2,747 research outputs found

    How have MOOCs been portrayed in the New Zealand public media?

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    Reports of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) hit the news media from 2012 with messages of disruption to existing higher education systems. However, several years on their role is still evolving. Given the power of media to influence acceptance of new ideas, this research investigates New Zealand news media representations of MOOCs to the public. A document analysis of twenty seven newspaper articles published in New Zealand mainstream media between January, 2012 and December, 2016 revealed similar results to overseas research, in that MOOCs are predominantly reported as a catalyst for necessary change to higher education, with higher education commonly discussed in commodified terms. Previously published research focuses on the association of MOOCs and elite universities, whereas this research reveals that MOOCs are considered experimental within New Zealand’s higher education system. While New Zealand media present a more balanced perspective than previous research, dominant themes of MOOCs as revolutionising are likely to foster the public’s acceptance of radical changes to existing higher education structures.fals

    Thermal noise in half infinite mirrors with non-uniform loss: a slab of excess loss in a half infinite mirror

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    We calculate the thermal noise in half-infinite mirrors containing a layer of arbitrary thickness and depth made of excessively lossy material but with the same elastic material properties as the substrate. For the special case of a thin lossy layer on the surface of the mirror, the excess noise scales as the ratio of the coating loss to the substrate loss and as the ratio of the coating thickness to the laser beam spot size. Assuming a silica substrate with a loss function of 3x10-8 the coating loss must be less than 3x10-5 for a 6 cm spot size and a 7 micrometers thick coating to avoid increasing the spectral density of displacement noise by more than 10%. A similar number is obtained for sapphire test masses.Comment: Passed LSC (internal) review. Submitted to Phys. Rev. D. (5/2001) Replacement: Minor typo in Eq. 17 correcte

    A Chandra Snapshot Survey of IR-bright LINERs: A Possible Link Between Star Formation, AGN Fueling, and Mass Accretion

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    We present results from a high resolution X-ray imaging study of nearby LINERs observed by Chandra. This study complements and extends previous X-ray studies of LINERs, focusing on the under-explored population of nearby dust-enshrouded infrared-bright LINERs. The sample consists of 15 IR-bright LINERs (L_FIR/L_B > 3), with distances that range from 11 to 26 Mpc. Combining our sample with previous Chandra studies we find that ~ 51% (28/55) of the LINERs display compact hard X-ray cores. The nuclear 2-10 keV luminosities of the galaxies in this expanded sample range from ~ 2 X 10^38 ergs s^-1 to ~ 2 X 10^44 ergs s^-1. We find an intriguing trend in the Eddington ratio vs. L_FIR and L_FIR/L_B for the AGN-LINERs in the expanded sample that extends over seven orders of magnitude in L/L_Edd. This correlation may imply a link between black hole growth, as measured by the Eddington ratio, and the star formation rate (SFR), as measured by the far-IR luminosity and IR-brightness ratio. If the far-IR luminosity is an indicator of the molecular gas content in our sample of LINERs, our results may further indicate that the mass accretion rate scales with the host galaxy's fuel supply. We discuss the potential implications of our results in the framework of black hole growth and AGN fueling in low luminosity AGN. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ 14 pages, 13 figure

    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte lysis of HTLV-1 infected cells is limited by weak HBZ protein expression, but non-specifically enhanced on induction of Tax expression

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    BACKGROUND: Immunogenetic evidence indicates that cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) specific for the weak CTL antigen HBZ limit HTLV-1 proviral load in vivo, whereas there is no clear relationship between the proviral load and the frequency of CTLs specific for the immunodominant antigen Tax. In vivo, circulating HTLV-1-infected cells express HBZ mRNA in contrast, Tax expression is typically low or undetectable. To elucidate the virus-suppressing potential of CTLs targeting HBZ, we compared the ability of HBZ- and Tax-specific CTLs to lyse naturally-infected cells, by co-incubating HBZ- and Tax-specific CTL clones with primary CD4(+) T cells from HLA-matched HTLV-1-infected donors. We quantified lysis of infected cells, and tested whether specific virus-induced host cell surface molecules determine the susceptibility of infected cells to CTL-mediated lysis. RESULTS: Primary infected cells upregulated HLA-A*02, ICAM-1, Fas and TRAIL-R1/2 in concert with Tax expression, forming efficient targets for both HTLV-1-specific CTLs and CTLs specific for an unrelated virus. We detected expression of HBZ mRNA (spliced isoform) in both Tax-expressing and non-expressing infected cells, and the HBZ(26–34) epitope was processed and presented by cells transfected with an HBZ expression plasmid. However, when coincubated with primary cells, a high-avidity HBZ-specific CTL clone killed significantly fewer infected cells than were killed by a Tax-specific CTL clone. Finally, incubation with Tax- or HBZ-specific CTLs resulted in a significant decrease in the frequency of cells expressing high levels of HLA-A*02. CONCLUSIONS: HTLV-1 gene expression in primary CD4(+) T cells non-specifically increases susceptibility to CTL lysis. Despite the presence of HBZ spliced-isoform mRNA, HBZ epitope presentation by primary cells is significantly less efficient than that of Tax. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12977-014-0116-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Rotation and Transport in Alcator C-Mod ITB Plasmas

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    Modelling the evolution of dusty starburst galaxies in multi-band deep surveys

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    We model the constraints set on the evolution of dusty starburst galaxies by the current deep extragalactic surveys performed in the far-infrared with Spitzer\it Spitzer, and at radio wavelengths with the VLA. Our models fit the number counts in all the available spectral bands well, and also provide a reasonably close match to the redshift distribution of the Spitzer\it Spitzer detections. We find: 1.) dusty starburst galaxies with infrared burst phases triggered by galactic interactions at redshift z12z \sim 1-2 are good candidates to fit the Spitzer\it Spitzer results at 24μm24\mu m, 70μm70 \mu m and 160μm160 \mu m, assuming plausible strengths for the PAH features for the infrared luminous sources. An Arp220-like spectral energy distribution (SED) for Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIGs) of Lir>1012LL_{\rm ir}>10^{12} L_{\odot} and one like that of M82 for Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIGs) of Lir101112LL_{\rm ir}\sim 10^{11-12} L_{\odot} give a successful fit to the Spitzer\it Spitzer 24μm24\mu m and ISOCAM15μm\rm ISOCAM 15\mu m number counts at flux levels of Sν<1mJyS_{\nu}< 1 mJy; 2.) the strong evolution of the number density of the ULIGs from redshift z0z\sim 0 to 1\sim 1 predicted by our models is consistent with the current deep 1.4GHz\rm 1.4 GHz radio surveys and accounts for the upturn in the 1.4GHz\rm 1.4 GHz differential counts at the sub-mJy flux level; and 3.) comparing with number counts at near infrared bands, as well as the background measurements using DIRBE and 2MASS, shows that only a fraction of the stellar mass in the Universe is included in our models of dusty starburst mergers at z12z \sim 1 - 2.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    Thermoelastic dissipation in inhomogeneous media: loss measurements and displacement noise in coated test masses for interferometric gravitational wave detectors

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    The displacement noise in the test mass mirrors of interferometric gravitational wave detectors is proportional to their elastic dissipation at the observation frequencies. In this paper, we analyze one fundamental source of dissipation in thin coatings, thermoelastic damping associated with the dissimilar thermal and elastic properties of the film and the substrate. We obtain expressions for the thermoelastic dissipation factor necessary to interpret resonant loss measurements, and for the spectral density of displacement noise imposed on a Gaussian beam reflected from the face of a coated mass. The predicted size of these effects is large enough to affect the interpretation of loss measurements, and to influence design choices in advanced gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, uses REVTeX

    Hard X-ray Luminosities of Multinuclei Infrared Luminous Galaxies Showing a Radio/Far-Infrared Excess

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    We report the results of hard X-ray observations of four multinuclei merging infrared luminous galaxies (IRLGs). We selected these four sources for their excess of radio to far-infrared luminosity ratio compared with starburst galaxies. This excess suggests that activity associated with a supermassive black hole (SMBH) contributes strongly to the IRLGs' bolometric luminosities. Although we expect strong hard X-ray emission from the SMBH-driven activity, the radio-excess multinuclei merging IRLGs show considerably smaller hard X-ray luminosities relative to far-infrared (40-500 μ\mum) and infrared (8-1000 μ\mum) luminosities than active galactic nuclei (AGNs) showing a similar radio-excess. This result may demonstrate that emission in the hard X-ray region from SMBH-driven activity in the multinuclei merging IRLGs is severely suppressed compared to a typical spectral energy distribution of SMBH-driven activity in AGNs. If this is a common property of merging IRLGs, without its correction, hard X-ray observations underestimate the contribution of SMBH-driven activity to the bolometric luminosities of merging IRLGs.Comment: 25 pages of text, 4 figures, aaspp4.sty, Astrophysical Journal, in press (1999, Volume 527

    9.7 um Silicate Features in AGNs: New Insights into Unification Models

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    We describe observations of 9.7 um silicate features in 97 AGNs, exhibiting a wide range of AGN types and of X-ray extinction toward the central nuclei. We find that the strength of the silicate feature correlates with the HI column density estimated from fitting the X-ray data, such that low HI columns correspond to silicate emission while high columns correspond to silicate absorption. The behavior is generally consistent with unification models where the large diversity in AGN properties is caused by viewing-angle-dependent obscuration of the nucleus. Radio-loud AGNs and radio-quiet quasars follow roughly the correlation between HI columns and the strength of the silicate feature defined by Seyfert galaxies. The agreement among AGN types suggests a high-level unification with similar characteristics for the structure of the obscuring material. We demonstrate the implications for unification models qualitatively with a conceptual disk model. The model includes an inner accretion disk (< 0.1 pc in radius), a middle disk (0.1-10 pc in radius) with a dense diffuse component and with embedded denser clouds, and an outer clumpy disk (10-300 pc in radius).Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 14 pages, 5 figures. The on-line table is available at http://cztsy.as.arizona.edu/~yong/silicate_tab1.pd