4,324 research outputs found

    The Leggett-Garg inequality and Page-Wootters mechanism

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    Violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality (LGI) implies quantum phenomena. In this light we establish that the Moreva \textit{et al.} \cite{moreva} experiment demonstrating the Page-Wootter's mechanism \cite{wootters} falls in the quantum domain. An observer outside a 2-photons world does not detect any change in the 2−2-photons state,i.e. there is no time parameter for the outside observer. But an observer attached to one of the photons sees the other photon evolving and this means there is an "internal" time. The LGI is violated for the clock photon whose state evolves with the internal time as measured by the system photon. Conditional probabilities in this 2-photons system are computed for both sharp and unsharp measurements. The conditional probability increases for entangled states as obtained by Page and Wootters for both ideal and also unsharp measurements. We discuss how the conditional probabilities can be used to distinguish between massless and massive gravitons. This is important in the context of gravitational waves.Comment: 5 pages, Late

    (1+1)(1+1) dimensional Dirac equation with non Hermitian interaction

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    We study (1+1)(1+1) dimensional Dirac equation with non Hermitian interactions, but real energies. In particular, we analyze the pseudoscalar and scalar interactions in detail, illustrating our observations with some examples. We also show that the relevant hidden symmetry of the Dirac equation with such an interaction is pseudo supersymmetry.Comment: 9 page

    Scattering states of a particle, with position-dependent mass, in a PT{\cal{PT}} symmetric heterojunction

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    The study of a particle with position-dependent effective mass (pdem), within a double heterojunction is extended into the complex domain --- when the region within the heterojunctions is described by a non Hermitian PT{\cal{PT}} symmetric potential. After obtaining the exact analytical solutions, the reflection and transmission coefficients are calculated, and plotted as a function of the energy. It is observed that at least two of the characteristic features of non Hermitian PT{\cal{PT}} symmetric systems --- viz., left / right asymmetry and anomalous behaviour at spectral singularity, are preserved even in the presence of pdem. The possibility of charge conservation is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, including 6 figures; Journal of Physics A : Math. Theor. (2012

    Scattering states of a particle, with position-dependent mass, in a double heterojunction

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    In this work we obtain the exact analytical scattering solutions of a particle (electron or hole) in a semiconductor double heterojunction - potential well / barrier - where the effective mass of the particle varies with position inside the heterojunctions. It is observed that the spatial dependence of mass within the well / barrier introduces a nonlinear component in the plane wave solutions of the continuum states. Additionally, the transmission coefficient is found to increase with increasing energy, finally approaching unity, whereas the reflection coefficient follows the reverse trend and goes to zero.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    PT\cal{PT} symmetric models with nonlinear pseudo supersymmetry

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    By applying the higher order Darboux algorithm to an exactly solvable non Hermitian PT{\cal{PT}} symmetric potential, we obtain a hierarchy of new exactly solvable non Hermitian PT{\cal{PT}} symmetric potentials with real spectra. It is shown that the symmetry underlying the potentials so generated and the original one is {\it nonlinear pseudo supersymmetry}. We also show that this formalism can be used to generate a larger class of new solvable potentials when applied to non Hermitian systems.Comment: 18 page

    SWKB Quantization Rules for Bound States in Quantum Wells

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    In a recent paper by Gomes and Adhikari (J.Phys B30 5987(1997)) a matrix formulation of the Bohr-Sommerfield quantization rule has been applied to the study of bound states in one dimension quantum wells. Here we study these potentials in the frame work of supersymmetric WKB (SWKB) quantization approximation and find that SWKB quantization rule is superior to the modified Bohr-Sommerfield or WKB rules as it exactly reproduces the eigenenergies.Comment: 8 page
