26 research outputs found

    Interplay between moment-dependent and field-driven unidirectional magnetoresistance in CoFeB/InSb/CdTe heterostructures

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    Magnetoresistance effects are crucial for understanding the charge/spin transport as well as propelling the advancement of spintronic applications. Here we report the coexistence of magnetic moment-dependent (MD) and magnetic field-driven (FD) unidirectional magnetoresistance (UMR) effects in CoFeB/InSb/CdTe heterostructures. The strong spin-orbital coupling of InSb and the matched impedance at the CoFeB/InSb interface warrant a distinct MD-UMR effect at room temperature, while the interaction between the in-plane magnetic field and the Rashba effect at the InSb/CdTe interface induces the marked FD-UMR signal that dominates the high-field region. Moreover, owning to the different spin transport mechanisms, these two types of nonreciprocal charge transport show opposite polarities with respect to the magnetic field direction, which further enable an effective phase modulation of the angular-dependent magnetoresistance. Besides, the demonstrations of both the tunable UMR response and two-terminal spin-orbit torque-driven magnetization switching validate our CoFeB/InSb/CdTe system as a suitable integrated building block for multifunctional spintronic device design

    Capillary: An Indian Startup Deepening Its Presence in China

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    This case describes the process of entering the Chinese market by Capillary Technologies, an Indian software company that provides cloud-based omnichannel customer engagement and related services for retailers and brands. Capillary represents a high level of ambition: in a country that was well known for software service companies (based primarily on labor cost advantages), it was founded as a business-to-business (B2B) software product company (thus one developing intellectual property). After entering several Western markets, which was consistent with the venture's lofty aspirations, the venture's leadership came to the view that the firm was better placed to pursue Asian markets. The new venture relocated its headquarters from India to Singapore, and made strong efforts to gain revenue in the Asia region — including the large but intensely competitive Chinese market. The case describes how, under the leadership of its China General Manager based in Shanghai, Capillary Technologies started off by working with Western multinationals that were its customers in other markets, then began attracting local customers as it established a Chinese technology team to cater to the unique technological ecosystems prevalent in China. Over a three-year period, Capillary achieved 200% growth per annum. The case concludes by noting the opening of a new office in Guangzhou as Capillary seeks to further deepen its presence in the Chinese market


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    在淘宝、京东等巨头逐渐成为电商流量中心的趋势下,电商领域是否还会出现其他机会?云集、拼多多等成立3~4年便上市的企业给出了破局思路——社交电商。本案例介绍了社交电商领域代表性企业之一云集的发展历程和商业模式。 云集于2015年5月上线,2019年5月登陆纳斯达克,积累了近千万正式会员(即店主)和2,000多万买家。社交裂变、S2b2c模式、精选供应链等,成为云集快速增长的关键词。但在快速增长的同时,云集也遭到许多质疑,特别是其激进的拉新方式。对此,云集果断而又快速地对其商业模式进行了调整。在肖尚略看来,目前云集在各方面已完全合法合规。虽然未来仍存在着风险,但云集的商业模式还在不断调整。例如,2018年10月,肖尚略提出“会员电商”的转型方向,云集是否具备转型会员电商的条件?还有没有其他发展方向


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    本案例聚焦传统零售巨头之一苏宁的信息技术变革、科技在其智慧零售战略中的作用以及苏宁IT部门从业务后台逐渐演变为独立集团的过程。苏宁的IT变革主要包括建设初期、中心化的IT后台、互联网时代的开放系统和智慧零售时代的苏宁云四个阶段。在变革过程中,苏宁IT部门也不断壮大,从最初隶属于财务部门,到2018年升级为独立的产业集团,达到1.2万人的规模,并积累了大量数字资产。随着苏宁智慧零售战略的实施,科技体现在其战略落地的方方面面,包括场景互联网、智能供应链、会员管理、内部效率提升,等等,苏宁的科技实力不断提升,并已超出了自身内部需求。苏宁科技集团的成立标志着苏宁开始用技术对外赋能泛生态伙伴,IT部门的角色不再只是苏宁的内部技术体系,而是转变为:对内全面支撑苏宁智慧零售战略落地以及全产业协同发展,对外打造智慧零售生态圈,输出“零售即服务”的云产品,从“成本中心”逐渐变为“利润中心”。 在零售行业快速发展以及产业数字化发展的趋势下,本案例对于零售企业和其他传统企业的信息化建设、数字化转型都有一定借鉴意义,同时启发学生思考,科技部门对于企业的价值及其在发展过程中面临的机遇和挑战