3 research outputs found

    Organizational Changes in the System of Regional Development Management

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    The authors have proved that the problem of reforming the administrative-territorial structure in Ukraine is moving from the level of staging and discussion to the practical plane of implementation. A particularly influential impetus to the acceleration of these changes was given by the process of creating amalgamated territorial communities (ATCs) in Ukraine. Currently, the next stage of reforming local self-government is taking place in Ukraine, which is the consolidation of districts. In the process of formation of new districts, it is proposed to use information on the development of ATCs and take into account the EU experience in this area, which in the future will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the use of available resources along with the improving of the standard of living of the population against the background of betterment of the ecological situation in the region. The study substantiates proposals for applying a process approach to the consolidation of districts. The advantages of implementing these proposals include: consistency with EU structures in the field of district management; the possibility of implementing the conception of «RURBAN»; ensuring sustainable development of the region; increasing the importance of ATCs in the process of territorial management, etc. Success in development depends not only on the starting potential, but also on the mechanisms of development management, one of which can be considered the mechanism of «balancing resources, directions, tasks and methods of development management». The implementation of measures of suburbanization (the process of growth and development of the suburban zone of large cities, as a result of which urban agglomerations are formed) will ensure long-term economic growth of the regions, improve the standard of living of the population and achieve other strategic goals. In the suburban area, the «middle class» of the population should appear and grow. And for this it is important to organize and support the transfer «out of town» of industries, housing, infrastructure, organize eco-protection of systems, create a suburbanization economic space, cultural, tourist and recreational space, developed and high-quality infrastructure for life support of the population and transport links

    Regional Features of Startups Ecosystem Development: The Entrepreneurial Aspect

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    The article provides the definitions of the concept of both a startup and a startups ecosystem, on the basis of many analyzed scientific works of both domestic and foreign scholars. It is proved that the startups ecosystem is understood as a network that unites various subjects of the innovation process (universities, venture capital companies, marketers, entrepreneurs, audit and consulting agencies, etc.) that interact with each other on the basis of certain agreed «rules of the game». The overall startups ecosystem is taken for an example, being represented by four levels (global (international); national; regional; local). Each of the individual levels creates conditions for the development and successful functioning of startups. The publication presents in more detail the totality of participants in the local startups ecosystem, where it is determined that universities play a rather important role in the processes of formation of innovation ecosystems. The model of the innovation ecosystem of the university is represented by scientific research units, such as the research department, research institute, research sector, which include both the units in which research is carried out (scientific departments, laboratories, centers) and scientific and auxiliary structures (departments of scientific and technical information, research support, financial planning, and personnel). During the formation of an innovation ecosystem of the university, it is important to carry out the process of commercialization of innovative ideas. The importance of developing a startups ecosystem in entrepreneurship is proven. The State authorities are obliged to support, stimulate and encourage the development of entrepreneurship both in the country in general and in its regions in particular. The main programs of development and support of entrepreneurial activity at the regional level are analyzed. It is proved that supporting entrepreneurship in Ukraine by creating a favorable climate for the development of entrepreneurship, identifying all the components that stimulate the formation, attraction of new and expansion of existing small and medium-sized businesses is one of the main directions of implementation of the policy of economic development of the State and its regions

    Regional Clustering with Account of the Urban Life Support Enterprises

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    The publication examines the problems of housing and communal services, which consist in the unprofitable operation of housing and communal services enterprises, significant amounts of receivables and payables, outdated equipment and lack of finance for their modernization, etc. Potential participants and directions of socioeconomic development in the form of a «Regional Cluster of Urban Life Support Enterprises» are formed. The authors propose to integrate urban life support enterprises into a corporation of utilities of water supply, sewerage and heat supply, which will consist of combining: the enterprises from other sectors; the areas of intellectual development, the enterprises for diversification of services; the regional water refinement complexes; the grouped water supply enterprises; and a municipal information and analytical enterprise. It is noted that in the developed countries of the European Union there is a significant number (more than 2 thousand) of quite similar clusters, and up to 100 countries have programs for creating clusters today. Strategic ways for further work on the formation of such cluster formations for urban life support enterprises of Ukrainian cities have been elaborated. These include: 1. Identification of strategic directions of reform and development. 2. Innovative development of management processes. 3. Innovative development of management technology. 4. Innovative development of the enterprise management system. 5. Development of methods of information and analytical support of enterprise management. 6. Proposal of innovative methods and measures for diversification and integration of activities. 7. Proposal of restructuring models. 8. Proposal of models of the public-private reform. 9. Proposal of models of socioeconomic and intellectual clusters as a strategy for innovative development of both the enterprise and the region. 10. Proposal of individual innovative projects (measures) in the sphere of production and commerce to improve financial and economic sustainability and production-economic reliability