1 research outputs found

    Alta sensibilidad y depresi贸n. Una relaci贸n mediada por el sesgo atencional

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    34 p.Las personas altamente sensibles presentan mayores tasas de problemas de salud mental. El trastorno depresivo mayor es uno de los trastornos que mayor probabilidad tienen de sufrir las personas con este rasgo. La mayor capacidad para detectar emociones y est铆mulos del entorno podr铆a estar mediando esta relaci贸n. El objetivo del presente estudio es examinar si las personas altamente sensibles presentan el mismo sesgo atencional hacia la informaci贸n negativa que las personas depresivas. Se seleccionaron 116 de sujetos a los que se les administr贸 la escala de alta sensibilidad, un cuestionario de depresi贸n y un instrumento dise帽ado para medir el sesgo atencional. Este instrumento conten铆a im谩genes de caras felices y caras tristes. Los resultados mostraron correlaci贸n entre alta sensibilidad y depresi贸n, correlaci贸n positiva entre depresi贸n y sesgo atencional y alta sensibilidad para caras tristes.Highly sensitive persons have more mental health issues. Major depression is one of the most prevalent mental health problem in highly sensitive persons. This relation could be mediated by their empathy and their ability to detect environmental stimuli. The aim of the present study is to examine whether highly sensitive persons present an attentional bias to negative stimuli as it happens in major depression. The sample was formed by 116 subjects. They had to complete the highly sensitive persons scale, the Beck麓s depression inventory and an instrument designed to measure attentional bias. This instrument was composed of photographs that show happy and sad faces. The results showed significative correlation between high sensitivity and depression, positive correlation between depression, high sensitivity and attentional bias for sad faces.M谩ster Universitario en Psicolog铆a General Sanitaria (M169