20 research outputs found


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    In this paper I made a discussion concerning the importance of branding in the strategy of the company. Branding theory and practice evolved in the latest years, being considered a valuable marketing investment. Branding is essential in creating value for the products of a company. Branding is important because it gives meaning to the consumption process. Companies understood that selling without the presence of a strong brand is much more difficult. As a methodology I realized an intersection of the branding and marketing strategy theories. The result is that branding can be regarded as a tool that can enforce all resources of a company towards implementing the strategy

    The Quality of Educational Services in Higher Education – Assurance, Management or Excellence?

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    The present paper has as its target to present the regulations characterizing the quality of educational services in higher education, with a view to identifying the system which is the most efficient and revealing for their real quality. This approach also takes into account the central role that key intellectual and cultural responsibilities play in the development of modern society, as well as the moral impact of higher education on society as a whole. The authors reach the conclusion that, in order to have real quality in higher education, it is important to introduce a quality management system and to constantly improve it, using as feedback the satisfaction of clients and other interested parties, with the intention of attaining performance and excellence.excellence, performance, quality management, quality assurance, quality indicators


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    In this paper we made an analysis of the loyalty in the auto market. We selected a sample from the residents of Craiova and asked them about their intentions concerning satisfaction, repurchase and recommendation regarding their cars. We used as auto market as the base of our study, since the car industry is very attractive to customers. We documented some correlation among the three dimensions of the loyalty. At the applicative level we found out that the loyalty toward the German cars is much higher than the loyalty for the cars from other countries. Further studies are needed to investigate the complex dimensions of the loyalty in-depth


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    In this paper we realized a study regarding the concepts of trademark and brand. There are numerous confusions between the two concepts, among theorists and practitioners. We deepened the debate related to these terms, studying a series of articles and papers in the field. Our research showed that there are differences of substance between the two concepts. If the trademark identifies a property right over an enterprise or a product, the brand is the sum of meanings and significations of a product, beyond the utility of that product or the service

    The Development of the Romanian Academic Research on the Academy of Economic Studies

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    Interdisciplinary academic research is one way to improve education quality via research as this implies scientific development, incorporating high technology into academic processes as well as formulating innovation-driven processes and services. Having these objectives in mind, the current project seeks to act along two major directions: on the one hand, improving the quality of academic research, on the other hand boosting its efficiency and noteworthiness on a world scale. The first vista aims to strengthen academic research capacities, which must be achieved by having education processes meet knowledge-based economy exigencies. From the perspective of this research under discussion, this paper explores the effects of European integration on the quality of Romanian economic higher education in its positioning on the European educational market and the attempts to define its specific profile in the central and eastern-European area. The authors raise questions regarding the roles universities want to play in the future, regarding the awareness towards the needs of the institutions, the needs of the teaching and research staff and, mainly, the needs of the students. On a particularly aggressive market, it becomes necessary that Romanian academic research and higher education on the Academy of Economic Studies should reflect on the first lessons which the new status of the country's European Union membership gives to the Romanian prestigious universities

    Hepatitis C virus: host, environmental and viral factors promoting spontaneous clearance

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a pathogenic entity which determines inflammation and liver damage through complex immune mechanisms. Although progress has been made in managing the disease course, chronic infection still remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality to this day. Because both acute and chronic infection are often asymptomatic, chronic infection is frequently diagnosed when its complications have developed. In a small proportion of cases, the chronic infection does not develop, the immune system managing to cleanse the body from this silent pathogen in the absence of specific treatment, a process called spontaneous viral clearance, which occurs rarely, in about 20-30 % of cases. A competent immune response that manages to eliminate the virus from the organism was associated with IL-28B genetic polymorphism, female gender, young age, which often lead to clinical manifestations of acute hepatitis after initial exposure. Environmental factors such as limited viral exposure also play an important role. These factors and the mechanisms underlying spontaneous clearance are not fully understood but their action is complementary. In this paper, we review the concept of spontaneous clearance of HCV and assess the factors that have been associated with this clinical outcome of the infection


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    Performanta si eficienta: Cheltuieli publice în învatamântul superior. Studiu comparativ: Învatamânt Public vs. Învatamânt Privat în România

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    Romania’s education system is at a cross-road. Important sector reforms initiated after the fall of communism – including curriculum changes, student assessment, teacher training, finance and governance - need to continue to improve education outcomes. However, Romania’s integration into the European Union (EU) will place new demands on the country’s human capital, creating new challenges for the sector. Connected to the tendencies existing at a European level, the paper presents the legislative- normative framework of ensuring the quality of state and private educational services in Romanian Universities. The public – expenditure and a provision on education is a key element of a policy to promote broad-based economic growth. The conclusions of this paper have significant implications for policy makers, employers and students because understanding that the educational system must be characterized by better quality and efficiency is fundamental for our economic future.public education, privat education, university financing


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    Quality and customer satisfaction are important subjects receiving increasing attention worldwide. An organization's ability to remain in business depends entirely on its ability to win and retain customers. The nature and number of competitors and their ability to offer similar products/services at similar prices has led to increasing emphasis being placed on customer care. Customer care is about people pleasing people and it involves specific actions that keep customers satisfied and coming back for more. </span