26 research outputs found

    Knowledge mobility and appropriability in the context of value co-creation

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    Knowledge is one of the key resources in business development. Critical resources may extend beyond the enterprise's traditional boundaries, with the focal enterprise drawing upon the resources of other firms and institutions. Networks can be classified into two broad categories: market-based networks and localized learning networks. Interfirm learning in networks offers the potential to build competitive advantage. The key issues in the process of learning are: knowledge acquisition, knowledge appropriation and knowledge creation. New forms of governance have had an impact upon creative industries. Value co-creation has been greatly enhanced by the rise of the Internet and its associated interactive media forms. Using the business model approach, one can identify three different models that record labels started to implement since that time: extend­ing value networks, bundling value propositions, and validating new resources and competencies. The purpose of the article is twofold: to identify the key problems related to knowledge mobility and transfer within business networks and to highlight the new developments in the so called value co-creation processes. The methodology applied is literature overview and case study analysis

    The importance of governance in business models

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    Interorganizational relationships help firms to create value by combining resources, developing knowledge resources and facilitating access to foreign markets. In particular, one should highlight the importance of relationships from the perspective of knowledge creation and sharing. The main theoretical paradigms used to explain the reasons behind creation of interorganizational interrelationships are as follows: transaction costs economics, resource dependence, stakeholder theory, and learning theory. Governance may be important component of interorganizational networks. The impact of governance depends on the type of network. The successful adoption of a particular form of governance in a network may be attributed to the following factors: trust, size of network, goal congruence among the network members, the nature of the task of the network

    Financialization and its impact upon the developed economies

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    Financialization is a multidimensional process that has originated in the developed economies at the beginning of the 1980s. In a broad sense, financialization is understood as a process of autonomization of the financial sphere or even obtaining the supremacy over the real economy. The emergence of an era of neo-liberalism, reflected in the processes of globalization and loosening of regulatory framework, contributed to the fast development of financialization. Finan-cialization has had an impact upon the governance systems in corporations. It resulted in marked change in the goals of managers who became primarily oriented on short-term profits and increase of stock price. Another consequence of this process has been growing interest of non-financial companies in developing financial activity that has started to provide increasingly high contribution to companies’ profits. The negative aspect of financialization of company activities has been, in many cases, inadequate investment in tangible assets

    Network Resources in Business Operations

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    Access to the resources of other firms positively influences the functioning of firm within a network. Network contexts in which firms create, utilize and develop their resources are of crucial importance for these resources and their economic value. Interorganizational relations give access to the resources and position against each other the resources of network members. Specific features of a branch determine the choice of the form of the resource base

    The growing importance of financial sector in the economy

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    Wzrost znaczenie sfery finansowej we wszystkich sferach aktywności gospodarczej określany jest mianem finansjalizacji (finansyzacji). Finansjalizacja to proces autonomizacji sfery finansowej w relacji do sfery realnej, a nawet uzyskiwania nadrzędności tej pierwszej w stosunku do drugiej. W wąskim rozumieniu finansjalizacja kojarzona jest z rosnącym znaczeniem działalności finansowej w aktywności ekonomicznej podmiotów niefinansowych. Kluczowym czynnikiem determinującym rozwój tego zjawiska był proces deregulacji i liberalizacji rynków krajów rozwiniętych, rozpoczęty w latach 70. XX w. Pojawiły się nowe, złożone instrumenty finansowe, wzrosła rola finansowych inwestorów instytucjonalnych. Finansjalizacja prowadzi do zasadniczych zmian w sferze zarządzania i własności dużych przedsiębiorstw. Narasta tendencja do skracania horyzontu czasowego podejmowanych decyzji inwestycyjnych, w analizie ekonomiczno-finansowej nadmiernemu wyeksponowaniu ulegają te uwzględniające przede wszystkim krótkookresową zyskowność. Złożoność problematyki finansjalizacji sprawia, iż jest ona identyfikowana i mierzona w sposób fragmentaryczny.The phenomenon of growing importance of financial sector is called financialization. This term refers to autonomization of financial services industry from the real economy. In the narrow sense it reflects the fact that proceeds from activities in financial markets constitute increasingly higher share of non-financial companies income. The key factor behind financialization is deregulation and liberalization of economies started in the seventies. Financialization leads to short-term goals dominating in the management of companies

    Coopetition as a new way of structuring interorganizational relations

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    Koopetycja jako nowa forma strukturalizacji relacji międzyorganizacyjnyc

    New business models in the fashion industry

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    Rośnie systematycznie znaczenie koncepcji modelu biznesowego, głównie utożsamianego z opisem sposobu tworzenia i podziału wartości. Znajduje to odzwierciedlenie również w branży modowej, w której coraz większą rolę odgrywa system modowy fast fashion, opierający się na szybkiej reakcji na zmieniające się preferencje klientów oraz dedykowanym projektowaniu w celu podniesienia wartości wyrobu dla klienta. Celem jest obniżenie skłonności potencjalnego nabywcy do zachowań strategicznych (czyli długoterminowo racjonalnych), oznaczających w tym przypadku odroczenie decyzji zakupu w oczekiwaniu na spodziewaną obniżkę cen.The concept of business model is growing in importance, mainly as a format through methods of value creation and appropriation are implemented. This phenomenon is also reflected in the fashion industry, in particular in the segment referred to as fast fashion. This system is based on quick response to the fluctuating preferences of prospect customers as well as on enhanced design of products. Both components of fast fashion model aim at reducing strategic behavior of customers and inducing them to more spontaneous purchase at higher prices

    Emotions in the decision making processes at the financial markets

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    Do lat 70. minionego stulecia obowiązującym paradygmatem analizy decyzji ekonomicznych była racjonalność uczestnika rynku, zakładająca posiadanie przez niego wszystkich niezbędnych informacji, ich bezstronne przetworzenie oraz wybór gwarantujący maksymalną użyteczność. Obserwacje rzeczywistych zachowań inwestorów nie potwierdziły zasadności takiego modelu. Udowodniono natomiast, że immanentnym komponentem większości są emocje, uczucia i stany afektywne oddziałujące na procesy decyzyjne. Teoria perspektywy i teoria ograniczonej racjonalności wytyczyły kierunki dalszych badań. Emocje analizowano z perspektywy neuroprocesów, perspektywy sił napędowych procesów inwestycyjnych, czy też uwarunkowań społecznych. Analiza roli emocji w decyzjach ma szczególne znaczenie w sektorze finansowym ze względu na znaczenie tego sektora w gospodarce. Nowe obszary badań nad zachowaniami w procesach decyzyjnych na rynkach finansowych to „błędne przypisywanie nastroju” (mood misattribution) oraz wpływ „wizerunku” (image).Until the seventies of the previous century the dominating paradigm of analysis of economic decisions making was that of rationality, which makes an assumption that the investor possesses all the required information, is able to process it in an unbiased way to achieve the maximum utility. The observation of the actual behavior of investors does not support that such model does hold. It has been proven that the immanent component of the majority of decisions are emotions, feelings and affective states. The perspective theory and the theory of bounded rationality mark the direction of future research. Emotions have been then analyzed as neuroprocesses, the driving force behind investment decisions, or the component of social conditioning. The analysis of the role of emotions in decision-making processes is particulary important in the financial sector of the economy. This is due of particular importance of this sector for the economy, The new areas of research of behavior in decision-making in financial markets are mood misattribution and image impact

    Business Model and Value Creation

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    Since the nineties the business model category is systematically gaining importance. In many cases the market success o fan enterprise is attributable to an innovative and well designed business model. Most of the definitions of a business model include the following elements: (1) strategic choices, (2) value network, (3) value creation, and (4) value appropriation. From another perspective, business model can be described In terms of resources and competences, organizational structure and value proposal. Business model should not be considered as equivalent of strategy. Business models helps to analyze, test and justify strategic choices. As such, it is a term broader than strategy. All business models are embedded In a specific environmental context. And it is his context that justifies importance and utility of the models