90 research outputs found
Multivariate volatility models
Correlations between asset returns are important in many financial
applications. In recent years, multivariate volatility models have been used to
describe the time-varying feature of the correlations. However, the curse of
dimensionality quickly becomes an issue as the number of correlations is
for assets. In this paper, we review some of the commonly used
models for multivariate volatility and propose a simple approach that is
parsimonious and satisfies the positive definite constraints of the
time-varying correlation matrix. Real examples are used to demonstrate the
proposed model.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921706000001058 in the IMS
Lecture Notes Monograph Series
(http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
High-dimensional Linear Regression for Dependent Data with Applications to Nowcasting
Recent research has focused on penalized least squares (Lasso)
estimators for high-dimensional linear regressions in which the number of
covariates is considerably larger than the sample size . However, few
studies have examined the properties of the estimators when the errors and/or
the covariates are serially dependent. In this study, we investigate the
theoretical properties of the Lasso estimator for a linear regression with a
random design and weak sparsity under serially dependent and/or nonsubGaussian
errors and covariates. In contrast to the traditional case, in which the errors
are independent and identically distributed and have finite exponential
moments, we show that can be at most a power of if the errors have only
finite polynomial moments. In addition, the rate of convergence becomes slower
owing to the serial dependence in the errors and the covariates. We also
consider the sign consistency of the model selection using the Lasso estimator
when there are serial correlations in the errors or the covariates, or both.
Adopting the framework of a functional dependence measure, we describe how the
rates of convergence and the selection consistency of the estimators depend on
the dependence measures and moment conditions of the errors and the covariates.
Simulation results show that a Lasso regression can be significantly more
powerful than a mixed-frequency data sampling regression (MIDAS) and a Dantzig
selector in the presence of irrelevant variables. We apply the results obtained
for the Lasso method to nowcasting with mixed-frequency data, in which serially
correlated errors and a large number of covariates are common. The empirical
results show that the Lasso procedure outperforms the MIDAS regression and the
autoregressive model with exogenous variables in terms of both forecasting and
Discussion of "Feature Matching in Time Series Modeling" by Y. Xia and H. Tong
Discussion of "Feature Matching in Time Series Modeling" by Y. Xia and H.
Tong [arXiv:1104.3073]Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-STS345B the Statistical
Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Outlier detection in multivariate time series via projection pursuit
This article uses Projection Pursuit methods to develop a procedure for detecting outliers in a multivariate time series. We show that testing for outliers in some projection directions could be more powerful than testing the multivariate series directly. The optimal directions for detecting outliers are found by numerical optimization of the kurtosis coefficient of the projected series. We propose an iterative procedure to detect and handle multiple outliers based on univariate search in these optimal directions. In contrast with the existing methods, the proposed procedure can identify outliers without pre-specifying a vector ARMA model for the data. The good performance of the proposed method is verified in a Monte Carlo study and in a real data analysis
This article uses Projection Pursuit methods to develop a procedure for detecting outliers in a multivariate time series. We show that testing for outliers in some projection directions could be more powerful than testing the multivariate series directly. The optimal directions for detecting outliers are found by numerical optimization of the kurtosis coefficient of the projected series. We propose an iterative procedure to detect and handle multiple outliers based on univariate search in these optimal directions. In contrast with the existing methods, the proposed procedure can identify outliers without pre-specifying a vector ARMA model for the data. The good performance of the proposed method is verified in a Monte Carlo study and in a real data analysis.
Denoising and Multilinear Dimension-Reduction of High-Dimensional Matrix-Variate Time Series via a Factor Model
This paper proposes a new multilinear projection method for
dimension-reduction in modeling high-dimensional matrix-variate time series. It
assumes that a matrix-variate time series consists of a
dynamically dependent, lower-dimensional matrix-variate factor process and a
matrix white noise series. Covariance matrix of the vectorized
white noises assumes a Kronecker structure such that the row and column
covariances of the noise all have diverging/spiked eigenvalues to accommodate
the case of low signal-to-noise ratio often encountered in applications, such
as in finance and economics. We use an iterative projection procedure to
{reduce the dimensions and noise effects in estimating} front and back loading
matrices and {to} obtain faster convergence rates than those of the traditional
methods available in the literature. Furthermore, we introduce a two-way
projected Principal Component Analysis to mitigate the diverging noise effects,
and implement a high-dimensional white-noise testing procedure to estimate the
dimension of the factor matrix. Asymptotic properties of the proposed method
are established as the dimensions and sample size go to infinity. Simulated and
real examples are used to assess the performance of the proposed method. We
also compared the proposed method with some existing ones in the literature
concerning the forecasting ability of the identified factors and found that the
proposed approach fares well in out-of-sample forecasting.Comment: 57 Pages, 7 figures, 7 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
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