7 research outputs found

    Robust Principal Component Analysis using Density Power Divergence

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) is a widely employed statistical tool used primarily for dimensionality reduction. However, it is known to be adversely affected by the presence of outlying observations in the sample, which is quite common. Robust PCA methods using M-estimators have theoretical benefits, but their robustness drop substantially for high dimensional data. On the other end of the spectrum, robust PCA algorithms solving principal component pursuit or similar optimization problems have high breakdown, but lack theoretical richness and demand high computational power compared to the M-estimators. We introduce a novel robust PCA estimator based on the minimum density power divergence estimator. This combines the theoretical strength of the M-estimators and the minimum divergence estimators with a high breakdown guarantee regardless of data dimension. We present a computationally efficient algorithm for this estimate. Our theoretical findings are supported by extensive simulations and comparisons with existing robust PCA methods. We also showcase the proposed algorithm's applicability on two benchmark datasets and a credit card transactions dataset for fraud detection

    rSVDdpd: A Robust Scalable Video Surveillance Background Modelling Algorithm

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    A basic algorithmic task in automated video surveillance is to separate background and foreground objects. Camera tampering, noisy videos, low frame rate, etc., pose difficulties in solving the problem. A general approach that classifies the tampered frames, and performs subsequent analysis on the remaining frames after discarding the tampered ones, results in loss of information. Several robust methods based on robust principal component analysis (PCA) have been introduced to solve this problem. To date, considerable effort has been expended to develop robust PCA via Principal Component Pursuit (PCP) methods with reduced computational cost and visually appealing foreground detection. However, the convex optimizations used in these algorithms do not scale well to real-world large datasets due to large matrix inversion steps. Also, an integral component of these foreground detection algorithms is singular value decomposition which is nonrobust. In this paper, we present a new video surveillance background modelling algorithm based on a new robust singular value decomposition technique rSVDdpd which takes care of both these issues. We also demonstrate the superiority of our proposed algorithm on a benchmark dataset and a new real-life video surveillance dataset in the presence of camera tampering. Software codes and additional illustrations are made available at the accompanying website rSVDdpd Homepage (https://subroy13.github.io/rsvddpd-home/

    Analysis of the rSVDdpd Algorithm: A Robust Singular Value Decomposition Method using Density Power Divergence

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    The traditional method of computing singular value decomposition (SVD) of a data matrix is based on a least squares principle, thus, is very sensitive to the presence of outliers. Hence the resulting inferences across different applications using the classical SVD are extremely degraded in the presence of data contamination (e.g., video surveillance background modelling tasks, etc.). A robust singular value decomposition method using the minimum density power divergence estimator (rSVDdpd) has been found to provide a satisfactory solution to this problem and works well in applications. For example, it provides a neat solution to the background modelling problem of video surveillance data in the presence of camera tampering. In this paper, we investigate the theoretical properties of the rSVDdpd estimator such as convergence, equivariance and consistency under reasonable assumptions. Since the dimension of the parameters, i.e., the number of singular values and the dimension of singular vectors can grow linearly with the size of the data, the usual M-estimation theory has to be suitably modified with concentration bounds to establish the asymptotic properties. We believe that we have been able to accomplish this satisfactorily in the present work. We also demonstrate the efficiency of rSVDdpd through extensive simulations.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2109.1068

    Robust and Efficient Estimation in Ordinal Response Models using the Density Power Divergence

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    In real life, we frequently come across data sets that involve some independent explanatory variable(s) generating a set of ordinal responses. These ordinal responses may correspond to an underlying continuous latent variable, which is linearly related to the covariate(s), and takes a particular (ordinal) label depending on whether this latent variable takes value in some suitable interval specified by a pair of (unknown) cut-offs. The most efficient way of estimating the unknown parameters (i.e., the regression coefficients and the cut-offs) is the method of maximum likelihood (ML). However, contamination in the data set either in the form of misspecification of ordinal responses, or the unboundedness of the covariate(s), might destabilize the likelihood function to a great extent where the ML based methodology might lead to completely unreliable inferences. In this paper, we explore a minimum distance estimation procedure based on the popular density power divergence (DPD) to yield robust parameter estimates for the ordinal response model. This paper highlights how the resulting estimator, namely the minimum DPD estimator (MDPDE), can be used as a practical robust alternative to the classical procedures based on the ML. We rigorously develop several theoretical properties of this estimator, and provide extensive simulations to substantiate the theory developed

    Asymptotic Breakdown Point Analysis for a General Class of Minimum Divergence Estimators

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    Robust inference based on the minimization of statistical divergences has proved to be a useful alternative to classical techniques based on maximum likelihood and related methods. Basu et al. (1998) introduced the density power divergence (DPD) family as a measure of discrepancy between two probability density functions and used this family for robust estimation of the parameter for independent and identically distributed data. Ghosh et al. (2017) proposed a more general class of divergence measures, namely the S-divergence family and discussed its usefulness in robust parametric estimation through several asymptotic properties and some numerical illustrations. In this paper, we develop the results concerning the asymptotic breakdown point for the minimum S-divergence estimators (in particular the minimum DPD estimator) under general model setups. The primary result of this paper provides lower bounds to the asymptotic breakdown point of these estimators which are independent of the dimension of the data, in turn corroborating their usefulness in robust inference under high dimensional data.Comment: Keywords: Breakdown Point, Minimum S-divergence Estimator, Density Power Divergence, Power Divergence Details: 28 pages, 7 figure