2 research outputs found

    Population trends and migration routes of the East Asian Bean Goose Anser fabalis middendorffii and A. f. serrirostris

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    Our ability to define the population status, migration routes and seasonal distribution of Bean Geese Anser fabalis throughout the annual cycle in East Asia is severely compromised by the presence of two subspecies (Eastern Taiga Bean Goose A. f. middendorffii and Eastern Tundra Bean Goose A. f. serrirostris), which are difficult to differentiate in the field. In this analysis, using tracking data from telemetry-tagged geese, count survey data and expert knowledge, we attempt to update existing knowledge of the ranges covered by both subspecies of Bean Goose in East Asia. We suggest that, in summer, the Eastern Tundra Bean Goose ranges from the Taimyr Peninsula in the west to the Anadyr River in the east. Taiga Bean Geese breed further south in the taiga zone, and results indicate that they occur in north-western Mongolia, Yakutia and the Kamchatka Peninsula during the summer months. The winter distribution of both subspecies extends through China, Japan and South Korea. Tracking data from 154 individuals revealed a major overlap in the migration routes of Tundra Bean Geese wintering in China, South Korea and Japan, but discrete flyways for Taiga Bean Geese wintering in different regions. Long-term ground surveys carried out in the wintering range showed that numbers of Bean Geese in China and South Korea have increased significantly, to number 253,100 and 88,300 individuals respectively, of which roughly 10% are considered to be Taiga Bean Geese, about which subspecies we need to know more. Numbers of Japanese-wintering Bean Geese are slowly rising, currently numbering c. 10,300 (c. 900 Tundra Bean Geese and c. 9,400 Taiga Bean Geese). On the basis of these national and flyway estimates, derived from counts over the last five years, we identify new key wintering sites for the species in East Asia. Distributional changes at sites in China showed that wintering Bean Geese (most likely of the Tundra form) have become more widespread and numerous in the Yangtze River floodplain since the early 2000s. We argue for future strengthening of international cooperation to continue tracking and monitoring of Bean Geese, to provide a sound scientific basis for the effective management and protection of the flyway populations of both Bean Goose subspecies throughout East Asia

    Two distinct flyways with different population trends of Bewick's Swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii in East Asia

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    Two of the most fundamental ecological questions about any species relate to where they occur and in what abundance. Here, we combine GPS telemetry data, survey data and expert knowledge for the first time to define two distinct flyways (the East Asian Continental and West Pacific flyways), migration routes and abundance for the Eastern population of Bewick’s Swan Cygnus columbianus bewickii. The Eastern population is the largest flyway population, supporting c. 77% of Bewick’s Swan numbers globally. GPS telemetry data showed that birds breeding in the Russian arctic from the Yamal Peninsula to c. 140°E (including the Lena and Yana Deltas), winter in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China (which we label the “East Asian Continental flyway”). Bewick’s Swans breeding from the Indigirka River east to the Koluchin Bay winter in Japan, mostly in Niigata, Yamagata and Ishikawa Prefectures (the “West Pacific flyway”). There was no overlap in migration routes used by tagged individuals from the two flyways. Counts of Bewick’s Swans in the East Asian Continental flyway during the 21st century have shown wide between-year variations, reflecting incomplete coverage in earlier years. Bewick’s Swans in this flyway currently numbers c. 65,000 birds based on extensive wintering survey coverage, compared to c. 81,000 in the early 2000s, based on less complete coverage. Chinese-wintering swans now concentrate mainly (c. 80%) at Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province and Hubei Lakes (mostly in Longgan Lake), compared to a more widespread distribution both within Poyang and throughout the Auhui Lakes in 2004 and 2005. In contrast, Bewick’s Swans of the West Pacific flyway now numbers c. 40,000, compared to just 542 in 1970. This population has shown no significant overall change since 2004, when it numbered c. 45,000 birds. Small numbers within this population probably also winter in South Korea. These results provide our first basic understanding of the winter distribution of Chinese- and Japanese-wintering Bewick’s Swans in relation to their breeding areas, confirming the need to coordinate future research and monitoring in the two flyways, as well as the need for more information on swans wintering in South Korea