294 research outputs found

    Pervasive fluid-rock interaction in subducted oceanic crust revealed by oxygen isotope zoning in garnet

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    Dehydration reactions in the subducting slab liberate fluids causing major changes in rock density, volume and permeability. Although it is well known that the fluids can migrate and interact with the surrounding rocks, fluid pathways remain challenging to track and the consequences of fluid-rock interaction processes are often overlooked. In this study, we investigate pervasive fluid-rock interaction in a sequence of schists and mafic felses exposed in the Theodul Glacier Unit (TGU), Western Alps. This unit is embedded within metaophiolites of the Zermatt-Saas Zone and reached eclogite-facies conditions during Alpine convergence. Chemical mapping and in situ oxygen isotope analyses of garnet from the schists reveal a sharp chemical zoning between a xenomorphic core and a euhedral rim, associated to a drop of ~ 8‰ in δ18O. Thermodynamic and δ18O models show that the large amount of low δ18O H2O required to change the reactive bulk δ18O composition cannot be produced by dehydration of the mafic fels from the TGU only, and requires a large contribution of the surrounding serpentinites. The calculated time-integrated fluid flux across the TGU rocks is 1.1 × 105 cm3/cm2, which is above the open-system behaviour threshold and argues for pervasive fluid flow at kilometre-scale under high-pressure conditions. The transient rock volume variations caused by lawsonite breakdown is identified as a possible trigger for the pervasive fluid influx. The calculated schist permeability at eclogite-facies conditions (~ 2 × 10–20 m2) is comparable to the permeability determined experimentally for blueschist and serpentinites

    Internal and External Fluid Sources for Eclogite-facies Veins in the Monviso Meta-ophiolite, Western Alps: Implications for Fluid Flow in Subduction Zones

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    To contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms and pathways of fluid movement through deeply subducted crust, we investigate high-pressure veins cutting eclogite-facies (∼2·0 GPa and ∼600°C) metagabbros of the Monviso Ophiolite, Italian Western Alps. The veins consist mainly of omphacite with minor garnet, rutile, talc and accessory zircon. Most of the vein minerals have major and trace element compositions that are comparable with the host-rock minerals, and vein and host-rock zircons have similar Hf isotopic compositions. These observations support the conclusions of previous studies that these veins largely formed from a locally sourced hydrous fluid during prograde or peak metamorphism. However, the bulk-rock Cr and Ni contents of the veins are significantly higher than those of the surrounding host eclogites. We also document distinct Cr-rich (up to weight per cent levels) zones in omphacite, garnet and rutile in some vein samples. Vein garnet and talc also have relatively high MgO and Ni contents. X-ray maps of vein garnet and rutile grains reveal complex internal zoning features, which are largely defined by micrometre-scale variations in Cr content. Some grains have concentric and oscillatory zoning in Cr, whereas others feature a chaotic fracture-like pattern. These Cr-rich zones are associated with high concentrations of Ni, B, As, Sb, Nb, Zr and high ratios of light rare earth elements (LREE) to middle REE (MREE) compared with low-Cr vein and host-rock minerals. Petrological and mass-balance constraints verify that the Cr-rich zones in the veins were not derived from internally sourced fluids, but represent precipitates from an external fluid. The external source that is consistent with the distinctive trace element characteristics of the vein components is antigorite serpentinite, which forms the structural basement of the high-pressure metagabbros. We propose at least two separate growth mechanisms for the Monviso veins. Most vein infillings were formed during progressive prograde metamorphism from locally derived fluid. Influx of the serpentinite-derived or other external fluid was transient and episodic and was probably achieved via brittle fractures, which preferentially formed along the pre-existing vein structures. The dehydration of serpentinite at high pressures in subduction zones may provide crucial volatiles and trace elements for arc magmas. Our results indicate that the movement of these fluids through subducted oceanic crust is likely to be highly channeled and transient so the progressive development of vein systems in mafic rocks may also be crucial for forming channelways for long-distance fluid flow at depth in subduction zone

    Trace element chemistry and U-Pb dating of zircons from oceanic gabbros and their relationship with whole rock composition (Lanzo, Italian Alps)

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    The U-Pb ages and the trace element content of zircon U-Pb along with major and trace element whole rock data on gabbroic dikes from the Lanzo lherzolitic massif, N-Italy, have been determined to constrain crustal accretion in ocean-continent transition zones. Three Fe-Ti gabbros were dated from the central and the southern part of the massif providing middle Jurassic ages of 161 ± 2, 158 ± 2 and 163 ± 1 Ma, which argue for magmatic activity over few millions of years. Zircon crystals are characterized by high but variable Th/U ratios, rare earth element patterns enriched in heavy rare earths, pronounced positive Ce and negative Eu-anomalies consistent with crystallization after substantial plagioclase fractionation. The zircon trace element composition coupled with whole rock chemistry was used to reconstruct the crystallization history of the gabbros. A number of gabbros crystallized in situ, and zircon precipitated from trapped, intercumulus liquid, while other gabbros represent residual liquids that were extracted from a cumulus pile and crystallized along syn-magmatic shear zones. We propose a model in which the emplacement mechanism of gabbroic rocks in ocean-continent transition zones evolves from in situ crystallization to stratified crystallization with efficient extraction of residual liquid along syn-magmatic shear zones. Such an evolution of the crystallization history is probably related to the thermal evolution of the underlying mantle lithosphere

    Dating prograde fluid pulses during subduction by in situ U–Pb and oxygen isotope analysis

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    Keywords High-pressure fluids · Whiteschists · U–Pb dating · Oxygen isotopes · Ion microprobe · Metasomatism Introduction The subduction of crustal material to mantle depths and its chemical modification during burial and exhumation contribute to element recycling in the mantle and the formation of new crust through arc magmatism. Crustal rocks that Abstract The Dora-Maira whiteschists derive from metasomatically altered granites that experienced ultrahighpressure metamorphism at ~750 °C and 40 kbar during the Alpine orogeny. In order to investigate the P–T–time–fluid evolution of the whiteschists, we obtained U–Pb ages from zircon and monazite and combined those with trace element composition and oxygen isotopes of the accessory minerals and coexisting garnet. Zircon cores are the only remnants of the granitic protolith and still preserve a Permian age, magmatic trace element compositions and δ18O of ~10 ‰. Thermodynamic modelling of Si-rich and Si-poor whiteschist compositions shows that there are two main fluid pulses during prograde subduction between 20 and 40 kbar. In Si-poor samples, the breakdown of chlorite to garnet + fluid occurs at ~22 kbar. A first zircon rim directly overgrowing the cores has inclusions of prograde phlogopite and HREE-enriched patterns indicating zircon growth at the onset of garnet formation. A second main fluid pulse is documented close to peak metamorphic conditions in both Si-rich and Si-poor whiteschist when talc + kyanite react to garnet + coesite + fluid. A second metamorphic overgrowth on zircon with HREE depletion was observed in the Si-poor whiteschists, whereas a single metamorphic overgrowth capturing phengite and talc inclusions was observed in the Si-rich whiteschists. Garnet rims, zircon rims and monazite are in chemical and isotopic equilibrium for oxygen, demonstrating that they all formed at peak metamorphism at 35 Ma as constrained by the age of monazite (34.7 ± 0.4 Ma) and zircon rims (35.1 ± 0.8 Ma). The prograde zircon rim in Si-poor whiteschists has an age that is within error indistinguishable from the age of peak metamorphic conditions, consistent with a minimum rate of subduction of 2 cm/year for the Dora-Maira unit. Oxygen isotope values for zircon rims, monazite and garnet are equal within error at 6.4 ± 0.4 ‰, which is in line with closed-system equilibrium fractionation during prograde to peak temperatures. The resulting equilibrium Δ18Ozircon-monazite at 700 ± 20 °C is 0.1 ± 0.7 ‰. The in situ oxygen isotope data argue against an externally derived input of fluids into the whiteschists. Instead, fluidassisted zircon and monazite recrystallisation can be linked to internal dehydration reactions during prograde subduction. We propose that the major metasomatic event affecting the granite protolith was related to hydrothermal seafloor alteration post-dating Jurassic rifting, well before the onset of Alpine subduction

    Dissolution-reprecipitation of zircon at low-temperature, high-pressure conditions (Lanzo Massif, Italy)

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    An eclogite facies meta-plagiogranite from the Lanzo massif (western Alps, Italy) contains crystals of zircon intimately associated with allanite. Zircon displays different microtextures ranging from pristine, euhedral, and magmatic to fractured, porous varieties with mosaic zoning, and pervasive recrystallization into euhedral microcrystals. Fractures and voids in the recrystallized zircon microcrystals are mainly filled by high-pressure Na-rich pyroxene. Electron backscattered diffraction analysis revealed a similar crystallographic orientation for primary magmatic zircon crystals and microcrystals, with less than 2° misorientation among neighboring microdomains. The textural change is coupled with chemical and isotopic modifications: recrystallized zircon domains contain significantly less Th and light- to mid-REE, but are richer in Sr than magmatic zircon crystals. Magmatic zircon preserves the protolith U-Pb age of 163.5 ± 1.7 Ma, whereas zircon microcrystals have a mean age of 55 ± 1 Ma. The coexisting allanite also contains inclusions of Na-rich pyroxene and has chemical features (elevated Sr and Ni contents and lack of Eu anomaly) indicating formation at high pressure. Despite being associated texturally with zircon, allanite yields a younger Th-Pb age of 46.5 ± 3.0 Ma, suggesting that the Lanzo unit remained at relatively high pressure conditions for ∼8 m.y. Zircon recrystallization proceeded with volume reduction and loss of material to an alkaline metamorphic fluid that acted as the agent for a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process. Recrystallization occurred with minimum transport, in a low-strain environment, and was not significantly enhanced by metamictization. The source of the fluid for zircon recrystallization is most probably related to prograde evolatilization reactions in the surrounding serpentinite

    High-pressure metamorphism in the southern New England Orogen: Implications for long-lived accretionary orogenesis in eastern Australia

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    New geochemical, metamorphic, and isotopic data are presented from high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the southern New England Orogen (eastern Australia). Conventional and optimal thermobarometry are augmented by U-Pb zircon and 40Ar/39Ar phengite dating to define pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) histories for the rocks. The P-T-t histories are compared with competing geodynamic models for the Tasmanides, which can be summarized as (i) a retreating orogen model, the Tasmanides formed above a continuous, west dipping, and eastward retreating subduction zone, and (ii) a punctuated orogen model, the Tasmanides formed by several arc accretion, subduction flip, and/or transference events. Whereas both scenarios are potentially supported by the new data, an overlap between the timing of metamorphic recrystallization and key stages of Tasmanides evolution favors a relationship between a single, long-lived subduction zone and the formation, exhumation, and exposure of the high-pressure rocks. By comparison with the retreating orogen model, the following links with the P-T-t histories emerge: (i) exhumation and underplating of oceanic eclogite during the Delamerian Orogeny, (ii) recrystallization of underplated and exhuming high-pressure rocks at amphibolite facies conditions coeval with a period of rollback, and (iii) selective recrystallization of high-pressure rocks at blueschist facies conditions, reflecting metamorphism in a cooled subduction zone. The retreating orogen model can also account for the anomalous location of the Cambrian-Ordovician high-pressure rocks in the Devonian-Carboniferous New England Orogen, where sequential rollback cycles detached and translated parts of the leading edge of the overriding plate to the next, younger orogenic cycle

    Continuous vs. discontinuous garnet growth in mylonitic micaschists from northeastern Sardinia, Italy: Evidence from LA-ICPMS trace element mapping

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    Garnet with complex, discontinuous zoning is a common occurrence in metamorphic terrains, and the rela tionship between major and trace element zoning can provide insight into the metamorphic evolution of the host rock. Mylonitic micaschists along the Posada-Asinara Shear Zone in the Axial Zone of the Sardinia Variscan chain contain garnet porphyroblasts, enveloped by the S2 schistosity, with distinct core and rim domains. A large garnet porphyroblasts was investigated by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA ICPMS) mapping. The major element compositional variation follows a bell-shaped zoning, with Ca and Mn contents progressively decreasing, and Fe and Mg increasing, from the core to the outer rim. LA-ICPMS mapping revealed a thin and sharp annular enrichment zone in Y, Sc, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm at the mantle-rim boundary. The trace element (TE) compositional profiles show a central enrichment area for HREE (Tm, Yb, Lu). This enrich ment decreases progressively, as a function of atomic number, for Er, Ho and Dy. Elements with even lower atomic number (Tb, Gd, Eu and Sm), are depleted in this central domain, but their content increases in broad shoulders towards the garnet rim. The position of these lateral shoulders migrates progressively rimwards with decreasing atomic number. The REE distribution, trend and behavior in the growth zones of the garnet is an example of TE control during a continuous growth ruled by diffusion-limited REE uptake. The Y + HREE annular enrichment zone, interpreted as resulting from a decrease in the garnet growth rate, reflects a short-lived episode in the garnet growth history

    Protracted fluid-induced melting during Barrovian metamorphism in the Central Alps

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    The timing and dynamics of fluid-induced melting in the typical Barrovian sequence of the Central Alps has been investigated using zircon chronology and trace element composition. Multiple zircon domains in leucosomes and country rocks yield U-Pb ages spanning from ∼32 to 22 Ma. The zircon formed during Alpine melting can be distinguished from the inherited and detrital cores on the basis of their age, Th/U (<0.1) and trace element composition. Ti-in-zircon thermometry indicates crystallization temperatures around 620-700°C. Their composition allows discriminating between (1) zircon formation in the presence of early garnet, (2) zircon in equilibrium with abundant L-MREE-rich accessory phases (allanite, titanite and apatite) typical of metatonalites, and (3) zircon formed during melting of metasediments in feldspar-dominated assemblages. The distribution of zircon overgrowths and ages indicate that repeated melting events occurred within a single Barrovian metamorphic cycle at roughly constant temperature; that in the country rocks zircon formation was limited to the initial stages of melting, whereas further melting concentrated in the segregated leucosomes; that melting occurred at different times in samples a few meters apart because of the local rock composition and localized influx of the fluids; and that leucosomes were repeatedly melted when fluids became available. The geochronological data force a revision of the temperature-time path of the migmatite belt in the Central Alps. Protracted melting over 10 My followed the fast exhumation of Alpine eclogites contained within the same region and preceded fast cooling in the order of 100°C/Ma to upper crustal levels