6 research outputs found

    Local geomagnetic field fluctuations relationship with mental and physical health among adults in Lithuania

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    The study examined the relationship between local geomagnetic field fluctuations and physical and mental health among young adults in Lithuania. 264 participants were recruited for a two-week period study, during which they had to fill-in paper questionnaires, consisting of a 12-Item Short Form Survey (SF-12), assessing physical and mental health, 4 questions about physical vitality, emotional vitality, social wellbeing and overall wellbeing, and questions regarding sociodemographic data. The results of the study revealed that possible influence of geomagnetic field fluctuations appear not simultaneously with the changes in human health status, but with a 12-hour lag. This relationship was found to be weak but significant, however, only with mental health

    Biopsichosocialinė gerovė ir jos ryšys su geomagnetinio lauko svyravimais Lietuvoje

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    Research examining links between changes in the global geomagnetic field and human well-being and health indicators on a global scale show that there is a link between these factors. To date, however, due to a lack of technical capabilities, research has focused on the global geomagnetic field. Since 2014 a particularly sensitive magnetometer (the fifth among the six currently in the world) capturing changes in the local geomagnetic field was installed in Lithuania, which enabled research to be conducted between the links of human health effects and the local geomagnetic field. With the help of a team of researchers from different fields, and in collaboration with researchers from the HeartMath Institute (USA), the research described in this dissertation was planned and conducted. The research aimed to evaluate the parameters of the local geomagnetic field in Lithuania and to determine their associations with adult health and well-being indicators in Lithuania. This dissertation presents weekly, monthly, and annual parameters of the local geomagnetic field changes in Lithuania for 2014-2020, as well as associations of the parameters with the global geomagnetic field. The links between the local geomagnetic field changes and adult physical, mental health parameters, social and general well-being indicators are also analyzed. The results of the study revealed various aspects, such as the frequencies of the local geomagnetic field and their effects on physical and/or mental health; at what season of year men and women react more; and the significance of age and physical activity for the analyzed associations

    The Relationship among Intimate Adult Relationship Quality, Conflict Resolution Styles, and Subjectively Evaluated Health

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    Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti suaugusiųjų tarpusavio santykių kokybės poroje, konfliktų sprendimo stilių ir subjektyviai vertinamos sveikatos ryšį. Tyrime dalyvavo 240 respondentų, iš kurių buvo 91 vyras (38 proc.) ir 149 moterys (62 proc.). Tiriamųjų amžius pasiskirstė nuo 18 iki 66 metų (amžiaus vidurkis – 34 metai). Tiriamiesiems pildymui buvo pateiktas klausimynas, sudarytas iš G. J. O. Fletcher et al. (2000) suvokiamos tarpusavio santykių kokybės skalės, darbo autorės sudarytų klausimų apie tarpusavio santykiuose poroje patirtą iš partnerio smurtą, M. A. Rahim (1983) konfliktų sprendimo inventoriaus (ROCI II), klausimų apie subjektyviai vertinamą bendrą, fizinę bei psichikos/emocinę sveikatą iš A. Goštauto sveikatos ir elgesio klausimyno (1999) bei klausimų apie respondentų sociodemografinius duomenis.Aim of the study – to assess the relationship among intimate adult relationship quality, conflict resolution styles, and subjectively evaluated health. The subjects of the study were 240 adults, 91 (38 per cent) of them were men and 149 (62 per cent) were women. Age of the respondents varied from 18 to 66 years old (age average was 34 years old). The subjects were invited to fill in a questionnaire, composed of: Perceived Relationship Quality Components (PRQC) (Fletcher et al., 2000); questions about having experienced violence from intimate partner, designed by the author of the study; M. A. Rahim (1983) measure of styles of handling interpersonal conflict; questions about subjectively evaluated overall, physical and mental/emotional health from A. Gostautas (1999) health and behaviour questionnaire; and questions about sociodemographic data.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Single-item happiness measure features adequate validity among adolescents

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    Background: Happiness is becoming increasingly relevant in recent research, including adolescents. Many studies are using the single-item measure for adolescent happiness, however, its validity is not well known. We aimed to examine the validity of this measure among adolescents in three countries from distinct European regions – Eastern (Lithuania), Southern (Portugal), and Western (Scotland). Materials and Methods: The analysis included data from Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study from three countries and three last surveys (2009/10, 2013/14, and 2017/18). The total sample comprised 47,439 schoolchildren. For validity, the indicators reflecting subjective health, life satisfaction, quality of life, well-being, social support, health complaints, bullying, and self-directed violence were assessed. The calculations were conducted in the total sample and by gender, age, survey year, and country. Results: The different indicators of concurrent and convergent validity revealed consistent correlations with happiness, with better well-being, health, and subjective perceptions being related to higher happiness. Meanwhile, health complaints, bullying behaviors, and self-directed violence were related to lower happiness. The subgroup differences were consistent across gender, age groups, countries, and survey rounds. The extent of differences was more expressed among girls. Conclusion: The single item for adolescent happiness measurement features a consistent pattern of validity concerning indicators of concurrent and convergent validity. Higher self-reported happiness is associated with better mental and physical health and well-being, and less expressed negative factors (complaints, bullying, and self-directed violence). In addition, among girls the correlations tend to be stronger than boys

    Identification of a group's physiological synchronization with Earth's magnetic field

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    A new analysis technique for the evaluation of the degree of synchronization between the physiological state of a group of people and changes in the Earth's magnetic field based on their cardiac inter-beat intervals was developed and validated. The new analysis method was then used to identify clusters of similar synchronization patterns in a group of 20 individuals over a two-week period. The algorithm for the identification of slow wave dynamics for every person was constructed in order to determine meaningful interrelationships between the participants and the local magnetic field data. The results support the hypothesis that the slow wave rhythms in heart rate variability can synchronize with changes in local magnetic field data, and that the degree of synchronization is affected by the quality of interpersonal relationships

    The influence of heart coherence on synchronization between human heart rate variability and geomagnetic activity

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    Results of a study on the effect of the Heart Lock-In meditation technique on the synchronization between heart rate variability and local magnetic field activity is presented in this paper. A technique based on the near-optimal chaotic attractor embedding was applied in order to evaluate the geometrical synchronization between analyzed time series. The results demonstrate that Heart Lock-In technique had a strong influence on the relationship between cardiac and geomagnetic activity