536 research outputs found

    Pulsar Prospects for the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    In the last few years, the Fermi-LAT telescope has discovered over a 100 pulsars at energies above 100 MeV, increasing the number of known gamma-ray pulsars by an order of magnitude. In parallel, imaging Cherenkov telescopes, such as MAGIC and VERITAS, have detected for the first time VHE pulsed gamma-rays from the Crab pulsar. Such detections have revealed that the Crab VHE spectrum follows a power-law up to at least 400 GeV, challenging most theoretical models, and opening wide possibilities of detecting more pulsars from the ground with the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). In this contribution, we study the capabilities of CTA for detecting Fermi pulsars. For this, we extrapolate their spectra with "Crab-like" power-law tails in the VHE range, as suggested by the latest MAGIC and VERITAS results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. In Proceedings of the 2012 Heidelberg Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1211.184

    The study of neutron star magnetospheres with LOFT

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    This is a White Paper in support of the mission concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT), proposed as a medium-sized ESA mission. We discuss the potential of LOFT for the study of magnetospheres of isolated neutron stars. For a summary, we refer to the paper.Comment: White Paper in Support of the Mission Concept of the Large Observatory for X-ray Timin

    Prospects for Observations of Pulsars and Pulsar Wind Nebulae with CTA

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    The last few years have seen a revolution in very-high gamma-ray astronomy (VHE; E>100 GeV) driven largely by a new generation of Cherenkov telescopes (namely the H.E.S.S. telescope array, the MAGIC and MAGIC-II large telescopes and the VERITAS telescope array). The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project foresees a factor of 5 to 10 improvement in sensitivity above 0.1 TeV, extending the accessible energy range to higher energies up to 100 TeV, in the Galactic cut-off regime, and down to a few tens GeV, covering the VHE photon spectrum with good energy and angular resolution. As a result of the fast development of the VHE field, the number of pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) detected has increased from one PWN in the early '90s to more than two dozen firm candidates today. Also, the low energy threshold achieved and good sensitivity at TeV energies has resulted in the detection of pulsed emission from the Crab Pulsar (or its close environment) opening new and exiting expectations about the pulsed spectra of the high energy pulsars powering PWNe. Here we discuss the physics goals we aim to achieve with CTA on pulsar and PWNe physics evaluating the response of the instrument for different configurations.Comment: accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    Millisecond Pulsar Velocities

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    We present improved timing parameters for 13 millisecond pulsars (MSPs) including 9 new proper motion measurements. These new proper motions bring to 23 the number of MSPs with measured transverse velocities. In light of these new results we present and compare the kinematic properties of MSPs with those of ordinary pulsars. The mean transverse velocity of MSPs was found to be 85+/-13 km/s; a value consistent with most models for the origin and evolution of MSPs and approximately a factor of four lower than that of ordinary pulsars. We also find that, in contrast to young ordinary pulsars, the vast majority of which are moving away from the Galactic plane, almost half of the MSPs are moving towards the plane. This near isotropy would be expected of a population that has reached dynamic equilibrium. Accurate measurements of MSP velocities have allowed us to correct their measured spin-down rates for Doppler acceleration effects, and thereby derive their intrinsic magnetic field strengths and characteristic ages. We find that close to half of our sample of MSPs have a characteristic age comparable to or greater than the age of the Galaxy.Comment: 10 pages LaTeX including 2 LaTeX tables and 3 postscript figures; submitted to MNRA

    XMM-Newton spectral and timing observations of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232

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    We present XMM-Newton MOS imaging and PN timing data of the millisecond pulsar PSR J0218+4232. We confirm the previously detected pulsations of PSR J0218+4232 and we show that the folded lightcurve is dependent on energy. We present the broad band (0.2-10.0 keV) spectrum of this millisecond pulsar, as well as the spectra of: the pulsed emission, the individual pulses, the interpulse and the non-pulsed region and we compare our results with previous data from Rosat, BeppoSAX and Chandra. We discuss the results of the spectral fitting in the context of recent pulsar models.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted to be published in A&

    Pulsar shadow as the origin of double notches in radio pulse profiles

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    We present the model of eclipsing a rotating, spatially extended source of directional emission by a central absorber, and apply it to the pulsar magnetosphere. The model assumes the radially extended inward radio emission along the local direction of the magnetic field, and the pulsar as the absorber. The geometry of the magnetic field lines of the rotating dipole is favourable for the double eclipse events, which we identify with the double notches observed in pulse profiles of nearby pulsars. For pulsars with large dipole inclinations 70 <~ alpha <~ 110 deg the double notches are predicted to occur within a narrow phase range of 20 to 30 deg before the main radio peak. Application of the model to PSR B0950+08 establishes it as a nearly orthogonal rotator (alpha =~ 75 deg, beta =~ -10 deg) with many pulse components naturally interpreted in terms of the inward radio emission from a large range of altitudes. The inward components include the intermittently strong, leading component of the main pulse, which would traditionally have been interpeted as a conal emission in the outward direction. The model also identifies the magnetic field lines along which the radially extended inward radio emission occurs in B0950+08. These have a narrow range of the footprint parameter s close to 1.1 (closed field line region, near the last open field lines). We describe directional characteristics of inward emission from the radially extended region and compare them with characteristics of extended outward emission. Our work shows that pulse profiles of at least some pulsars may be a superposition of both inward and outward emission.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, accepted by ApJ, high-quality figures are available from http://www.ncac.torun.pl/~michalf/inward1_figs

    Учет влияния останова реактора ВВЭР-1200 для перегрузки при расчете активностей продуктов деления

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    Current work is aimed at the analysis of the fission products decay influence during fuel reloading, when calculating the accumulated fission products activity for the VVER-1200 reactor fuel campaign. The Bateman problem solution based technique was used for calculations, within the framework of the two fissile nuclides approximation. The fission products producing process for the VVER-1200 reactor stationary campaign is considered, taking into account the reactor shutdown periods for refueling and without taking them into account (instant reload approximation). It was shown, that the instant reload approximation for fission products activity calculations gives the similar accurate result, as calculations with taking into account the shutdown periods. The results can be used to significantly simplify the calculations of fission product activity accumulation in nuclear power reactors.Целью исследования являлся анализ влияния распада продуктов деления во время перегрузки топлива, при определении наработанной активности продуктов деления в течение топливной кампании реактора ВВЭР-1200. Для расчетов применялась методика на основе аналитического решения задачи Бейтмана в рамках приближения двух делящихся нуклидов. Рассмотрен процесс наработки продуктов деления для стационарной кампании реактора ВВЭР-1200 с учетом периодов останова реактора для перегрузки топлива и без их учета (приближение мгновенной перегрузки). Было установлено, что расчет удельных активностей продуктов деления в моменты останова реактора для перегрузки в приближении мгновенной перегрузки по точности практически не уступает расчетам, учитывающим распад продуктов деления за период перегрузки. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы для существенного упрощения расчетов наработки активностей продуктов деления в ядерных энергетических реакторах

    Characterizing the gamma-ray long-term variability of PKS 2155-304 with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT

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    Studying the temporal variability of BL Lac objects at the highest energies provides unique insights into the extreme physical processes occurring in relativistic jets and in the vicinity of super-massive black holes. To this end, the long-term variability of the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 is analyzed in the high (HE, 100 MeV 200 GeV) gamma-ray domain. Over the course of ~9 yr of H.E.S.S observations the VHE light curve in the quiescent state is consistent with a log-normal behavior. The VHE variability in this state is well described by flicker noise (power-spectral-density index {\ss}_VHE = 1.10 +0.10 -0.13) on time scales larger than one day. An analysis of 5.5 yr of HE Fermi LAT data gives consistent results ({\ss}_HE = 1.20 +0.21 -0.23, on time scales larger than 10 days) compatible with the VHE findings. The HE and VHE power spectral densities show a scale invariance across the probed time ranges. A direct linear correlation between the VHE and HE fluxes could neither be excluded nor firmly established. These long-term-variability properties are discussed and compared to the red noise behavior ({\ss} ~ 2) seen on shorter time scales during VHE-flaring states. The difference in power spectral noise behavior at VHE energies during quiescent and flaring states provides evidence that these states are influenced by different physical processes, while the compatibility of the HE and VHE long-term results is suggestive of a common physical link as it might be introduced by an underlying jet-disk connection.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure