1 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Fisikokimia dan Penerimaan Konsumen terhadap Pempek Ikan Lele dengan Penambahan Puree Wortel

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    The addition of carrot puree in catfish pempek is one of the diversification of pempek products and to increase the nutritional value contained in pempek. This study aims to determine the proximate composition (protein content, fat content, ash content, moisture content, and carbohydrates), color, and consumer acceptance of catfish pempek with the addition of carrot puree. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments of concentration of catfish meat and carrot puree, namely: A0 (70% fish meat and 0% carrot puree), A1 (60% fish meat and 10% carrot puree), A2 (fish meat and 10% carrot puree), 50% and carrot puree 20%), and A3 (40% fish meat and 30% carrot puree) and each treatment was repeated 3 times. The results of this study showed that the addition of carrot puree had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content, and carbohydrate content of catfish pempek. The hedonic test showed that 40% catfish meat and 30% carrot puree (A3) were the best treatments for the appearance and texture specifications of pempek with values of 5.42 and 5.38 (somewhat like). The best treatment for the taste and odor parameters of pempek was obtained from the addition of 50% fish meat and 20% carrot puree (A2) with values of 5.98 and 5.40, respectively (slightly like to like)..Keywords:    Catfish, carrot puree, pempek, proximate, hedonic. Penambahan puree wortel dalam pengolahan pempek ikan lele merupakan salah satu diversifikasi produk pempek dan untuk menambah nilai gizi yang terkandung dalam pempek. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi proksimat (kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar abu, kadar air, dan karbohidrat), warna, dan penerimaan konsumen terhadap pempek ikan lele dengan penambahan puree wortel. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan konsentrasi daging lele dan  puree wortel yaitu: A0 (daging ikan 70% dan  puree wortel 0%), A1 (daging ikan 60% dan  puree wortel 10%), A2 (daging ikan 50% dan  puree wortel 20%), dan A3 (daging ikan 40% dan  puree wortel 30%) serta setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan  puree wortel berpengaruh nyata (p<0,05) terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, dan kadar karbohidrat pempek ikan lele. Hasil uji hedonik menunjukkan bahwa daging ikan lele 40% dan  puree wortel 30% (A3) merupakan perlakuan terbaik untuk spesifikasi kenampakan dan tekstur pempek dengan nilai masing-masing 5,42 dan 5,38 (agak suka). Perlakuan terbaik untuk parameter rasa dan bau pempek diperoleh dari penambahan daging ikan 50% dan  puree wortel 20% (A2) dengan nilai masing-masing 5,98 dan 5,40 (agak suka sampai suka).Kata kunci:  Ikan Lele, puree wortel, pempek, proksimat, hedonik