correlations on the time scale of 10^{-9} seconds. Measurements in a magnetic field applied along the [11ˉ{\bar1}0] direction in zero-field cooled conditions show that the system can be broken up into orthogonal sets of polarized alpha chains along [11ˉ{\bar1}0] and quasi-one-dimensional beta chains along [110]. Three dimensional correlations between beta chains are shown to be very sensitive to the precise alignment of the [11ˉ{\bar1}0] externally applied magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Submitted for publicatio

    The chiral phase transition in charge ordered 1T-TiSe2

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    It was recently discovered that the low temperature, charge ordered phase of 1T-TiSe2 has a chiral character. This unexpected chirality in a system described by a scalar order parameter could be explained in a model where the emergence of relative phase shifts between three charge density wave components breaks the inversion symmetry of the lattice. Here, we present experimental evidence for the sequence of phase transitions predicted by that theory, going from disorder to non-chiral and finally to chiral charge order. Employing X-ray diffraction, specific heat, and electrical transport measurements, we find that a novel phase transition occurs ~7 K below the main charge ordering transition in TiSe2, in agreement with the predicted hierarchy of charge ordered phases.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; includes additional experimental and theoretical results; fixed typo

    A novel approach for x-ray scattering experiments in magnetic fields utilizing trapped flux in type-II superconductors

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    We introduce a novel approach to x-ray scattering studies in applied magnetic fields by exploiting vortices in superconductors. This method is based on trapping magnetic flux in a small disk-shaped superconductor (known as a trapped field magnet, TFM) with a single-crystal sample mounted on or at close proximity to its surface. This opens an unrestricted optical access to the sample and allows magnetic fields to be applied precisely along the x-ray momentum transfer, facilitating polarization-sensitive experiments that have been impractical or impossible to perform to date. The TFMs used in our study remain stable and provide practically uniform magnetic fields for days, which are sufficient for comprehensive x-ray diffraction experiments, specifically x-ray resonance exchange scattering (XRES) to study field-induced phenomena at a modern synchrotron source. The TFM instrument has been used in a “proof-of-principle” XRES study of a meta-magnetic phase in a rare-earth compound, TbNi2Ge2, in order to demonstrate its potential