40,977 research outputs found

    Search for the Invisibly Decaying Higgs Particle at LEP and the LHC

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    The Higgs particle can have dominantly invisible decay in a large class of Majoron models as well as some SUSY models. The LEP signal and mass limit for a Higgs particle undergoing invisible decay are explored. They are found to be very similar to those for the standard model decay. The best signatures and discovery limit for an invisibly decaying Higgs particle at the LHC are also discussed. (Invited Talk at the XXIXth Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, M\'eribel, France, 19--26 March 1994.)Comment: 5 Pages + 3 figures available on request, CERN-TH.7221/9

    Solar Neutrino Oscillation - An Overview

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    After a brief summary of the neutrino oscillation formalism and the solar neutrino sources and experiments I discuss the matter effect on solar neutrino oscillation. Then I discuss how the resulting alternative solutions are experimentally resolved in favour of the LMA solution, with particular exphasis on the SK, SNO and KL data.Comment: 13 pages Latex plus 10 eps figures, Plenary Talk at the Xth International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS), Boston, 16-22 August 2004; one figure and a few numbers update

    Comparing the Predictions of two Mixed Neutralino Dark Matter Models with the Recent CDMS II Candidate Events

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    We consider two optimally mixed neutralino dark matter models, based on nonuniversal gaugino masses, which were recently proposed by us to achieve WMAP compatible relic density over a large part of the MSSM parameter space. We compare the resulting predictions for the spin-independent DM scattering cross-section with the recent CDMS II data, assuming the possibility of the two reported candidate events being signal events. For one model the predicted cross-section agrees with the putative signal over a small part of the parameter space, while for the other the agreement holds over the entire WMAP compatible parameter space of the model.Comment: 8 pages with 2 figures, final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Charged Higgs Boson Search at the LHC

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    This review starts with a brief introduction to the charged Higgs boson (H±)(H^\pm) in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). It then discusses the prospects of a relatively light H±H^\pm boson search via top quark decay and finally a heavy H±H^\pm boson search at LHC. The viable channels for H±H^\pm search are discussed, with particular emphasis on the H±−>tau+nuH^\pm -> tau+nu decay channel.Comment: 12 pages including 6 eps figs, Plenary talk at PASCOS'05, Gyeongju, Korea, June 200

    The Charged Higgs Boson Search at LHC

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    This review starts with a brief introduction to the charged Higgs boson (H±)(H^\pm) in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). It then discusses the prospects of a relatively light H±H^\pm boson search via top quark decay and finally a heavy H±H^\pm boson search at LHC. The viable channels for H±H^\pm search are discussed, with particular emphasis on the H±→τνH^\pm \to \tau \nu decay channel.Comment: 12 pages Latex including 6 figs; Invited Review Talk at the 2nd Intl Conf on Physics at LHC, Vienna, 13-17 July 200
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