15 research outputs found
Community service is very important to do as one of the implementation of the “tridharma” of higher education as the main task of lecturers. The implementation of community service in Telukan Village, Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency has been carried out on Sunday, March 27, 2022. The purpose of this community service is very noble, namely explaining the importance of public awareness, especially Telukan Village to be able to understand, understand and be able to carry out population administration in accordance with Law No. 24 of 2013 concerning population administration, both rights and obligations as law-abiding Indonesian citizens. The community service method was carried out by gathering community members at the Telukan village hall, the first event was opened by the Telukan village head and continued with material exposure by the community service team at the Faculty of Law, Islamic Batik University of Surakarta. The results that have been achieved in the implementation of community service in Telukan Village include: not all residents understand the importance of population administration, because most of the housewives who usually take care of population administration are fathers and fathers. What is very good is the participation of the community to attend, listen and hope that it will be conveyed to the head of the household for follow-up
Perkembangan teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi telah memberikan kontribusi yang besar bagi pemenuhan kebutuhan manusia, salah satunya di bidang perdagangan online atau yang lebih sering disebut dengan e-commerce. E-commerce memberikan banyak kelebihan bagi masyarakat, salah satunya adalah masyarakat dapat melakukan transaksi tanpa harus bertemu. Kompleksnya aktivitas dalam e-commerce tersebut tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa e-commerce akan menimbulkan berbagai macam sengketa. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukanlah model penyelesaian sengketa yang cepat dan aman yang melindungi kepentingan para pihak.Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian normatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konsep. Untuk menyelesaikan sengketa e-commerce ini diperlukan suatu model penyelesaian sengketa yang cepat. Hal ini disebabkan apabila sengketa bisnis terlalu lama untuk dibiarkan maka akan menimbulkan menurunkan produktivitas serta menyebabkan terhambatnya kemajuan dan kesejahteraan ekonomi. Oleh sebab itu, gagasan untuk menggunakan sistem online dispute resolution (ODR) sebagai upaya penyelesaian sengketa yang cepat dan melindungi kepentingan para pihak yang bersengketa dalam transaksi e-commerce
Restorasi Digital Pada Model Kerusakan Citra Aksara Jawa Cetak
Javanese script is an important cultural legacy as it was widely used in a great number of old books. Digital restoration can be used to preserve these books, but the challenge is the script in these old books may be damaged due to age. Digital restoration, which involves such processes as thinning, feature extraction, and pattern matching, can be used to assist in accelerating the manual restoration process. The average success rate of this digital restoration project is only 82,07%, but it is a good start in the digital restoration of damaged print Javanese script
Kajian Yuridis terhadap Peran Serta Sukarelawan Pengatur Lalu – Lintas (Supeltas) dalam Menciptakan Ketertiban Lalu – Lintas di Surakarta
Implementation of law enforcement should be consistent, consistent, and very thorough in dearer society, and in order pass - cross so is diwajib obey the signs - signs traffic - and also includes not break through light signals traffic -. And what if on a road that is very crowded intersection in the city center Surakarta there has been no traffic lights - laintas, would be very chaotic and mutual seized occur among road users. And here the necessity of their governing officials would smooth the traffic -. But with the limitations of police officers so frequent congestion - traffic. Here the authors raise the research titled "Study of Juridical Against Participation of Volunteers Regulatory Then - Cross (Supeltas) In creating Ketertuban Then - Traffic in Surakarta" because in Surakarta when we meet the members of the Volunteer Manager Then - Cross (Supeltas) set up in several road intersection in Surakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of, the legality of existence, and hope - hope Regulatory Then Volunteers - Cross (Supeltas) in creating an orderly traffic in city of Surakarta. This research is descriptive and views of its objectives including empirical legal research. The location of this research is done on some streets intersection. That is the first in the Crossroads JL. National Awakening And JL. Bhayangkara, both at the Crossroads JL. K.H. Samanhudi And JL. Pioneer Independence, third at the Crossroads JL. M.T. Haryono And JL. SEMARANG - Surakarta, and the fourth at the Crossroads JL. Wora - Wari and JL. DR. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Data used include primary data and secondary data. Data collection through interviews and research of literature both books, legislation, papers, results of previous studies, documents, and so on. Analysis of data using qualitative analysis. Based on this research, the result that the legality of the law in terms of the members of the Governing Then Volunteers - Cross (Supeltas) does not have the legal or weeks to set the right road. But in order to create the smooth running of life passed lintas required the participation of parties outside the police, one of which is the Volunteer Manager Then - Cross(Supeltas)
Pelaksanaan Sistem Layanan Kunjungan Bagi Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan di Rumah Tahanan Negara Wonogiri, dalam Rangka Peningkatan Pelayanan Kepada Publik Berdasarkan UU No 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui selengkapnya tentang Pelaksanaan system layanan kunjungan di Rutan Wonogiri. Sebagaimana dipahami, bahwa narapidana yang menjalani pidananya di Rumah Tahanan tidak semua hak haknya dirampas oleh negara akan tetapi hak haknya dibatasi ooleh undang undang disini Ruan Wnogiri telah memberikan hak hak warga binaan pemasyarakatan salah satunya adalah hak untuk dikunjungi sesuai standar operasional prosedur yang berlaku. Metode Penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah menggunakan penelitian hukum sosiologis atau empiris . Dengan Data Primer yang diperoleh langsung dari para pejabat beserta staf di Kantor Rumah Tahanan Negara Wonogiri, khususnya pada bidang pelayanan tahanan. Tehnik pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh penulis, adalah bahwa narapidana berhak mendapatkan hak hak mereka salah satunya adalah hak untuk dikunjung oleh keluarga dan orang orang tertentu, dimana Rutan Wonogiri telah memberikan hak hak mereka dengan adanya pelaksanaan layanan kunjungan bagi warga binaan pemasyarakatan. Palaksanaan sistem layanan kunjungan di Rutan wonogiri sudah berjalan sesuai standar operasional yang berlaku menurut undang undang no 12 tahun 1995 tentang pemasyarakatan,hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari tingkat kepuasan responden mengenai pelayanan yang dilakukan petugas pemasyarakatan Ruan wonogiri dalam memberikan layanan kunjungan bagi warga binaan pemasyarakatan.Sedangkan hambatan yang ditemui adalah a) kurang tersedianya sarana dan prasarana dalam menunjang kegiatan layanan kunjungan ini. b) terlalu banyak barang bawaan yang dibawa oleh pengunjung masuk kedalam rutan sehingga kurang maksimalnya penggeledahan badan dan barang.c) kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang membantu dalam pengawasan dan pelaksanaan sistem layanan kunjungan di Rutan Wonogiri in
Identifikasi Pola Obyek Kain Tenun Sumba dengan Menggunakan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
Woven fabrics originating from Sumba have their own patterns that distinguish them from other woven fabric patterns throughout Indonesia. The pattern is a distinctive feature that describes the culture of the people in Sumba which is very diverse. To distinguish fabric patterns, one of the algorithms for object recognition is the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm. The KNN algorithm classifies objects based on training data that is closest to the object. Processing works by using metric and eccentricity parameters on training data and input images. This processing will produce text data which is the identification of objects in Sumba woven fabric motifs. Based on the testing that has been done, it successfully identifies the type of object contained in the training data. For types of objects that are not contained in the training data, identification is based on their proximity to the types of objects in the group that contain Sumba woven fabric patterns. The accuracy level of Sumba woven fabric pattern object identification in testing 70 different fabric motif images obtained 62 objects in the input image can be identified correctly (88.57%), while 8 objects in the input image cannot be identified (11.43%).Kain tenun yang berasal dari Sumba memiliki pola tersendiri yang membedakan dengan pola kain tenun lainnya di seluruh Indonesia. Pola tersebut merupakan ciri khasyang menggambarkan budaya pada masyarakat di Sumba yang sangat beragam. Untuk membedakan pola kain digunakan salah satu algoritma untuk pengenalan obyek yaitu Algoritma K- Nearest Neighbor (KNN). Algoritma KNN melakukan klasifikasi terhadap objek berdasarkan data trainingyang jaraknya paling dekat dengan objek tersebut. Pemrosesan bekerja dengan menggunakan parameter metric dan eccentricity pada data training dan citra input. Pemrosesan ini akan menghasilkan data teks yang merupakan identifikasi obyek pada motif kain tenun Sumba. Berdasarkan pengujian yang sudah dilakukan, berhasil mengidentifikasi jenis obyek yang terdapat pada data training. Untuk jenis obyek yang tidak terdapat pada data training, identifikasi berdasarkan kedekatannya dengan jenis obyek yang ada pada group yang terdapat pola kain tenun Sumba. Tingkat akurasi identifikasi obyek pola kain tenun Sumba pada pengujian 70 citra motif kain yang berbeda didapatkan 62 obyek pada citra input dapat diidentifikasi secara tepat (88.57 %), sedangkan 8 obyek pada citra input tidak dapat diidentifikasi (11.43 %)
Image Tracking Berbasis AR Untuk Peningkatan Pembelajaran Buah Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD)
The current recognition and learning system still uses magazines, books and websites. This makes the lessons of the topics taught still difficult to understand. In this study, a fruit recognition learning model was created in early childhood education based on Augmented Reality and digitalized teaching aids. Augmented Reality is a technology that embodies the merging of the real world (reality) and virtual world (virtual) where this technology is also known as Virtual Reality. The marker in the form of an image will be captured by the camera, processed and a 3D fruit animation will appear on the mobile screen. The purpose of this research is to produce a fruit recognition learning model in PAUD TK Aba Sukoharjo Kalasan based on Augmented Reality and to create digitalized teaching aids. By using Augmented Reality the application can be educational and attract interest in children's curiosity. The method used in this study is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). The fruit recognition application has been applied to several child respondents. Based on research trials, before there was an application for interest in learning, children learned fruit recognition with a score of 73% with the predicate agreeing. The effect of positive trends on children to learn with augmented reality learning media is shown by a score of 81% of 30 child respondents stating that the application is very effective as an increase in the recognition of fruit
Deteksi Dominasi Warna Potongan Citra Sebagai Mesin Puzzle Digital
Puzzle is a game of rearranging pieces of picture objects, which can train creativity, order, and concentration levels. Problems in puzzle games will be more complicated when the size of the pieces gets smaller so that the number of pieces increases. The challenge is how to always make new puzzle arrangements and quickly reassemble recovery pieces. The focus of this research is to arrange puzzle pieces randomly and try to reposition the puzzle using the proposed method, namely DCD (Dominant Color Detection). The DCD method works by using the color histogram method to track the image based on the dominant color information. The Eucledian Distance method is then used to measure the level of image similarity . The similarity indication of the puzzle image is used to reposition the puzzle. Based on the test results, it is known that the accuracy of the repositioning results on the sample logo image, totaling 30 test images, is 100% successful in getting the whole image back according to the logo input image. This method has the opportunity to be used as an alternative to access security and also as a simple engine model for image search based on image fragments.Puzzle adalah permainan menata kembali kepingan obyek gambar, yang dapat melatih kreativitas, keteraturan, dan tingkat konsentrasi. Permasalahan dalam permainan puzzle akan semakin rumit saat ukuran kepingan semakin kecil sehingga jumlah kepingan semakin banyak. Tantangannya adalah, bagaimana selalu dapat membuat susunan puzzle baru dan menyusun ulang pemulihan potongan secara cepat. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah mengatur potongan puzzle secara random dan berupaya melakukan reposisi puzzle menggunakan metode usulan yaitu DCD (Dominan Color Detection). Metode DCD bekerja dengan menggunakan metode color histogram utuk melakukan pelacakan citra berdasarkan informasi dominan warnanya. Metode Eucledian Distance selanjutnya dipergunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kemiripan citra . Indikasi kemiripan citra puzzle digunakan untuk melakukan reposisi puzzle. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa akurasi ketepatan hasil reposisi pada sample citra logo, berjumlah 30 citra uji, adalah 100% berhasil memperoleh utuh kembali sesuai citra input logo. Metode ini berpeluang dipergunakan sebagai alternatif pengamanan akses dan juga sebagai model mesin sederhana pada pencarian gambar berbasis potongan gambar